Learning a Foreign Language

Is it possible to own, doing at home, learn a foreign language? Of course yes! There are people who learn one language a year, and even, sometimes, and one in six months. But it is rather an exception to the rule, because learning a language for such a short period of time, does not mean that person knows it perfectly. Or he could speak freely in this language, hitting, for example, in the language environment, or for example, meeting in the city tourist carrier of foreign language. The main thing here rather that putting some goals in front of these people, quite a limited period to achieve concrete results, such as an understanding at some level of language and the ability to express to him their thought. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rob Daley and gain more knowledge.. And here's another question, can not you personally to achieve it? The point here is not in your abilities, but rather, your willpower, patience, perseverance, and motivation. That is how much you need to learn this language? Yes, yes, it is no less important factor in the issue of making your decision about studying the language at home, as well as the question of your tenacity and perseverance. Above all, keep in mind that you can not begin to language lessons yourself if you simply want to learn the language, "or" give us something useful to do in your spare time. " This motivation you have enough on the strength of the month. With the same intentions sometimes a person begins new life, lose weight, run on mornings.

Education In The UK

If your child finishes school this year, now you ask yourself, how to arrange his life as to give him a good education? If your child is learning and a desire to et you can afford to spend on it learning a certain amount of money, the best choice in this situation – education abroad. Last year, many sent their children to study in the UK, the most popular of our data was the University of the Arts London, in which students gain knowledge in the following areas: – Arts – art and design – Telecom – Fashion (Fashion) Maybe that's your daughter or son would do to help your career in Fashion (Fashion), art or design. Also remain popular universities such as University of Essex and University of Kent. James Woolsey describes an additional similar source. Among language schools for those who want to improve their knowledge of the most popular are English language school in the U.S. FLS International and Berlitz in the UK. A complete directory of universities, as well as with photo-reports by schools abroad can be found at YStudent.RU. It is much easier to choose, when you see a slide show for each institution, atakzhe when there are videos and detailed maps c location of educational institutions. If it is about to get economics, traditionally the best are the universities in Switzerland and Germany. Most importantly, your child has had a desire to learn, this will only get a really good education! Get advice on study abroad, please visit YStudent.RU or by phone in Moscow: (495) 740-62-99. Recently Jimmy Levin sought to clarify these questions. You can get more complete answers to your questions.

Basic Ensino

Education, Exclusion and Citizenship. Iju: Uniju, 1997 BRAZIL. Law N. 9394, of 20 of December of 1996. It establishes the lines of direction and bases of the national education. Federal official gazette, Brasilia, 1996. BRAZIL. Ministry of the Education and the Sport.

Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular parameters: Foreign language. Brasilia: MEC/SEF: 1998. BRETON, J.M. 2005. Reflections anglfilas on the geopolitics of the English. In: LACOSTE, Y.; RAJAGOPALAN, K.

