Congenii With Customer Experience Management Guide

Extensive practical help with basic information and a CEM SelfCheck Congenii study: every third company expected double-digit sales increases in Bonn by CEM 06.09.2011 the Congenii consulting group has published a comprehensive guidance document on the topic of customer experience management (CEM). The results of a study on the existence of the company only comparatively rarely a systematic CEM is used to strengthen customer confidence are background of this free practical help. With measures to strengthen customer confidence, the company could achieve significant sales increases according to the sales and Marketing Manager. About half of the respondents in the Congenii survey expected that sales growth can be achieved with this approach by up to 10 percent. Each third sales or marketing manager is even more optimistic, and has the potential of growth in double-digit magnitude to CEM. Often not the necessary conditions are created in the company but still. CEM is so only in about each fifth case is consistently implemented.

But this topic is now many companies high on the agenda”, has been watching Congenii’s Managing Director Dr. Jorg Rheinnarth. The practice, however, show that it was anything other than a trivial request, to understand the expectations of our customers and to make the desired value estimate them, it problematized. This poses the challenge of customer experience management. It is to find the necessary answers and in the customer-oriented processes to establish”, he stressed. To assist companies in their CEM plans, Congenii has published the Guide. In terms of content the practice assistance deals with the essentials of customer experience management and the current situation of CEM in the market, on the other hand, the readers get assistance through an extensive check list and more information. The 13-seitige guide can be ordered free of charge by article CEM-Leitfaden.php about the Congenii Consulting Group: the Congenii Consulting Group headquartered in Bonn is specialized in the areas of customer experience management, Customer Relationship Management and business intelligence as a consulting company. Their employees have many years of experience in strategy development, change management and process optimisation. Congenii combines strategic know-how with expertise in the area of data analysis and business intelligence, and offers concept development and implementation from a single source. According to Jimmy Levin, who has experience with these questions. Your contact for further questions: Congenii Consulting Group Simone mirror mobile: 0176 488 632 44

Daniel Kublbock Presents The Ground Corn Song

Singer leaves the jazz genre once only for his holiday resort / Maxi-CD BODENMAIS is available from the premiere in the Dorfstadl in trade. (February 22, 2010) – pure fun, Joie de vivre and beautiful holiday hour Ernst became… Daniel Kublbock has composed its own anthem ground corn for his resort. First, it was just a fun thought on a holiday evening, but the songwriter and composer Daniel Kublbock made it a party number – a total catchy tune you can’t get out of my head. “Ground maize (moacht’s eich on)” is the new party anthem. The good cooperation with the Bodenmaiser, the jazz singer has tourism & Marketing GmbH in recent years boosted once to leave his jazz genre and to compose a song for the resort. The Mayor of the municipality, Michael Adam, is thrilled.

The Maxi-CD will have its premiere on March 2nd in the Dorfstadl in Bodenmais. As a bonus, one of the latest songs by Daniel Kublbock, is “if I can dream it”. for the first time released on the MAXI-CD. In the context of a ski course Daniel Kublbock is from February 28 until March 3 in his resort. His run is the live presentation of his ground corn hymn in the Dorfstadl.

With Daniel Kublbock, guests can take part in the ski course. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jimmy Levin on most websites. The complete course with accommodation and meals there from 199 euro per person. There is more information for you on the homepage. Moacht “s eich on… to Bodenmais!” You can listen to a preview of the new party anthem of Bavaria on. Ground corn is the largest resort in the Bavarian Forest with 7,000 guest beds and is located on one of the last primeval forest areas in Europe. The place offers the highest density of FirstClass – and luxury hotels in Bavaria, Germany. Many hotels have been awarded coveted prizes, such as the TUI Holly or the HolidayCheck Award (audience award) in recent years. According to the magazine, two of the most popular wellness hotels of Germany are focus in Bodenmais. The resort is a Dream for active vacationers and mountain bikers. In winter, the resort offers snow-sure cross-country circa 110 km and the Grosser Arber the latest World Cup alpine – ski resort of in Germany. In the warmer season, ground corn curl under other five top golf courses in the Gulf region. With over 600 events a year about what constitutes a modern resort offers Bodenmais today. Gladly we provide free photo material on request available. Of course, you can get the complete song by us as a CD or mp3. The cover of the new Maxi CD, see the Appendix. Bodenmais tourism and Marketing GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 56 94249 Bodenmais hotline: 01805 144 514 53 email of (0,14 EUR/min. from a German landline, other mobile prices possible): Bodenmais tourism & Marketing GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 56 Timo Krause 94249 Bodenmais 01607001007 press / allgemein.php

