Montgo Natural Park

Denia is a beautiful and friendly town situated on the Mediterranean coast between the cities of Alicante and Valencia. NY Governor: the source for more info. Among the many privileges of this land is to underscore its 322 days of sunshine per year and an average temperature of 18 C or 65 F. This city has a resident population of approximately 33,000 inhabitants. Although the summer months there are numerous people of all nationalities, who choose to spend a splendid season in these sunny lands. (Similarly see: Rob Daley). Denia has 20 miles of coastline. To the north, sandy beaches on the south, steep and rocky beaches, as the beach of Les Rotes, formed by many small coves and spots of great beauty. Read more here: Ahmed Shary Rahman. Year after year, the EU attaches to these beaches the blue flag, to distinguish them for their cleanliness and equipment. This land is imbued with evocations to other times and other cultures.

These memories make us aware that Denia has been Arab, Roman, Carthaginian and Iberians. And as evidence of the constant passing of civilizations, we can now offers numerous examples of architecture among which the magnificent castle that presides Denia. With a little luck, your stay in Denia can match one of the celebrations that enliven the city each year and prepare a calendar of festivals and cultural fairly complete: Las Fallas in March, Easter in April, Bonfires of San Juan in June, celebrations in July, Defiling the Moors y Christians in August. In any of these parties is guaranteed fun, color, music and dance. Denia has been and seafood. Walk through some of its oldest neighborhoods on the port or between people who come to the auction so evidence. Of course, where this tradition is also evident in its delicious seafood cuisine is where the undisputed star is rice in its many forms of development, among which the famous paella.

The typical dishes of this land have the players to shellfish and fresh fish, to vegetables and fresh fruits. The city of Denia is well connected by road and rail. No exit from the highway A-7 and from Ondara, connection to the national road N-332. The railway, narrow gauge, connecting the provincial capital, Alicante, with the city of Denia. To give you a real idea of the distances we know that Denia is 100 km in two provincial capitals: Alicante and Valencia. It is also only 58 km from Benidorm. By boat, there is daily service to the Balearic Islands is, with so cosmopolitan islands like Ibiza, as beautiful as Palma de Mallorca or Menorca and Formentera as quiet as the rest of the islands. And in my free time if you feel like you can enjoy beautiful excursions in the surroundings of Denia, disparate sites that encourage you to take excursions to the caves carved, Camel or Cave Water Cave, the Cape or Cape San Antonio de la Nao, Montgo Natural Park or Marine Reserve of Cabo de San Antonio.


This proven scientifically that the atheroma are films that form around the walls of the arteries that both contain bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and the accumulation of them produces the infarction. But is also scientifically proven (and this I think is the greatest contribution of this article) that stress produces atheroma! Therefore, as a logical consequence, greater stress, greater amount of atheroma and greater chance of heart attack. They have done numerous studies indicating that relaxation in any of its forms, can contribute to the control of stress. same conclusion. Jacobson and Bernstein scientists discovered that the progressive relaxation through visualization exercises in the imagination, where the causal problems of psychological stress, are isolated and destroyed mentally and focuses the solution and not the problem causing the stress. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jimmy Levin. Relaxation which is achieved this way relieves anxiety and mental anguish. However there are still effects in the human body physically talking about. The way of alleviating this problem is through tension and muscle relaxation exercises. That is applying the principles of the elastic League, and following appropriate methods, muscles are tautened and distensados managed to make feel a very convenient relaxation..

Istanbul Golf Club

Why the Turkey as a golf destination in the fall is particularly attractive winter with mixed feelings contrary to watch golfers in Central Europe. When autumn rain softens the courts or even snow covers them, then months of abstinence from the Gulf are imminent long! Not every golfer would like to resign himself. A golf trip in a southern country would be a good idea for all golf enthusiasts who want to not only sit at home waiting for the spring. Average maximum temperatures of 26 C prevail in September in Istanbul, and the sun shines eight hours a day. Even in October, 20 C are reached on many days, and it may be included with six hours of sunshine per day. Into ideal conditions for golfers are so until October. Only in November, it is cool and rainy in Istanbul. Anyone wishing to make even golf holiday in Turkey very late in the year, can opt for Belek, the Turkish stronghold of the golf.

