Universal Respect

In a society whose man enjoys of the free will, what he must predominate is the respect to the plurality and the diverse forms of divine manifestations. Sad episodes daily call our attention with respect to the preconception that the adepts of the afros religions feel. Places of fetichism constantly are invaded by fidiciary offices of the neopentecostais churches of the Universal one of the Kingdom of God. Such preconception reflects in the streets, the schools and public places as hospitals. We have that considered Brazil as a lay country would have to offer religious freedom to all, but we can observe that such right is only restricted to the papers, therefore those that follow a different doctrine of those predominant ones are citizens to be rejected and ironizados, as afro is the case of the thousands of adepts of the religions that they finish for being called for macumbeiros, word of meaning deturpado, therefore in the reality means old musical instrument of percussion. Throughout history one observes diverse forms of if explaining God, either of form politesta or not. Each society must have the right to express its beliefs, as well as all citizen also, still more when a legal endorsement as in Brazil exists. Independent of creed or etnia the important one is to keep the respect to the cultural diversity..

Universities Professors

To attract money of the companies for the university to produce research sharpened with the demands of the market.? To study more. The Brazilians dedicate five hours per day to the studies, less of the half of the time of the native of Koreas. The authors of the substance, published for the Magazine See affirm that the current educational scene in Brazil comes being pointed as one of the great problems that emperram the economic development of the country and the faculty of the institutions, is they publishes or private, they have responsibility of this process inside. The continued formation is a preponderant factor for a good performance of the professors and the pedagogical coordinator is one of them pillars for a good development of the education inside of the institutions that act, of form to minimize the effect of a lack of organization inside of the education institutions that they form these professionals for the market. The continued formation can be a way so that the education advances, since some professors need to search new knowledge to deal mainly with the new generations, with regard to technology. Libneo (2006) more makes a reflection on this subject affirming that the new professor would need at least, of a general culture extended, capable to search new knowledge, to develop abilities to know to act in the classroom, with communicative abilities, domain of the informacional language, knowing to use the medias and to articulate the lessons with the medias and multimedias. Leaving of the beginning of that the professors of the initial series are not leaving the Universities with formation adjusted for a good development of the activities, Castrogiovanni author (2000) emphasizes that the study of the space he requires a persistence on the part of the educators of the series of the first one and according to cycle, according to it, for an understanding of the space for the child, becomes necessary understanding of three stages that they need to be understood by the masters who are: lived space, perceived space and conceived space, that is the lived space is the physical space, where the child goes to perceive from the first movements developed for it, from it perceives the space without trying it biological there and later it discovers not only here, but there and there, that is and the space concebidoPara to dominate the subjects, mainly of physical geography, becomes necessary a redimensionamento of the curricular matrices of the pedagogia courses. .

The Universe

Real life is the “here and now.” All that the front and rear, side, top – it’s all illusions and myths of ancient Greece and other civilizations. But it’s all in the past. The past can not be changed here and there is nothing chew the cud this, and lost her taste resembling rubber. Just use a rubber kontrotseptivah, not to the taste sensations of life. A taste of life can be felt only “here” and only “now.” At this very moment. And this time should be fun and interesting, fun and funny.

If you’re doing business, then make it to the fullest get involved fully in the process itself, forget about all the anxiety, forget the rest of the case and care … There is only process, interest and total satisfaction from all this. If you’re doing business, think about the fact, and not on how to screw in a light bulb in the closet. All we need for happiness in the future, we can get, you only need to strive for this now. “Here and Now,” we are at the crossroads of life. “Here and Now,” we make a choice. “Here and Now,” we experience emotions. “Here and Now,” we do that in the future will bring us the result.

