Valencia Director

The past can be useful on occasion, but not be major, as showed the MacIntyre philosopher with the example of a child, whose parents want to learn to play chess, and as no one likes, promise you candies everytime you play. The incentive of candies can serve so he knows the game and is interested in him, but if you still like it by itself over time, it will make traps when you can. If the directors of a bank to advise customers are thinking that his salary or his rise depend on it investing in certain funds, tries to persuade him that it is a risk manageable with which will gain considerably. Other settings are conservative, adjective that already has a pejorative meaning. Of course that, unlike chess, the directors also has the ambition of the client. But a good professional is not which does not warn of foreseeable risks, nor which makes loans garbage, because that is not the sense of their profession and why generates distrust. If globalizamos the game of chess, It will be that, in addition to the turmoil that economists speak, there have been organizations and specific people that have not believed in the value of their profession, who have risked his own and outside it, convinced that the chestnuts from the fire will draw to them.

The worst thing is that every time they pay the weak. Those who were left without work, those who could not pay the mortgage, which had to close his small company, migrants who returned to their countries and ran the remittances. In the document of the last G-20 Summit, world leaders made an astonishing assertion: we recognize the human dimension of the crisis. But is it that it has ever existed an economic activity without human dimension? It is not true that the economy has help build a good society, and when it fails, fails categorically, bearing in mind that good society today has to be global?

Fernando Jesus

(2) It is necessary to disseminate in the Peruvian State is not possible to constitute the chattel mortgages. 11 Proposed legislative after having developed the theme the chattel mortgages and have formulated conclusions and suggestions formulated legislative proposals in the following terms: 1) it is necessary that the standards of the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 regulating warranties and other standards, are grouped in a single rule, so that when we want to apply the guarantees only have to study it. What if happens when we want to establish a company, or use a title value, opportunities in which we apply the general companies act and Title Act values respectively. 12 Rules legal consulted for the elaboration of this study have consulted rules of positive law Peruvian and foreign, which are as follows: 1) Peruvian Civil Code of 1984. (2) Peruvian Civil Code of 1936. (3) Peruvian Civil Code of 1852. (4) Guarantee interest Peruvian of the 2006 Act.

(5) The Spanish Civil Code of 1889. 6) Code 1896 German civil force from 1900. (7) Civil Code of 1804 French, known as code Napoleon. Putting on record that all these rules are in force, with the exception of the second and third, i.e., all these rules are in force with the exception of the Peruvian Civil Code of 1936 and the Peruvian Civil Code of 1852… 13 Sources of information for the elaboration of the present research work have consulted not only books, but also magazines, by which in this part of the work not can be called him bibliography, but sources of information. 1) REAL ACADEMIA ESPAnOLA. Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola.

On CD. (2) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesus. Classification of the goods in the right positive Peruvian. In: Revista legal norms. (3) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesus. Encoding. In: Revista legal norms. (4) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesus. Warranties. Assymetrical editorial. Lima Peru. (2004 5) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesus. Commercial warranties. In: Magazine legal norms. (6) OLIVERA VASQUEZ. Salvador. Civil law definitions. Editorial Edijsur. Arequipa. Original author and source of the article.