Several courses are about 30 km around the city on the Turkish Riviera, East of Antalya. Mediterranean climate ensures high temperatures in and around Belek until far in the autumn. In October, the average day highs exceed 20 C 26 C in November. The golf season in Belek falls on the October and November and February to April. Interesting places of Istanbul Golf Club has a nine hole golf course, established in the year 1895. This course is situated on the European side of Istanbul, as well as the challenging 18-hole course of the Kemer Golf & country club. Guests are always welcome in both places.

In the surroundings of Belek is likely selecting a place difficult for golfers! Scenic, extraordinarily beautiful area, the 18-hole course of the Robinson is Club nobilis. It stretches in a pine forest. Golf course was built on the shores of the sea of Lykia links. A 9-hole practice course was attached to this challenging 18-hole course. The most beautiful hotels of golf enthusiasts who want to stay close to the Istanbul Golf Club, could be in the “the House Hotel” Rent a Bosphorus”, a small house with personal atmosphere (23 rooms). The luxurious “Radisson blue Bosphorus hotel” is located not far from the Golf Club. It has 120 rooms, sauna, bar and Sun terrace. Golf vacation in Istanbul is also the possibility to be able to visit, such as the Hagia Sophia the great sights of the metropolis of the Bosphorus. In Belek, the large hotel “Gloria Golf Resort” 515 rooms. For a change, the guests in the pool area or in the fitness center of the hotel can operate athletic! It’s very posh “Kempinski Hotel the dome” equipped in Belek. Amit Paley can aid you in your search for knowledge. It has 157 rooms, indoor pool and wellness area and its own 36-hole golf course. Eight other golf courses can be found in the vicinity of the hotel.

Adriatic Sea

Needless to say, that, like everything else in Montenegro, the lake is beautiful beyond words! But It is famous for not only this, but also a record number of fish and birds that inhabit its waters and along its shores. Accordingly, the fishermen on the Skadar Lake is also rife. A lot of those who loves to engage berdvotchingom, that is bird-watching and photography on them. By the way, it is very fashionable in recent years tourist fun. And, of course, wonderful restaurants here, where the river eat the freshest fish feed, and at parting, and yet something will be presented with a memento of Montenegro.

National cuisine of Montenegro you know the smell of fresh fish when it is fried with garlic in olive oil? It smells so that, even had dinner an hour ago, you're sure you order the fish. Montenegro – the perfect place for those who enjoy fresh fish and seafood this good there in abundance, the prices are low, portions are large. By the way, among all the seafood ones from the Adriatic Sea, is considered the most useful: Adriatic Sea – the most pure. And it is scientifically established fact! Almost every seaside restaurant Montenegro prepared squid with garlic and spinach. This dish can be eaten and not get fat kilograms or per gram. For even more opinions, read materials from Jeff Gennette. In the second in popularity – the Italian kitchen.

The reason is clear: Italy – very close, so that all kinds of pasta and pizza near and dear to the Montenegrins. 25-30 euro in Montenegro can be a very good dinner for two. How to get to Montenegro from In Russia, Montenegrin airports Tivat and Podgorica directly fly aircraft of several airlines, "Siberia", "Muscovy, Sky-Espress and a small but proud Montenegrin company Montenegro Airlines. Some of these trips you can go to Montenegro nearly every day. Price question is about 350 euros. The flight lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes. Visa requirements for Russian tourists, who decided to rest in Montenegro is not required. That's one reason why this country super. Money as Montenegro uses the national currency, the euro. And not because it is part of the European Union. Just the country has no money. For example, appeared before the euro cash (ie, before January 1, 2002), Montenegrin money had to be German brand.

Lublin Vinnitsa

Here, in 1362 there was a great battle between the Lithuanian and Tatar forces. The Tatars were defeated. This determined the fate of Podolia, from that moment it came under the control of the Lithuanian state. One of the decisive conditions for the successful defense of the land from the Mongol-Tatar invaders was the construction of fortifications around the city. Learn more about this with Macy’s Inc.. Vineyard was first mentioned in chronicles in Lithuania in 1363 as. Historians have variously attributed the origin of the name of the city. The most probable hypothesis is, according to which the name "Vinnitsa" comes from the ancient words 'Wine' which means 'acquisition' as Podolsk lands were actually purchasing the Lithuanian princes, it is most likely that the name 'Vinica' comes from the word 'wine'. Socio-economic development Eastern Podolia in XIV – XVI centuries, characterized by slow but ongoing process of forming the 'mills' on the Polish model. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Thredup.