(org). The Geopolitics of the English. So Paulo: Publishing parabola, 2005. RATTLESNAKE. Resume for the Municipal Public Net of Education of Rattlesnake. Vol. II. Basic education: Initial years. Rattlesnake: Gradual, 2008. GIDDENS. Sociology. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2005. GIMENEZ, T. English in new world to order. Nigel Butcher often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In: ORTENZI, I.B.G.et al. Pedagogical scripts for the practical one of English education. Native of London: EDUEL, 2008 JOHNSTONE, R. Addressing ' ' The Age Factor' ': It adds Implications will be Language Policy. Guide will be the development of Language Educations Policies in Europe: from Linguistics Diversity you the Plurilingual Education. Reference Study. Council of Europe: Strasbourg, 2002 JORDO, C.M. The Foreign Language in the formation of the individual. Curitiba: 2004. LEFFA, V.J. Teaching English the multinational a language. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, Seoul, Korea, v.10, n.1 P. 29-53, 2002. YOU MARK, Jonath. The importance of the learning of the English language, 2009. Available in, access in 13 out. 2010. UNDERBRUSH LOPES, L.P. 2003. For a new world-wide order, the PCNs and the education of English in Brazil: the intellectual base for an action politics. In: BARBARIAN, L.; BRANCHES, R.C.G. (orgs). Reflections and action in the teach-learning of languages. Campinas, Market of the Letters, 2009. OLIVEIRA, N.B. The paper of the foreign language in the public school: questions of being able and ideology. Santa Catarina: UNISUL, 2006. ORTENZI, I.B.G.et al. Pedagogical scripts for the practical one of English education. Native of London: EDUEL, 2008 PAIVA, V.L.M.O. The LDB and the current law on the education and the formation of professor of English language. In: STEVENS, C.M.T. ; WEDGE, M.J. Ways and Harvests: education and research in the area of English in Brazil. Brasilia: UnB: 2003. PARAN. State secretary of the Education. Curricular lines of direction of the Basic Education: Foreign language. Curitiba, 2008. PARAN. State secretary of the Education. Basic education of Nine Years: Orientaes Pedagogical for the Initial Years. Curitiba: 2010. PUC-RIO. The education of the English language in Brazil. Available in, access in 30 out. 2010. RAJAGOPALAN, K. 2005. The geopolitics of the English language and its consequences in Brazil. In: LACOSTE, Y.; RAJAGOPALAN, K. (org). The Geopolitics of the English. So Paulo: Publishing parabola, 2005. RIGO, R. the Importance of Ensino of the English Language in Basic Ensino. Available in, access in 12 out. 2010. ROCK, D.F. The importance of the English in the world. Available in, access in 15 out. 2010. SCHTS, Ricardo. The English as International Language. English Made in Brazil. Available in, access in 10 out. 2010. TONELLI, J.R.; BRANCHES, S.G.M. (org). The education of LE for children: reflections and contributions. Native of London: Mori: 2007. VIEIRA ABRAHO, M.H. Education of professors of languages: the challenges of the formador. Campinas, SP: Publishing bridges, 2008.

Open University

The easinesses offered techniques for the use of the Technologies of the Information and Communication – TICs in the education makes possible the exploration of a limitless fan of pedagogical actions allowing ample diversity of activities that professors and pupils can carry through. al information. Currently, the courses in EAD count on the tools of web that they allow the dissemination of knowledge through colloquies in real time, together with the aid of sonorous and visual resources that facilitate the interaction. Since the decade of 80, the context of the EAD already was worked for Armengol (1982, p.56) as one ‘ ‘ term that has covered ample specter of diverse forms of study and educative strategies, that in common have the fact of not becoming fullfilled by means of the traditional physical proximity of professors and pupils in places special for ends educativos’ ‘. ituation. In view of the presence of technological innovations directed toward the improvement of the medias and information it fits to consider that these represent possibilities to the people of access to the courses of several available areas of the knowledge in virtual environments of learning of educational institutions. From boardings and estimated theoreticians concerning the Education in the distance EAD consideraes and hypotheses concerning the evasion in a virtual course offered in the scope of the Open University of Brazil are arisen UAB of the Polar region of a city X. The boarding concerning the EAD requires the presentation of some conceptions. Some authors define Education – EAD in the distance, amongst them can verify Belloni (2001, p.24): The term education has in the distance covered some forms of study, in all the levels, that are not under the continuous and immediate supervision of tutors gifts with its pupils in classrooms or the same places, but that not obstante they are benefited of the planning, the orientation and education offered by a tutorial organization..

Elegant Universe

And as we see the way that should make a photon, which moves, it turns out more than the fixed route hours and of course time to overcome this way increases, ie the higher the speed, the slower the "go" watch. Most likely you have now the question arises: "Well the light hours, but what about, for example commander? "And I can assure you I am that any other clock, which move will slow down. Then I'm sure there is another question: "Why do not we notice these changes in their hours, because they move too?" The fact that These changes are so small that no special stopwatches them and quietly, goes through in billionths of a second, and our daily hours do not have the accuracy. A bit confusing, but try to imagine it all clear. Just judging from the theory of relativity, a person who moves quickly, live longer, because the time for it flows slowly. And this is proved by scientists. Are dispersed small particles (muons) and during their rozpada increased tenfold! Of course, it is worth considering that the rate at which scientists have achieved was approximately 298 000 km / s (99.5% of the speed of light)! But this is a trick.

Slowing down is not only the body but also all its activities. For example if a person is fixed for the life of eat oranges, 40, then at higher speeds it will eat all the same 40 oranges. Indeed, the rate of absorption of food in it also reduced! So when the payoff no speed. And if you get that kind of nonsense I wrote above, of course you wonder, "What about the stop time and travel in it?". My opinion is this: that it is possible, but involves many difficulties, since a change time will need to unwind not only the clock back, but the entire universe. Yes, that's the whole universe, because if a person will change the time just for yourself, then it is far from gone.