Once again I repeat: The state of “here and now” is a state of thoughtlessness and complete concentration on what we do. This is a full immersion in the process. That’s why the success of seeking the one who does what he likes. In it, he like a fish in water, it just bathed in it and get pleasure from it. He is charged by your favorite things energy, which gives him the strength to achieve new victories … A sure sign of finding the “here and now”, is: – interest – pleasure – inability to break away, “Here and Now” – a state of inner joy. Joy to the fact that you have the joy of what you have in this world can take part in his life. Internal as well external. The main thing – an internal one. Nothing will come into your life and your reality until it comes into your head and settles there. The law of the universe says, first give and then take it. The universe never fails to answer the query sad man! Why? Because he preoccupied with thoughts about how everything sucks! He closed his negative little world, he refuses to acknowledge itself as part of the universe, which may give him whatever he wants. The universe will respond only to those who rejoice “here and now.” The universe simply fortify the inner joy of external circumstances. To enjoy the here and now can only be what you have here and now. Wherever you are … whoever you are … what would you do … you always yourself and you must please yourself! Remember that your happiness should not depend on external circumstances, external factors have to depend on your joy. Simple advice. Get a hobby or simply to engage in regular order, that you just like and what you enjoy. Pleasure from the process. This can be: archery, bonding model airplanes, dancing, table tennis, jogging, swimming, photography. Be imagination and choose what to liking you. Doing this simple advice will allow you to enjoy on a regular basis, and will regularly remind you that you are alive and enjoy life. Get more helpful advice:

The Universe

If the universe is a model of a computer, the program can make so that none of the bars or one piece matter under the rules of functioning of the Programme (the laws of physics – from the perspective of the inhabitants of a model of the world) was not required to move into the cell space, which is not. The problem of the border with 'nothing' could, in the event of such programs occur only if there is an error in the program – a mistake, which at some time step, a fragment of matter 'is written' from the existing cell space and the 'rewritten' in a non-existent, ie, simply will not be rewritten – it's a miracle the disappearance of matter. " In the case of error-free program 'miracle' will happen: The Universe in a computer can be both finite and infinite Euclidean. But it is not enough absence of infinite speed and the availability of an upper limit to end speeds. In the steady state theory in the presence of infinite speed 'miracle disappearance of matter' is already in the first cycle of the model (I), at the absence of infinite speed 'miracle' still happen, although not immediately (II). To avoid a 'miracle', we must also expand the universe: the introduction of more and more cell space at the periphery of the universe (III). Such is our Universe (as seen, God does not like miracles) – in 1929-1931. Edwin Hubble published his astronomical observations: the galaxy scatter.

Antonio Ortiz Mena

Mexico to the quarter to LAS 12 not have NI in fall dead 40 years Antonio Ortiz Mena put a fiscal reform that Luis Echeverria perverted, to the degree that the the value added tax, which should simplify and make more fair tax collection ended in a tax cascading, added or the sepetecientos taxes tax menu that today oppresses us and thatParadoxically do not solve the requirements of governmental core resources. It is a myth that food and medicine are not overloaded tax, because: companies, employees who work in them, carriers, gaskets and marketers support excessive tax burdens. The VAT correctly applied not only would not increase the final price but that on the contrary would tend to lower it. VAT should not be seen as a tax more; VAT is a State participation in the increase in value of products and services, which applies to each increment of value and not the final price paid by the consumer. If pervertimos your application, making the consumer pay the total load tax is unfair, since most companies can recover the prior proportion and not the vast majority of end buyers, i.e. all of us when we buy or consume a product as well.

In addition to the above argument, the beneficiary of such an increase and not the final purchaser must pay value-added. Today at the fourth for 12, after 40 years, in which our politicians have told all kinds of nonsense to hide us the country’s fiscal reality: with borrowed money some, others print circulating without backrest and the latter with the proceeds of our non-renewable resources, face the painful reality that they finished the easy outlets and there are to get tax revenue from wherever is ah but that ifwithout telling the truth. The truth is that the Mexican State does or that fall dead, our politicians have to find in days, how to fix the mess that left to accumulate for decades. The solutions are not easy and certainly they were painful, more painful, for that to not be the tax system prepared for comprehensive reform, should you apply patches remarkably unjust (pay even more those who already pay too much), and even so will not be really efficient to solve the existing deficit. Today already there is no where to move, any short-term solutions that take our heroes will be bad politics, but what if we can require them is that in the medium and long terms; from the truth, structured a fiscal policy that is fair, even if it is, the only echo of that all pay our part of agreement (no more nor less) to our economic capacity. Original author and source of the article.