Americans Kristen Burrall

A series of doubts about the study of environmental impact (EIA) of HidroAysen threw the results of the field work that developed in the Region of Aysen five engineers studying postgraduate courses at the Instituto Tecnologico de Massachusetts (MIT), during the month of January, 2009, and who marched through the area in order to answer complex questions such as what would be the contribution to GHG greenhouse (GHG) in five plants of HidroAysen?, do it is possible to make more efficient the dams that already exist in the SIC and avoid the intervention of the Patagonia?, is feasible to prevent the emptying of glacial lakes? or there is a risk of collapse of dams by these leaks, putting at risk at locations downstream as Caleta Tortel? After walking on glacial scarps, down the mighty Baker, participate in an international scientific seminar, interview with authorities and social leaders, visit Coyhaique, Cochrane, Caleta Tortel and Chile Chico researched technical information, and a work of Cabinet of several months, the Americans Kristen Burrall, Leandro Gianna and Laura sea, together with Italian Elisabetta Natale and Flavia Tauro, under the leadership of the researcher Wendy Pabich (Ph.d. MIT), delivered their reports with possible answers. His goal, in addition to the contribution of technical and scientific discussion, to obtain the master’s degree in engineering from the prestigious research centre, whose classrooms have passed through 63 Awards Nobel in the most varied areas of exact sciences. So that the final report of the group, which delivered results decision-makers was issued in September 2009. THE UNCOMFORTABLE conclusions of the thesis research MIT included various aspects, including environmental impacts, safety and possible alternatives for power generation through the optimization of already existing in the Biobio River dams and advancement in renewable non-conventional. In addition, its relationship with global warming. In environmental terms, research they determined that product of sedimentation in the projected reservoir Baker 1, reservoir and erosion downstream would imply a major impact on banks, vegetation and fauna.


What is asset to what is passive are relations, already powers active and passive, already of the acts of these powers. Follow, Anaximenes looming in their cosmology a perspective that constitutes an approach to physics. Whose objects it is inquiry and discovery of matter and not its measurement. As such, Anaximenes wondered in a metaphysical way by being of things. Example: which is matter and that it happens in the search for an original principle? Anaximenes held air which is the element base that produces life and their movements.He argued philosophical disagreements with Anaximander, on the problem of the movement and its principles.

For Anaximenes movement can depart mixed things but do not generate them as Anaximander believed. Our modern tell us that air is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that forms the atmosphere is It is composed of 70, 08% nitrogen, 20, 95% of oxygen, 0, 93% argon and 0.04% for approximate other gases. As carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and krypton contains in addition a variable proportion of water vapor. At sea level the pressure 1.0338 on a square cm. kg. Anaximenes held that movement can depart mixed things but do not generate them. Young people this judgment seems to me difficult to understand. Because if we look at the reality a little, we will give account we possess an awareness of what moves.

Because that is what does not move? things of the universe move, if things do not move shouldn’t transformations, thinking moves, be it moving, because? because it exists. Some say that you cannot conceive of something without moving and however exists. If in fact there should be such things in the universe, but until my days the atoms are moved, and they compose the matter. The same consciousness perceives motion, if nothing moves that it could perceive? only those opponents would remain, it is as if everything was paralyzed forever, if this happens everything it would end.

The Confessional As A Source Of Inspiration Matrimonial

It is certainly curious to imagine that the confessional will serve as a source of information to enter a marriage morals and ethics on the family. Is not difficult to imagine what listening to a priest in a confessional: a husband confesses to having misled his wife with another woman; then the wife tells her that he is fighting with her husband; i.e. the confessional become a receptacle of marital sinners and their pathologies, but little about a marriage alive, healthy and happy, which should be based on their positive experiences, give an example of married life to follow. Is an adequate source of inspiration therefore the confessional theologians develop their ethics? However the question on this topic which is most heard on the street is: what can you tell a priest in a confessional to a man overwhelmed because it has done something evil, who probably does not know how to solve the problems in his marriage? What will it take to House this poor man or this poor woman? It is true that part of the dispute revolves around whether the priests they can give marriage counseling or not, that seen from a critical perspective, would be comparable to as if a single doctor would read about diseases but had never treated a patient. Yes we have the example of a married man for 40 years, has raised to 2 or 3 children and known experiences and everyday struggles in the couple, and as a parent, we will recognize that this is not learnt in any school, nor in any book about early childhood education. Each child is unique, and with his wife he will have lived hundreds of different situations of that learning. How can priests who do not know these problems the least daring to provide help in this difficult matter? At least could give as guidelines the ten commandments and the Sermon on the mount, saying the person who goes to them: returns home and thinks if you’re doing agrees with the Sermon on the mount.