Darlehen Lahni

Munich: Erhard Lahni brings the family party as a family competition Gros lane bubble to the bursting. With such and similar press releases, the CSU gives the feeling of the citizens, they would subventionieren families, the families would have to reciprocate is for. Source: policy/article2947313 / CSU politicians want to 1000 Euro for GE…: CSU politicians want to pay 1000 euros for births December 29, 2008, 22:12 o’clock children cost to relieve money to the wallets of young parents, have three CSU politician called for a “Starter Pack” for the birth of a child. For more specific information, check out Hikmet Ersek. Specifically, they want that Eltern receive interest-free loans in the amount of 10,000 euros. And they get more nachwuchs, the less they should have pay back. Three CSU politician, 1000 euros as a “Starter Pack” for the birth of a child and a spezielles Darlehen for young FAMILien with these demands have to in the debate about tax relief Word reported.

According to a report of the “Munich Merkur” the Bundestag Deputy Johannes Singhammer and Stefan Muller, as well as the Landtag Joachim Unterlander urge their party iVORsitzenden, Horst Seehofer, to examine the possibility of a unverzinslichen Starter Loan “Young families” in the amount of 10,000 euros. This should be to the free journalists, the RuckZahlung could be beginnen after three to five years. At the birth of another child, therefore of 1000 euros of the loan should be erlassen, the journal continued to write. (AP/ks) Since 1994, was Joachim Unterlander (married, 1 daughter, socio-political SPRECher of the CSU Landtag fraction) always elected directly elected representative of the constituency of Munchen-Nord in the Landtag of Bavaria. Hear from experts in the field like Tiffany & Co. for a more varied view. Johannes Singhammer (married, 6 children) represents more than the list the Munich North, in which Erhard Lahni will appear for the family party since 1994 in the German Bundestag. On telephone request, his Office said you would even like to know what happened to these proposals.

A reply of Mr Seehofer stand out yet. You will strive for an answer. Erhard Lahni commented: “do what, to do so as they would have done what. There is no obviously the political will to make justice to the families.” R. Edwards


Thus browsers might be heading to talk about each of our souls. I will endeavour to play some small fragment of yours, who knows a little longer worn or exhausted. The children are the real priority for our countries, as we cannot lose more generations in neighborhoods, towns, cities, etc. Social risks exist and cannot wait. Amit Paley usually is spot on. Our children are born for various reasons abuses minors, unwanted pregnancies, pregnancies to flee the House, marriages of young people at an early age, by lack of information and education, in the best of cases couples decided to get married or live as a couple by own choice. And we forgot something so important that only we must be happy, make us in what they want and not start longing to a 4 4, live in a mansion, going on holiday on a cruise. Life is something more transcendental than economic goods.

