Higher Education

The pludoni GmbH at the Conference ‘Career 2011’ in Zittau on the 22.11.2011 was the pludoni GmbH to the third Conference of the career service of the university of Zittau / Gorlitz and the IHI Zittau, to actual topICS of personnel management, eingeLaden. Central Betrachtungen of the staff Conference were by, particular in the field of the Hochschulrecruitings. From 13: 00 to 19: 00 spoke five speakers on personnel issues, set statistics, pointed to current trends, especially in the MINT business, and went over to connect in a discussion board. The teilnehmenden part Referenten of the staff conference came from very different areas, with the problem of the insufficient number of MINT students and the increased ABBrecher quota in these courses of enormer importance. The Weiteren asked inwieweit gezieltes Hochschulrecruiting increase the rate of women in MINT courses could. Mrs Andrea Kunwald, project manager of the initiative MINT create”future, regretted especially coming us enormous MINT shortages with the consequent value added loss in Germany and appeals to integrate therefore at least two MST to graduating in the compulsory area of high schools, as well as support the highly sought after MINT industry. “More ways to integrate students, as early as possible in companies showed Mrs Silvia Tillmann of Hochschule Zittau / Gorlitz with your College project mentor network” on. Then two students reported from your experience of the mentor program.

The mentee Gets a mentor provided by the company on its side and can benefit from its experience, networking, practical experience collecting and writing theses. It is not unusual that the contacts between the two over a longer period are retained. Also, Mrs. Janka Schmeisser of i potential said Ltd. about a possible career in Internet startups, where career changers as well as generalists are needed. Finally, Mr Mirko Kisser of celloon GmbH on the topic was Mobile recruiting”and the age of the digital native”.

Internal Or External Planning

What should I use for planning and when? People who schedule meetings, appointments or meetings, is nowadays indispensable to use an online appointment scheduler. There are many types of planning scenarios, with which we have to deal with in our business or social life. Internal and external planning – can divide into two broad categories – these scenarios. In the following we will show you a definition for each category: internal planning: occurs when you define your availability in advance and people with you on the basis of this availability plan time. Internal planning can be done automatically with the chosen time is scheduled automatically or manually, and determine the time and also confirm. External planning: happens if you pronounce a meeting invitation and propose one or more times. The people then respond with your availability and select time and press. Now we want to look at once, which appointment planning scenarios under the individual Fall categories.

Internal scheduling can be used in three scenarios: for the scheduling of customer appointments – people choose a single time and the date will be set automatically. For planning repetitive activities the same way – about report meetings, product demonstrations, interviews, etc. Here the people also choose a single time and the meeting is booked automatically. For the planning of four-eyes talks – people choose some times and look out to that which is best for you. This scenario covers four-eyes talks where different types of participants can be involved in.

External scheduling can be applied in two scenarios: propose some times for group meetings – participants respond with their availability and choose and confirm the appointment. Four-eyes talks – as at the meetings of the group, but with only one person. From the above discussion, we can see that four-eyes talks internally and externally can be planned.

Hannoversche Strasse

In three intervals exams with the assistance of the competent employee perspective, ensuring that Piepenbrock can optimally provide the agreed services. Next to the Town Hall, Piepenbrock cleans high school, secondary school, both main school, primary schools, kindergartens and other buildings. “Piepenbrock Goes beyond green since the beginning of the year 2010 are the Piepenbrock Group GmbH + Co. KG its long-standing commitment to the environment one binding name: motto Piepenbrock Goes Green” Piepenbrock designed internal processes as well as services and products in all areas of the business more environmentally friendly. Thus the company integrated the component environment into its sustainability concept.

Piepenbrocks projects in the framework of Piepenbrock goes green”, it is committed to contribute to the protection of the environment. The vision: the CO2 neutral services. Piepenbrock manages growth with an innovative and sustainable partner campaign enables Piepenbrock its customers concrete to make a contribution to active protection of the environment. Within the framework of the growth”, the company for the new revenues generated by its customer plants trees in the Brandenburg natural park Stechlin in the Ruppin land, where Piepenbrock maintains the company’s forest of Rhine Hagen on over 2,200 ha. This guarantees its customers with an individual certificate Piepenbrock. Through the sustainable management of the forest since the mid-1990s, the company again leads back the forest to its original state as an efficient ecosystem. Here, many species find their habitat. With additional Fallobstwiesen, Piepenbrock promotes biodiversity.

A forester wakes at any time about the ecological implementation of forestry measures in the Piepenbrock area. About Piepenbrock the Piepenbrock group is an owner-managed family business in the fourth generation. Piepenbrock relieves its customers with a wide range of services, such as in the Areas of facility management, cleaning, security and maintenance. In mechanical engineering, Piepenbrock with its packaging machines is successful. In addition, the company for its chemical products is known. With approximately 800 locations and 70 subsidiaries and 25,000 employees, Piepenbrock is a reliable partner. We take responsibility for the environment. Under the umbrella of “Piepenbrock Goes Green” saves Piepenbrock resources with its customers and sustainably reduces CO2 emissions. Piepenbrock puts the first fuel cell vehicle in its fleet this year and generated in 0, 00 g CO2 emissions. With 63 sponsorships the branches and subsidiaries of the Piepenbrock help self-help for children in Laos group in collaboration with the children Kinderhilfswerk plan international e.V. in the long term. This commitment to sustainably improve living conditions in one of the poorest regions of the world.