But no they should absolutely carry out marriage advice. There is no that No wonder that matrimonial morals of the Catholic Church has been too long something oppressive, if you think only on the prohibition of the contraceptive pill and the condom, or all the precepts that arrived even up to the bedroom of the spouses. The ecclesial helplessness in such a matter, is expressed among other things, that flees toward general considerations. Recently have seen him again in an unintelligible statement of the Pope, who said the following regarding the relationship between the man and the woman in all seriousness: ‘the man-woman relationship, with its uniqueness, reciprocity and complementarity, is without doubt a main point of the anthropological issue, which is so decisive for contemporary culture’. Once more the Church gives samples that farther away is an issue, as many more phrases and words without meaning employs, it only tries to hide a deep ignorance of it. Original author and source of the article.

The Person

WORKING inside the sense of belonging is the very essence of the human being, the connection with our ancestors, people who surround us and the entire universe. When it loses this sense of belonging, as a result of the experiences negative at any stage of life, but especially in childhood the person moves away from its true I, until the moment in which seeks this essences of his being by different means. The recovery of the sense of belonging is the achievement of integration with our past, our family and friends and our ecological environment. Personally I feel that many years I was living in a State where felt that non-membership, I not I felt any place, expect emotionally, alone and without direction in my life. To attend the first seminaries of education holistic felt that it would be a true light to find the path that would lead me to find the truth, my truth, and I’m not wrong because once you enter master teacher Ramon, peers, readings, but also the elaboration of different products were changing my feelings about lifestarting with the spiritual biography that I would like to delve into the depths of my being and recalling situations that allowed bringing me back to my true essence as a spiritual being. The key to self-control is self-awareness, to carry us as we wish in life, so it is important to do a review of the way as our existence has reached the current state of order or disorder. The universe governed by natural laws and humanity must hold us to them most people always seek out of us to who we can respect and admire. Now I realize that to find within me and in this way I could find more beautiful people, equipped with, exceptional, but mostly people intact that I would have never imagined I know due to lack of compression people fall into a tumult of negative circumstances, and the majority of people are fighting desperation to survive and not to live in fullnessIs that myself I have the ability to change my life, I have to take a self-control and the key is awareness of myself to stop me, and watch what happens in the world, I realize as the circumstances in We live is an uncontrollable situation of chaos, and to accept things as they are, what happened to me in the past causes fall into despair, restlessness towards the personal life and the world situation in general, but in our hearts a growing hope there the intimate conviction that we all have the capacity to improve the quality of our lives and one of the best tools I’ve found in my life has been meditation.

The Premilianismo

Reading Finally, revelation, topics of judgment are re-enlanzan through seals, the trumpets and the ira cups, and therefore, the according to the Amilenial view is not simply chronological. Although the most natural reading of Revelation 19: 11-20: 10 is sequential no unit break, combining all the above evidence, it can be more persuaded by an argument of the recapitulation. On this basis, it could be said that the story of Juan de visions does not indicate historical tie between them, but simply the order as Juan received them. Number of resurrections in the projection Amilenial the first resurrection is spiritual, second body. In the premilenialismo both resurrections are tangible.

The Premilianismo on the basis of 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52, teaches 2 bodily resurrections the essential argument is that the first stage is the resurrection deCristo (v 23), followed by the resurrection of believers in Christ at his second coming (v23), Millennium, followed by the second resurrection of the believers in the end. After (24 v) is in the sequential sense after that. In context, however, the resurrection of Christ (the firstfruits) has secured a bodily resurrection for all who die in Christ. Christ by his resurreccioninauguro the hope of the future bodily resurrection of the believer. A single resurrection is in the vision, the order perceived in this text is logical, not sequential. The bodily resurrection in the Parousia is based on the resurrection of Christ, and this Parousia will see Christ to give his Kingdom to the God the father. Indications fingers there chronologically separate resurrections. If Pablo wanted to teach two resurrections, he would say it clearly. In addition, Daniel 12: 2 clearly indicates that there will be a bodily resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, with no indication of 1000 years between the resurrection of the two. Similarly, in acts 24: 15 does not It asserts no distinction between the two bodily resurrections.