The development of Vinnitsa went hand in hand with the strengthening of the feudal system. After conclusion of the Union of Lublin (1569) became a Bratslav Vinnitsa province. At the end of the XVI century Vinnitsa is a real city, becoming a center of trade and commerce, the economic center and begins to play Bratslavschiny significant role of the country. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1580, 1593 and 1634 respectively Vinnitsa gets the privilege of the right bestamozhennoy trade across the Polish-Lithuanian state. In the history of Vinnitsa 30-40th years of the XVII century was a period of significant economic and cultural development.

Water Taxi

If you decide to rest in St. Petersburg, now at your disposal not only pleasure and excursion boats and taxi along the Neva River. Issue a public waterway city officials were engaged in 2001.

Then the task was entrusted to the State Inspectorate for small boat. Early last year, the authority to regulate activities in the small size of the river fleet were transferred to the Committee on transport-transit policy, which engaged in the development of the project “Water Taxi”. Currently, the city committee drafted the 27 routes. St. Petersburg Government has set a goal for the next year to run the maximum number of routes, to equip them with the necessary infrastructure. “We developed the 8 routes.

Boats will make frequent stops – not far from the subway or bus stops – the chairman of the Committee on For transport-transit policy of the Government of St. Petersburg Nakolay Asaul. – This is a very convenient form of transport. For Fans FC “Zenit”, for example, from the “Sports” to the football stadium on Krestovsky can be reached in just 6 minutes. ” The central line will run from ‘Fairgrounds’ in Central Nevka Sinop to the waterfront. Main stop: the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bronze Horseman. Seaside Seaside line will connect and Kalinin regions. Taxis will take place on the Neva from the Great Park to the 300th anniversary of the waterfront through Central Park Arsenal. C on May 29 in St. Petersburg opening four lines of water transport: two urban and two suburban. Taxis will link St. Petersburg and Kronstadt (Kronstadt line), and Kronstadt, Lomonosov (Suburban line). For the first time this year, begin to work intercity routes. As reported by the Committee on transport-transit policy on urban traffic lines, interval is 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Day bus will run every half hour. And in Central, and Seaside taxi line will run from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Flight schedule during the week is structured in such a way that, above all, ensure that transport those traveling to or from work. The most expensive St Petersburg would cost a taxi ride through the Kronstadt – 98 rubles. The cheapest – tickets on suburban lines – 39 rubles. At the intra-route fixed fare of 50 rubles. Water Taxi can accommodate up to 14 people. Only minus – in the winter or in stormy weather, water taxi will not work. The boat is equipped with modern navigation and safety by all means – vests, life rafts.


There is hardly a person at least once visited the two Russian capitals, which would not pay attention to the differences between Moscow and St. Petersburg. And the first difference that you see between the cities, oddly enough, is not the mentality of the people or the very appearance of the city. A stark contrast for visitors represent Moscow and St. Petersburg hotels. If the hotel complexes of the capital rather have a craving for "gigantism", in Petersburg hotels produce almost "miniature" impression – all very cozy, comfortable, but somehow without oscillation. For authoritative commentary on this issue, we appealed to Vladimir V.

Kotov – professional hoteliers who manages the park-hotel "Bitza" known novel, unconventional approach. To conduct the conversation we were invited to "Bittsevsky hearth, a cozy restaurant, a surprisingly relevant general style" Bitza ". Here reign enticing aromas, the atmosphere of relaxation and comfort, all by itself are more likely to hold a pleasant conversation, than to the intense business conversation. Reporter: – Vladimir V., thanks for your time. Unexpected reception – your restaurant to be very hotel, very relaxing ambiance. Vladimir Kotov: – And what else. Restaurant – this is often the second person of any hotel, but for us and our guests – an integral part of the "Bitza", in which reflected the general spirit of our complex. "Bittsevsky Hearth – this is not just a place to eat." We organize the food and recreation for athletes and delegations of the competition, the fans. We can say – keep mark.