Dog Training

When we found this house, not sitting still, always looking for what would sneak a lump of wool, called a pup, no one thought about the show career. Because it took, how many say "for the soul." And so time passed, the puppy turns into a beautiful dog, and when asked again in the sixth, is not placed whether your dog, we decided to find out what it is. Thus, the exhibition. This is an opportunity to look at others and show yourself. This is a report of experienced breeders on their work. Here you can admire the beautiful dogs, socialize with the owners.

And now we're going to the first exhibition, pre-registered, puppy class (6-9 months). At the club. Registration is usually completed within 15 days before the show. We have already imagined the dog will be nice to run side by side, proudly raising his head, the first place, cups, pictures on the cover of the magazine. Nothing like this has happened. The puppy ran as a frantic, strained forward, pulling ringovku. But the judge was gracious to us and gave us our first title, "best puppy", but to us it was a shame. For reference.

In the puppy class experts usually do not judge strictly, in the description written motion, the compactness, the behavior of the ring. The time has come to engage with the handler. Selecting the hall near the house, and two sessions a week for half an hour, we started training dogs to shows.