Just imagine that they were going three cyclist, and suddenly one stops and goes back, of course, that the other two he did not meet! But, no matter what, I do not exclude such a possibility. But my logic is one big flaw. I'm not a great physicist and perhaps do not know much and do not I understand (to recall the opinion of Einstein, who believed that the very strong gravity, such as the black hole at the root of changing the laws of space and time). It is likely that what I wrote is wrong, but I try to talk like a normal "user" of this world. Agree that the findings are based without too much fiction and I think at this late hour (2:48) is quite logical (in the morning to read … laugh rzhu and lay out the other). PS: Most likely article has given you an archaic and uninteresting places, and maybe the whole uninteresting, but once again remind you this is just my thoughts and knowledge (which I think someone had heard from school). And yet, if someone wants to argue or correct (or, simply obmaterit) can something not understood, knock in ICQ, as far as possible answer. The article uses some material of the book B. Greene "Elegant Universe. Superstring theory "(this is the book and prompted me to write the article, I advise everyone to read.) PS: I apologize in advance for spelling mistakes

England Career Colleges

Receive their education in England is highly practical orientation, which attracted many pupils and students from all over Europe, Asia and America. For English students receiving compulsory education and other students over 16 years of open road to enroll in vocational colleges (colleges of further education), universities, polytechnics and tertiary colleges. To continue education in England at the vocational college, the incoming candidate should present a document on compulsory education. For those wishing from other countries must present a certificate of knowledge English. As well as foundation courses, which last one year.

Self-education in England in the vocational college lasts from one to three years, depending on the geographic location College (Scotland, Wales). At the end of the college shall be the qualifying exams, which resulted in the graduate can continue his education at the university. Along with college graduates in the universities can do high school graduates who passed the qualifying exam at A-level good grades. Higher education institutions in England, the English arbitrarily divided into subgroups: the "old" and "new." Go to the 'old' universities include training, based in the ancient times and has quite a long history of existence. The most famous universities in this group are the Oxford and Cambridge.

Education in these slightly more expensive than the new universities. However, in recent years to study in England in the "new" university no less prestigious. The advantages of the old university consider its fundamental character, development of research activities. The advantages of the same "new" Universities carry them applied focus, learning practical skills. Also, these universities are more accessible to foreign nationals. This happens because they do not strictly do not require a certificate of A-level, and can be exposed to training courses, the results of which would later be credited for the entrance exam. In spite of the complexity of the income and adapt to new conditions, many "non-citizens" have sought, seek and will seek to get an education in England.

The Roma

Vocational training and employment within the Roma community: Some gypsies living in a situation of exclusion and are disadvantaged, largely due to their exclusion from the world of work, so it is necessary to ensure equality in access as the supply of resources for education and employment and labor market standard. It is therefore necessary to develop a specific and specialized training provision for the Gypsy population and individual career guidance activities, as there are still many Gypsies who, for various reasons, no standardized resource access. The unemployment problem has no easy solution and economic differences between regions continue to rise, so do certain groups and citizens groups, the inequality is not only territorial but also sectoral, insofar as it affects some groups than others.

– Occupation and social status: social standing differences between bumpkins and Gypsies are overwhelming. 94% of the activities of the Roma is considered low and a low 3% in consideration medium-low. Consequently, the Gypsy has a very low social standing in the scale of prestige. It is worrying that the gypsy is in the bottom rung of the social scale. This shows the difficulties inherent in any legitimate effort to promote neglect the reality of the employment situation of Roma social roles in contrast to those of bumpkins. – General features of the workplace: – The Roma were not completed compulsory education, as a rule. In the province of Salamanca, for example, only five Roma people have only one graduate school and studied business according to information from AIGS coordinator.

