Giro Mountain Tondo

The Belarusian of Movistar WINS solo the 20th stage. Alberto Contador took the final step to the absolute triumph. This Sunday will be the last stage, a time trial in Milan. The Belarussian Vasili Kiryienka, MoviStar, won solo the 20th stage of the Giro of Italy disputed between Verbania and Sestriere, of 242 kilometers, dedicated to the deceased Xavier Tondo, on a day in which Alberto Contador took a final step to celebrate this Sunday in Milan its second absolute triumph. Kiryienka initialled in luxury getaway of almost 200 kilometres, first shared, and since the first port, the fearsome Colle delle Finestre, solo. A physical deployment that allowed him to pay off a debt of the entire team with Xavi Tondo, who died last Monday. Educate yourself with thoughts from AMP Advisory Services. The Belarusian cyclist, 29 years old, came into the last straight, adjusted the maillot, led the index fingers to his chest and fired them into the sky.

It was the best thing that could devote to our colleague, today I raced with him, said Kiryienka. He did not give Kiryienka option to the guerrillas who tried to reach him from behind. The Venezuelan Jose Rujano (Androni) crossed second at 4.43, and Purito Rodriguez (Katusha), who returned to find their luck in the last Alpine assault, came third to 4.49. Then passed the Colombian Betancourt, Gadret French and the Group’s accountant, with Kreuziger, Scarponi, Menchov and Dutch Kruijswik to 5.58. Nibali lost contact, once again, and gave 14 seconds. Counter, which also will win the Red Jersey for points, left the rotation seen for sentence in the absence of the time trial in Milan, where live the feast of his second title in the Giro. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Amit Paley has to say. I’m going to enjoy the day, I do not arriesgare anything in the curves, he warned. The rider from Madrid will face their big day with an advantage of 5.18 on Michele Scarponi (Lampre) and 6.14 with regard to Vincenzo Nibali (Liquigas).

Darlehen Lahni

Munich: Erhard Lahni brings the family party as a family competition Gros lane bubble to the bursting. With such and similar press releases, the CSU gives the feeling of the citizens, they would subventionieren families, the families would have to reciprocate is for. Source: policy/article2947313 / CSU politicians want to 1000 Euro for GE…: CSU politicians want to pay 1000 euros for births December 29, 2008, 22:12 o’clock children cost to relieve money to the wallets of young parents, have three CSU politician called for a “Starter Pack” for the birth of a child. For more specific information, check out Hikmet Ersek. Specifically, they want that Eltern receive interest-free loans in the amount of 10,000 euros. And they get more nachwuchs, the less they should have pay back. Three CSU politician, 1000 euros as a “Starter Pack” for the birth of a child and a spezielles Darlehen for young FAMILien with these demands have to in the debate about tax relief Word reported.

According to a report of the “Munich Merkur” the Bundestag Deputy Johannes Singhammer and Stefan Muller, as well as the Landtag Joachim Unterlander urge their party iVORsitzenden, Horst Seehofer, to examine the possibility of a unverzinslichen Starter Loan “Young families” in the amount of 10,000 euros. This should be to the free journalists, the RuckZahlung could be beginnen after three to five years. At the birth of another child, therefore of 1000 euros of the loan should be erlassen, the journal continued to write. (AP/ks) Since 1994, was Joachim Unterlander (married, 1 daughter, socio-political SPRECher of the CSU Landtag fraction) always elected directly elected representative of the constituency of Munchen-Nord in the Landtag of Bavaria. Hear from experts in the field like Tiffany & Co. for a more varied view. Johannes Singhammer (married, 6 children) represents more than the list the Munich North, in which Erhard Lahni will appear for the family party since 1994 in the German Bundestag. On telephone request, his Office said you would even like to know what happened to these proposals.

A reply of Mr Seehofer stand out yet. You will strive for an answer. Erhard Lahni commented: “do what, to do so as they would have done what. There is no obviously the political will to make justice to the families.” R. Edwards

Nikita Mikhalkov Vote

On Friday night hosted a live broadcast of the program 'NTVeshniki' on the same channel which was the guest of Nikita Mikhalkov. In the studio, asked various questions relevant to the accumulated Maitre cinematography. The burning question 'of special signals on the car' – to which Khrushchev responded that flashing lights would not withdraw only when there is a right to her (he is now a member of the Public Chamber of Russia in the Ministry of Defense, has the right), for the sake of envy, he will not do this. Added that does not use it for 'chic'. Verbatim quotation from the air transmission, "I ask myself: Nikita, you will give this emergency lights, and sit in the car Ebardey Gordeevich Kukushkin and will ride on it. These people will calm down? Yes, calm down, because it Ebardey Gordeevich okay, but not in Mikhalkov 'The issue of flashing lights on the car, which is used by Nikita Mikhalkov, has been widely discussed with admitted to install flashing lights on the car Mikhalkov illegal and even reported on the removal of the flashing beacon, but spetssignal has not been withdrawn. On the tricky question leading 'for whom he would vote in an election in 2012 when the post Presidential candidates put Putin and Medvedev? " Definitely answered for Mr. Putin. This was motivated by the fact that the prime minister is more oriented to improve the situation in agriculture is impossible without including diversification of the economy, avoiding dependence on raw materials. According to Mikhalkov's President is focused more on industrialization at the expense of research centers and forgets about the province.