Adriatic Sea

Needless to say, that, like everything else in Montenegro, the lake is beautiful beyond words! But It is famous for not only this, but also a record number of fish and birds that inhabit its waters and along its shores. Accordingly, the fishermen on the Skadar Lake is also rife. A lot of those who loves to engage berdvotchingom, that is bird-watching and photography on them. By the way, it is very fashionable in recent years tourist fun. And, of course, wonderful restaurants here, where the river eat the freshest fish feed, and at parting, and yet something will be presented with a memento of Montenegro.

National cuisine of Montenegro you know the smell of fresh fish when it is fried with garlic in olive oil? It smells so that, even had dinner an hour ago, you're sure you order the fish. Montenegro – the perfect place for those who enjoy fresh fish and seafood this good there in abundance, the prices are low, portions are large. By the way, among all the seafood ones from the Adriatic Sea, is considered the most useful: Adriatic Sea – the most pure. And it is scientifically established fact! Almost every seaside restaurant Montenegro prepared squid with garlic and spinach. This dish can be eaten and not get fat kilograms or per gram. For even more opinions, read materials from Jeff Gennette. In the second in popularity – the Italian kitchen.

The reason is clear: Italy – very close, so that all kinds of pasta and pizza near and dear to the Montenegrins. 25-30 euro in Montenegro can be a very good dinner for two. How to get to Montenegro from In Russia, Montenegrin airports Tivat and Podgorica directly fly aircraft of several airlines, "Siberia", "Muscovy, Sky-Espress and a small but proud Montenegrin company Montenegro Airlines. Some of these trips you can go to Montenegro nearly every day. Price question is about 350 euros. The flight lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes. Visa requirements for Russian tourists, who decided to rest in Montenegro is not required. That's one reason why this country super. Money as Montenegro uses the national currency, the euro. And not because it is part of the European Union. Just the country has no money. For example, appeared before the euro cash (ie, before January 1, 2002), Montenegrin money had to be German brand.

Lublin Vinnitsa

Here, in 1362 there was a great battle between the Lithuanian and Tatar forces. The Tatars were defeated. This determined the fate of Podolia, from that moment it came under the control of the Lithuanian state. One of the decisive conditions for the successful defense of the land from the Mongol-Tatar invaders was the construction of fortifications around the city. Learn more about this with Macy’s Inc.. Vineyard was first mentioned in chronicles in Lithuania in 1363 as. Historians have variously attributed the origin of the name of the city. The most probable hypothesis is, according to which the name "Vinnitsa" comes from the ancient words 'Wine' which means 'acquisition' as Podolsk lands were actually purchasing the Lithuanian princes, it is most likely that the name 'Vinica' comes from the word 'wine'. Socio-economic development Eastern Podolia in XIV – XVI centuries, characterized by slow but ongoing process of forming the 'mills' on the Polish model. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Thredup.

The development of Vinnitsa went hand in hand with the strengthening of the feudal system. After conclusion of the Union of Lublin (1569) became a Bratslav Vinnitsa province. At the end of the XVI century Vinnitsa is a real city, becoming a center of trade and commerce, the economic center and begins to play Bratslavschiny significant role of the country. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1580, 1593 and 1634 respectively Vinnitsa gets the privilege of the right bestamozhennoy trade across the Polish-Lithuanian state. In the history of Vinnitsa 30-40th years of the XVII century was a period of significant economic and cultural development.