Piano Lessons

Sensible Mom and Dad always interested in nuance, as their children grow up, what specifically they are interested in who will work in adult life, with its flaws, the probabilities positive and temptations. In the end, we have is the problem of cultivating normal human being with a wide range, Service wide range of knowledge, perception of the basic elements of the cultural environment as our home country and foreign stories for improvement. A set of such skills will help the offspring not only to select his own version of the best deals of the educational kind, but also to avoid undue nihilism in the youth period of time, to correctly understand damage done by cults, drugs, and the like. One of the many directions of cultural development of pupils and to optimize his or her free time becomes a music school. Any standard curriculum positively manifested themselves in St. Petersburg music education institutions will provide your kids: 1) to improve the mobility of the fingers, hands and sure sense of rhythm, and 2) to acquire a foundation of musical literacy and performance skills to selected musical instrument, and 3) learn how to competently perform the work of great genius and today's authors, and 4) collect supply musical impressions and to get a list of required knowledge, such as the right ear, opportunity to read notes, and 5) be able to learn to distinguish between genres and music styles, and 6) to develop business skills, such as independence, ability to take responsibility, work and correctness. Regardless of that factor, you will choose for their kids vocals, piano lessons, or they attract intense play the violin requires a careful approach to the selection of special music school that the child was not attached to musical instruments.

Today, you can opt for the kids following music school: 1. Choral Music School. – the oldest Russian musical institution, giving vocational music education. 2. Music School-Lyceum Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov 3. Music school at home for children and adults with the ability to study at home or at the teacher's personal schedule. 4.

Children Musical School 6 them. Glazunov 5. Music School. Rimsky-Korsakov for adults and children 6. Children's music school 2 of the Petrograd district 7. Children's Music School. Borodin 8. Children's Music School. Andreeva 9. Music Lyceum Committee on Culture

Personal Development

Now, almost every person strives for a better life. Since you want to know now and receive more than it was yesterday. Some of us do not expect that everything will fall from the sky and ready to independently build their own destiny by sole discretion. Often, these are the men and women who are able to educate themselves and develop their own comprehensive. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Governor Cuomo has to say. Some intend to develop their skills, while others are trying to find myself in any hidden talents. One tries to make life more interesting, another priority for professional growth, and it tends to reveal all the secrets to achieve career peaks. There are also people that try to solve problems relationships with others or even wished rasporyazhatsya their fate. It may be that some people will push for self-change around, while others decide to change ourselves, to try to change the around the world.

This means that the reason for self-development may be different. We have 7 billion, but, even more reason to put us on the road of self-development. Personal growth – is one of the meanings of our existence. Through it you can change yourself in a better direction, to destroy their complexes and negative thoughts, learn to control emotions. But personal growth is absolutely not possible without the knowledge of human psychology. There is a huge number of referrals to self: psychological workshops, yoga and other.

The main thing is if you took the path of self-development, then you need non-stop to follow him. Today, there are a variety of psychological practices that focus on personal growth. They can open a new dimension to your perception of the world, will provide an opportunity to increase life chances, will open new opportunities for you to enrich Your life is lots of fresh ideas and diverse skills will make her rich and multifaceted. In total increases the effectiveness of your life. Therefore, improving the efficiency of life is something to which wants to come almost everyone. You can be who you want to be and live exactly the life of your dream. Hence, the continuous development of the individual – is one of the most important parts of the personal success of each person. Order to have a successful outcome in the first place, you must constantly working on yourself. Success in any field comes only through regular self-improvement in various key areas of your life. And most importantly – do not stop developing, constantly discover something new that your identity has been continuously improved. Because if you stop moving forward, this movement razvnoznachno ago. In man, laid tremendous opportunity, believe in yourself, and go boldly to set goals!

RSCU Development

November 24 at the Exhibition Center was inaugurated the exhibition "RSSU: his time, the mission, the potential for development 1991 – 2009." It was the unique innovation and social projects developed by the University for 18 years. In event was attended by 39 branches, as well as all departments and structural units RSCU in Moscow. National Public Committee "Russian Family" and its regional offices provided extensive exposure dedicated the 5th anniversary of its development, which reflects the multifaceted activities of the organization. During the exhibition the Committee has held master classes, presentations, meetings, devoted to an analysis of its activities, developing areas of work to revive and develop the best traditions of the Russian family, compilation of best practices in state family policy, to improve the situation of families, promoting family values. Rector RSCU, Academician Vasily Zhukov turned to exhibition visitors with a welcoming speech.