How Sync Your Samsung Phone Without App With Your CRM

Mobility and a neat CRM system are a must for business communication. Greifenberg/Munich, June 6, 2012 Omni technology solution (www.omni-ts.com), the first provider of a server-side integration of different CRM systems, offers seamless, bi-directional synchronization between leading CRM systems and Microsoft Exchange with Riva CRM Integration Server. Riva connects mobile devices like all Samsung smartphones Android as only CRM synchronization solution with its server-side installation (or via Riva cloud as a cloud offering) seamlessly without installing an app with your CRM system. Riva integrated CRM address and Kalenderapplikationen in the respective email clients or the native Android email, offline. Riva is available as on-premise and cloud solution. Google’s Android is on the rise as Smartphone operating system.

The NPD Group found in a study for the first quarter of 2012 already a 61% market share. Recently, Samsung presented the new Samsung Galaxy S3, this just in the trade comes. Samsung announced model with the introduction of this new Galaxy, that in the year 2012 200 million are sold Samsung smartphones and thus the annual market share is to be expanded by 21% to over 24%. This target was exceeded already in the first quarter, according to the company’s market share was 29%. Samsung currently offers fifteen different smartphones on Android: the most popular Samsung series include nexus and the Galaxy. Riva CRM integration supports all of these Android smartphones with its server-side CRM integration and it leverages the native screen size and the user interface of the Samsung devices. The use of mobile devices is very heterogeneous in companies. “Our customers appreciate it, that no matter whether iPhone or Samsung or other Android smartphones be used them with just a Riva installation (or about Riva cloud a cloud solution) all staff can assist with mobile CRM” says Dr.-ing. Thomas Fleissner, Omni Germany. Riva gives users the freedom “in the choice of their smartphones and saves having to support a wide range of apps and plugins the administrators time and effort.” Riva is installed once on a Windows Server or accesses on Riva cloud a cloud solution on the server and supplied to the various devices as also applications for thousands of users with a seamless CRM synchronization.

Dog Training

When we found this house, not sitting still, always looking for what would sneak a lump of wool, called a pup, no one thought about the show career. Because it took, how many say "for the soul." And so time passed, the puppy turns into a beautiful dog, and when asked again in the sixth, is not placed whether your dog, we decided to find out what it is. Thus, the exhibition. This is an opportunity to look at others and show yourself. This is a report of experienced breeders on their work. Here you can admire the beautiful dogs, socialize with the owners.

And now we're going to the first exhibition, pre-registered, puppy class (6-9 months). At the club. Registration is usually completed within 15 days before the show. We have already imagined the dog will be nice to run side by side, proudly raising his head, the first place, cups, pictures on the cover of the magazine. Nothing like this has happened. The puppy ran as a frantic, strained forward, pulling ringovku. But the judge was gracious to us and gave us our first title, "best puppy", but to us it was a shame. For reference.

In the puppy class experts usually do not judge strictly, in the description written motion, the compactness, the behavior of the ring. The time has come to engage with the handler. Selecting the hall near the house, and two sessions a week for half an hour, we started training dogs to shows.

Plan Now Improve

Do you see that you will get only as far as your weakest link permits. Where is yours? Such as ending your weakness all have our weaknesses. When you find yours, you've taken a major step and the most difficult. Now you know which area to attack. … And then your productivity will soar.

But before going to detect your weaknesses. For starters: Do not worry if you all have them. It is impossible to be the best at everything. Only you will sense your limitations and work on them to eliminate them. Because the good news is that all constraints are surmountable. I personally had a hard time went on with an important task for two hours to solve it. Interruptions and my lack of concentration killed building my Web Maseficaz.com.

My weak point was the discipline to immerse myself in the most important task of continued and uninterrupted. So I decided above all correct my weak point. The first days were not easy, but after 20 days of trying, I got it. He could pick a difficult task without looking up for two hours. Then I started noticing dramatic results. Finish with hundreds of outstanding work and my site began to take shape. Your Plan Now's your turn: When you finish reading this email, think of something you are not good. Search that limit you brake. When you detect it, think about how to improve it. Write all solutions that come to mind. Your progress can be so spectacular your results will skyrocket. A friend told me that to improve their sales had to make not to be nervous with key customers and to expand the range of products in their appointments with them. Identified at which point the interview became more nervous. It was the end, when he had to close the deal to expand the collection. Having identified this weakness, he devoted himself body and soul to train shows a relaxed interview where his client was getting convinced of the advantages of buying more. Stopped doing many small things to concentrate on his main limitation. Within three weeks, 37% managed to increase sales with these customers. Your password was not working longer hours, but to identify its limits and work on it. Now spend 10 minutes (with the watch in hand), to identify something that you limit and think about how to improve it. Then take the measures that are needed. You will notice a dramatic improvement.

The Bank

Regarding the designation of the notary before whom go to grant the respective public deed, shall be pursuant to law notary, should be done expressly this circumstance in the same booklet. Failure to comply with the obligation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be considered violation of the provisions in the second paragraph of article 48 of the Law 26/1988, of July 29, discipline and intervention of credit institutions, and shall be punished in accordance with their title I. It is very important to read before signing all documents, or give them to someone you trust who understands them read, normally a professional lawyer who can advise you. The small print is very important to understand it and know it, take your time. The Bank has the obligation to provide information to the client and be a transparent information and the client to request documents that are needed, so good banking practices demand it and so is stipulated by the Bank of Spain if also contracted once insurance the risk materialized it occurs the insurer must comply with its part and to compensate the beneficiary of the insurance in the amountthe fight with the Bank and the insurance company usually strenuous, since it seems an obstacle course almost insurmountable, putting drawbacks and barriers on all sides. It is curious that when it comes to formalize the loan almost came implicit insurance and barely notes it, because it was de facto tax without realizing, yet at the time of payment of the amount of it all are a: lack this or another, or attempt to avail themselves of the exemption clauses, still not having many times the reason for his part. In these cases we recommend that before this alley without output and to see a light at the end comes to a firm of lawyers where professional will attempt to deal with the insurance company ensuring their interests, which should have been protected from the start. .