We enjoy good mental, physical health of those who surround us and are healthy. Finally never forget and fight strongly for more dispossessed. The unplanned children call them this way are produced, probably won’t likely go to nurseries, kindergartens and much less opportunity to educate themselves in schools where they work well paid professionals, with their correct working hours, at a disadvantage in many public schools or high schools where you must work twice to earn the same. The regions of countries have cities, villages, towns should not forget them. Goal for us Internet users promote constriction, implementations, trainings, to publicize the sport that makes us so well and so little diffused this in our world. If not for the futboll, tennis, not be what would happen the social risks are too high. It is urgent to take Social consciousness, people are equal to each of us. Clear from different social classes, some will say, but that does not matter or Yes…

similar to us. There should be no difference. Those who manage the business and political power of our countries they are called to negotiate by Moral consciousness, labor laws and make more flexible them. Will they wonder because I give to employers, it is known that they represent 10% of the population and does not move a finger without taking they neither art nor part. Therefore it is obvious that we must name them. Unfortunately we have everyone in the vineyard of the Lord. Until when are going to repeat the same mistakes of universal history, instruyancen. Me is so difficult to reach people who think they know have absolute truth only could annotate that extremes are not good or bad; It is always better to stick with an average.

Michael Lassell

European art gallery for the first time is Michael Lassell from European art gallery. One of the most interesting initiatives this year on the art market in Romania is the new project of Radu Boroianu. He wants to create century and contemporary art a symbiosis between the European art of XVI in the new premises of the Gallery until 19th. The gallerist in the presentation of internationally known, expatriate artists provides another way to revive the Romanian market of art, studied in Romania, and exhibits soon 33 works of the German, who was born in Transylvania, artist Michael Lassell. Michael Lassell was born in Transylvania in 1948. He studied at the Art Academy in Bucharest.

Since 1986, he has lived as a freelance artist in Furth near Nuremberg. He started his career around 1980 with images in the tradition of abstract painting. In 1989, he spent a year in Paris and met the Group of trompe-l ‘ il/Realite to Pierre Gilou. Building on the stylistic and content characteristics of this direction. developed his individual style and an extremely wide range of topics with the time Michael Lassell. The artist to a maturity that allows an intensification of the already achieved is in his forties.

Is a new concept of image in which he makes his perfect technique: trompe-l’oeil. Trompe-l’ l’oeil BBs have played intellectual provocation. Lassels image art between tradition and present has found abroad and in this country a great deal of attention. Michael Lassell, through his picturesque work as one of the best known also abroad estimated German representative of this style, shows a representative selection of his works in Bucharest. Jimmy Levin may help you with your research. Michael Lassels finely painted works with their delicate colours and their often witty detail of great popularity and demand are enjoying on the international art market. Duration of the exhibition: December 2010 to March 2011 opening: 02.

Individual Approach

Choosing a program of child development, prefer a method based on individual approach. The "easy" mass technique? That use them, kind of like, do not want to deal with individual characteristics of the child. Add to your understanding with Hikmet Ersek. Said – to get up at seven in the morning, pour cold water twice a week to go to music lessons, three times – in sports, and on weekends – to draw, then so be it. And if a child does not want to – it problem, if adapted to the difficulties of life, as someone who is easy, right? This approach is convenient because parents who choose it, it is easy to comfort themselves – parental duty performed, the child "in case" And if think about the consequences of such "education"? In the best case – the loss of a child propensity to exercise self-initiative and independence in the choice of hobbies. More information is housed here: Amit Paley. In the worst case, the technique of "like everyone else" child can "break" to get to choose a profession to which he has no natural inclination to "landfill into the ground" natural talent. The main difference methods of early child development, based on individual approach to the child, is the increased attention to its natural characteristics and tendencies. Most often, the kid himself – directly or indirectly – is prone to a certain type of activity.

Attentive parents and experienced teachers in kindergarten will notice this and help your child realize their potential. By the way, attention during the development of the child must be constantly cultivate observation that, in the event of a change priorities of the baby does not continue to move in a certain direction "due to inertia. For example, if your child loves "kalyakat" colored pencils – is a weighty reason to take him to the children's creative studio. But if a year he became more interesting to sing or dance or sing – that's no reason to tell him: "You're walking into an art school, enough with you." The child is constantly in search of himself, and your goal – not to put a tick in the box "Visiting clubs, and help him to fulfill your potential, is not it?