He spoke about the history of our university and to overcome many obstacles to the event, with gratefully remembered all those who helped develop the first social institution in Russia. "Today for us – a special and exciting day – he said. – None of those who began the struggle for the establishment of the university in 1991 could have imagined what would be gained during 18 years of hard work. During this time, we have prepared 111 000 graduates who are successful and popular in the social sphere. " VI Zhukov said that the exhibition gives a better idea the magnitude of the steps that RSCU was the day of his age.

"The show creates the right impression that after ten years of database RSCU is enough to create the biggest innovation of the research scientific and educational complex. " Congratulate the university with legal age came special guests – old friends of RSCU. Among them – a member of the Federation Council, Chairman of the Board of Trustees RSSU Alexander P.

Technology Education

The world today is passing through a critical and definitive that could change the course of history forever. The human being has spent the last decades mainly to seek, investigate and develop various ways to simplify and make easier the activities we do in our daily lives. In this process of invention and innovation that is booming, apparently, have not been properly analyzed the implications of these long-term projects on our lives and has neglected their environmental (a large environmental disaster) that would cause all these changes, we are experiencing today, we have been guided by the excitement of discovering new things, we stopped mowing the brilliance of technology, the amazing products obtained, developed new equipment and great possibilities that they presented to us, and still we continue. So, our day to day is to meet our “obligations” (Studying, working, keeping house, help the family) and then “enjoy” free time, simply adopt a selfish attitude toward reality, we pursue an activity to distract us, we relax, entertain us to forget the problems and obvious things really significant. Hikmet Ersek shines more light on the discussion.

As we wrapped up in our routine, busy, hectic and stressful daily life, the world around us constantly deteriorates without objects to route around this is not enough for coveted luxury and to satisfy needs induced, we face foolishly against each encouraging others envy, hatred, greed … self-destructing. The consumer society in which we develop today is totally fragmented and devalued; teaches humans to disengage from their personal problems downloading from someone else or chained to addictive vices like alcohol, drugs, etc.. .

The Universe

Real life is the “here and now.” All that the front and rear, side, top – it’s all illusions and myths of ancient Greece and other civilizations. But it’s all in the past. The past can not be changed here and there is nothing chew the cud this, and lost her taste resembling rubber. Just use a rubber kontrotseptivah, not to the taste sensations of life. A taste of life can be felt only “here” and only “now.” At this very moment. And this time should be fun and interesting, fun and funny.

If you’re doing business, then make it to the fullest get involved fully in the process itself, forget about all the anxiety, forget the rest of the case and care … There is only process, interest and total satisfaction from all this. If you’re doing business, think about the fact, and not on how to screw in a light bulb in the closet. All we need for happiness in the future, we can get, you only need to strive for this now. “Here and Now,” we are at the crossroads of life. “Here and Now,” we make a choice. “Here and Now,” we experience emotions. “Here and Now,” we do that in the future will bring us the result.

Once again I repeat: The state of “here and now” is a state of thoughtlessness and complete concentration on what we do. This is a full immersion in the process. That’s why the success of seeking the one who does what he likes. In it, he like a fish in water, it just bathed in it and get pleasure from it. He is charged by your favorite things energy, which gives him the strength to achieve new victories … A sure sign of finding the “here and now”, is: – interest – pleasure – inability to break away, “Here and Now” – a state of inner joy. Joy to the fact that you have the joy of what you have in this world can take part in his life. Internal as well external. The main thing – an internal one. Nothing will come into your life and your reality until it comes into your head and settles there. The law of the universe says, first give and then take it. The universe never fails to answer the query sad man! Why? Because he preoccupied with thoughts about how everything sucks! He closed his negative little world, he refuses to acknowledge itself as part of the universe, which may give him whatever he wants. The universe will respond only to those who rejoice “here and now.” The universe simply fortify the inner joy of external circumstances. To enjoy the here and now can only be what you have here and now. Wherever you are … whoever you are … what would you do … you always yourself and you must please yourself! Remember that your happiness should not depend on external circumstances, external factors have to depend on your joy. Simple advice. Get a hobby or simply to engage in regular order, that you just like and what you enjoy. Pleasure from the process. This can be: archery, bonding model airplanes, dancing, table tennis, jogging, swimming, photography. Be imagination and choose what to liking you. Doing this simple advice will allow you to enjoy on a regular basis, and will regularly remind you that you are alive and enjoy life. Get more helpful advice:

The Brazilian State

The education of the peoples of quilombos must pautar in the valuation of its customs and differences making possible the knowledge of the internal functioning, of the organization and leadership in its communities for the discovery of sustainable alternatives and its development. Being displayed, estimated of the education and science, they fulfill, therefore the cited one for Jung, (2003. P. 59), when affirming that science: ' ' It is the activity that the systematic acquisition of the knowledge considers on the biological nature, social and tecnolgica' ' That it comes to determine the condition to interdisciplinar of the study and the referring actions to the preservation of the environment. Requiring a conscientious school, that perceives and that it allows to the empoderamento of the population quilombola of its knowledge and its capacity of development with respect to the preservation of its space and customs. Perception in the school quilombola The descendants of quilombos had preserved in its seio the education and typical culture of the descendants of slaves; the exploration of the land by means of the farming, as it displays the magazine Jump for the future (2007, P. 10), ' ' Of the land and in the land if they develop vital activities, historical plantation and harvest, landmarks. They carry through the traditions in the soil of many years in luta' '.

However, one gives credit I appeal that it to the homogenization the culture and the indiscriminate consumption can threaten the preservation of the environment and essential characteristics for the affirmation of the identity and customs of quilombolas. The model of formal education adopted by Brazil left to approach aspects important of the culture of the black population, excluding them of the educational process. As it affirms Melo (2009, P. 02), ' ' The Brazilian State, historically, by means of some legal devices, produced a structure institucional that left to the edge of the formal process of escolarizao the population negra' '.

Practical Tips

The seminar – the known PR-specialist Roman Maslennikov, founder and CEO of the agency "SPACE: PR & Consulting", the author of "SuperFirma. A short course for promotion 'and' SuperDidzhey '(the basis of personal PR for the creative person and not only). Roman Maslennikov has developed an unprecedented three-tiered system of promotion of "Person-Firm-Leviathan," as he is the author of dozens of articles in the PR-and marketing press in charge of the most popular in RuNet blog about PR. Seminar "You – SuperFirma. Recipes and tips – for immediate use! "Will be of interest to managers and business owners of small and medium businesses, major marketers companies, PR-managers, divisional staff development, start-up entrepreneurs. During the master class will be given professional practical tips: how to name the company, how to improve your name, where to look the right customers, how to turn new customers into loyal to the firm's partners and friends – all these and many other aspects will be considered in the theoretical part of the seminar.

The practical part of the event will be devoted to an analysis of specific cases. Completed brainstorming workshop on the best strategy for business promotion event participants are interested in this issue. "I use his recipes myself. And they work for me daily. They may work for your company, too! "- Says the author of the seminar Roman Maslennikov. The purpose of this event: to expand the professional outlook of modern business, raise controversial questions: Public Relations – a luxury or a necessity indispensable? "," Can the name of the company to move your business forward or, alternatively, to play against you? "" We must look for its audience, or wait until she finds you she? ".

Attendees of the seminar will actual knowledge on PR, marketing, branding and naming. Every visitor as a gift from the organizers of the workshop will be presented with a best-selling book "SuperFirma. A short course for promotion. Of Tinkoff to Chichvarkin ", where the real describes the process of promotion business from scratch. Information about the seminar: Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes with a break for a coffee break. Participation fee: 9900 RUB. Date: 21 May 2010. Beginning at 11:00. Venue: Moscow, m. Savelovskaya Str. B. Novodmitrovskaya, 14, p. 1, Business Centre "Novodmitrovskaya", 2nd Floor, Suite 223. Pre-registration is required. Information about the company, "Raudive". AK "Raudive" (OOO "RosAudit) provides professional services in audit, accounting services, consulting and law. Employees – creative individuals and professionals in their field: certified auditors, accountants, lawyers, experts on financial and human resource consulting with an average experience of more than 10 years. Company site Contact: Natalia Goncharova, a leading manager of accounting and auditing. +7 (495) 933-09-22 E-mail:

Features Of Distance Education

Today everything can be heard repeatedly about distance education, to get his advice all the considerable number of universities, but it is not all the students and, unfortunately, teachers, distinguished features distance education. But is the key to understanding the core of this kind of training. The main feature of distance education can be individualized to believe it – that is set to face learning is much more than with conventional types of education. First, individualization is manifested in the methods of distance education. Distance learning take into account the different characteristics of students: its place residence, finance, talent for the acquisition of knowledge, personal time, skills and knowledge level of possession and existence of technical means and so on.

On the other hand feature of distance learning – is a private and almost constant, albeit virtual interaction a student and professor. Distance learning – a new stage in the learning process, and it has many prospects as tightly assists with the rapid progressive Internet-based technologies. But the potency of an exercise to determine any formal problems – this is another huge positive aspect of this type of training. But, like every young enough organization of the educational course, distance learning has its challenges and overcome them without consideration of the prospects of distance education is just a discussion. Major shortcomings few: the level of distance learning tutors in the country still is not high enough, distance learning programs are quite diverse, and often do not have continuity, so the whole system Distance Learning while talking impossible, computer technology and network speed is not in all parts of the country at a high level and so on. Not assume that existing problems will be solved: technical equipment and computer awareness among the population will grow, experts will find the practice, and the universities of distance education will come to a universal standard of training.

Makeup Mineral

We know the benefits that generates the women see us well and feel pretty. We know that a beauty makeup raises us self-esteem and predisposes us to carry out our daily tasks in a better way. Until very recently. Make a hygiene of skin or facial care treatments, and end treatment with makeup was seen as counterproductive. In fact, the cosmiatras sugeriamos not apply makeup on the same day of a hygiene of skin or a treatment of abrasive facial care, as for example a treatment for acne skin. Especially because the skin is more sensitive that on other occasions and many times, a makeup product components may cause a reaction. Like everything else, the cosmetics also evolves. And he shows us a way in which healthy skin and makeup not only are possible, but are also complementary.

Mineral or organic makeup is entirely formulated by pure minerals micronized, obtained from nature. That when sprayed allow both apply powder, using brushes or in liquid or cream by using sponges, pinceletas, etc. These crystallized minerals adhere to the skin covering the dyschromias and alterations of the same, provide natural FPS, revitalize, among other things. Do not contain any preservatives, or components derived from petroleum, nikel, of animal or vegetable origin in its composition. Free alcohol, silicones, perfumes. Features that make this type of naturally hypoallergenic make-up.

It is ideal for sensitive, sensitized skin because they contain zinc, recognized for its quality decongestant and healing mineral oxide. Although the use of minerals such as cosmetics dates back to the ancient Egyptian. In modern times has been reinvented the use of mineral makeup. Once a cosmetics company and a foundation dedicated to the investigation of sensitive skins. They discovered that by eliminating all ingredients that are not needed, a cosmetic product, are only minerals. Mineral makeup has become very fashionable, and in order to seize this moment have arisen cosmetic products called minerals, which are not really. To not be deceived by some lines that offer cosmetic assumptions minerals. It is important to stop and read the product container and pay attention to the information provided by this. A truly mineral makeup product features. Mineral makeup is composed of Mica, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, iron oxides, clay, kaolin, silica, ferrocyanide ferric oxides of chromium, manganese violet. Mineral makeup has NO ingredients as. Dimethicone, wax carnauba, cetilicos, trimethylsiloxilicate, tocopherol, panthenol, silicone, etc. Mineral makeup feels light on the skin, grants no brightness. Do not cap the pores, skin breathes.

Business Proposal In English

In business communication, people often faced with the situation the supply of goods and services. There are nuances in the use of English words offer, suggest, propose, and combinations with them, possession of which would feel competent in business communication. Offer – a proposal of something to consent or refusal. In English, there are design to offer smth. to smb. : The secretary offered us a cup of coffee.

If we specify at what price, then we say the formula with the preposition for: The sales manager offered me the item for $ 100. The sales manager offered me the item for $ 100. We can offer do something: offer to do something: She offered to bring a glass of juice. Should not change this order of words in a sentence, so the proposal She offered them to have some juice contains an error: the word of them is not the place between two parts of a compound predicate, and offer to do. Suggest the word means in English "Offer for consideration, but it does not necessarily imply that someone would seriously consider this advice, suggestion, or motivation.

In the use of this word is also worth remembering: suggest smth. to do smth. or suggest doing smth. For example: He suggested a party to his friends. Have you suggested it to the official? It is often said: suggest (that) smb. (Should) do smth. : He suggested (that) they (should) cancel the appointment. As for the occurrences of the word propose, then they are similar to earlier: I propose starting holidays on the 15th of July. We proposed our new goods to Ukrainian market this year. The chairman proposed that the points (should) be decided at the next meeting. Propose among this three-word has the most official tone, and is used most often on business management: debates, meetings, elections, etc. still exists meaning of this word, which is close to the concept in the Russian language: plan, intend to: What do you propose to do about this matter? I proposed to go to the hotel and stay there. Thus, good use of Your business English structures, meaning the proposal would help to establish cooperation with more and more new customers.

World Car Free Day

Otherwise the world will reach critical thresholds of climate change. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the leaders of major industrial countries to go first to make concessions restrictions on industrial emissions into the atmosphere. The largest manufacturers of harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere now are China and the U.S.. President Hu Jintao, speaking at the UN summit, promised that China will reduce by 2020 the harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere. President Barack Obama during a speech at the summit said that industrialized countries should leave behind the debate on environmental issues and together to fight for the salvation of the planet. The U.S. president spoke about how much America does to protect the environment, has promised that she would do more, and also highlighted the difficulties of the present moment.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy invited the heads of states and governments of countries that produce the largest number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere to hold another summit in mid-November on limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the final conference in Copenhagen. In addition, Carkozi advocated the creation of the World Environmental Organization Forum in Copenhagen. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has found extremely useful discussions held during the summit UN Climate Change Earth. Hamdi Ulukaya will undoubtedly add to your understanding. According to him, the world community is quite capable to agree on the text of the new agreement restricting harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere at the December conference in Copenhagen. In Russia Rally 'World Car Free Day' September 22 in many countries around the world took action 'World Car Free Day'.


So more challenging the more obliged to answer to the challenge with a problem in its connections with others, a plan of totality and not as something petrified, the understanding resultant becomes tends it increasingly critical, for this, each desalienada time more. (FREIRE, 1987, p.55) It sees that at this moment we place in them as educandos? a time that, we were being research object. To the step that we understood our situation, we better understood the condition of the other, thus start to be part of the desalienada condition of our pedagogical conceptions, becoming us more critical. At the first moment, since we would go to work with the Theater of the Oppressed one, we collect the data using a daily pay-structuralized script of interview, a time that, we think to be this the way that makes possible the free expression of the interviewed one on different subjects. The interview was simple, but it brought us a rich material in information, I contend in them declaration of dreams of many young.

It had the necessity of the social respect of the community, this was not only declaration of people who faced the domestic violence, the poverty, the hunger and misery, but also finds people with history of overcoming and these wanted very and counting in them as they had surpassed as many problems. Through the collected data, we perceive that we needed to make the Theater of the Oppressed one directed toward our reality, therefore we needed ahead finding in them of that imensido of problematizaes and making our Theater raising questions that problematizam the formation of the pedagogia course and the relation of the University and the professors the spaces not-deed of division. She is necessary to emphasize that ' ' Pedagogia is a science and as such must study the education as prxis critically social' ' (PASTICHI and CAVALCANTI, 2008).

The Myths

For Oliveira and Santos (2007) the educators have conscience that the Amazonian culture is hybrid, multicultural, formed for populations and different cultures and therefore, pedagogically work the autonomy of the citizens and the originalidade of its culture, that are the voices to know, them, the customs, imaginary and the representations of the local populations. They work the set to know cultural of the Amaznia in its plurality dialogicamente and complexity, materialize the freireano principle of solidarity and respect to the cultural diversity of the educandos, that perpassa for the respect to the different religious manifestations. MYTH AND LEGEND the myth and the legend are to know cultural that we acquire of our ancestor, and lead ahead for the future generations. The myth is a traditional history that is not based on that really happened, normally, speaks of supernatural beings, not real. The myths are invented, always help to explain the local customs or the natural phenomena.

The legend if is similar very to the myth. The difference is in the fact of that the legend can be based on a real event (that in fact occurred) or in a person that really existed. What it does not mean that history has not moved throughout the years. According to Rabbit (2003), as much the myth how much the legend can be classified as mythical narratives that if consider to explain the origin or the reason of a phenomenon. In this in case that, myth and legend tend to confuse themselves what it denotes the difficulty to trace with clearness the borders between them. Also the Amaznia is endowed with some myths and legends that compose this to know cultural, that they are led to all pro half of the popular culture, thus enriching the Amazonian education, are they more famous them: the Iara (is a blond young young woman of flaring body and irresistible beauty.