Cost Wedding

For the best possible wedding banquet is a partial service. It is cheaper banquet with full services, but more solid reception. Cocktail suitable for young wedding guests that the main will be those who are little more than twenty. At this age they eat little and a lot of dancing. That you will not be disturbed, better rent a private room.

True, it will cost a little more than a few tables in the general area. The main advantages of dining in the restaurant are obvious and very attractive. First, the lion's share of burden of preparing wedding will be transferred from your fragile shoulder of the powerful torsos restaurant workers. Concerns about the design space, serving and table decorations, cooking holiday dishes and cleaning (or rather, the capital repair) space after the wedding does not threaten you. In extreme cases, have a little nervous in conversation with the restaurant's. Second, during the wedding feast, you can relax on a par with the other guests, rather than rush headlong out of the hall to the kitchen and in the opposite direction. Wedding in the cafe will cost several times cheaper than dinner at a restaurant. And can be rented for an evening or a room or a room with a chef and waiters.

In the latter case, many organizational issues such as preparing holiday dishes, table and guest service, fully pass into the hands of professionals. You will only need to pay money for it and ensure that everything went 'without a hitch. " The most common version of a wedding celebration – "home" wedding, a feast of 'quiet family circle' of native walls. For the premises do not have to pay, and the cost of for food are under full control: if you want – purchase exotic products at fantastic price, you want to – go to the market and buy only what you need (meat, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs). On the other hand, all the negative aspects of the organization of large-scale feast will be on your shoulders, not to mention often a need to repair the premises at the end of the wedding! Efforts on preparation of a festive table at home can be alleviated if the contacting of life and hire for the evening waiters 2.3, which will help lay the table and serve guests. As the summer varieties home can offer a wedding celebration in the country. This option is suitable for consideration only if the land was overgrown with weeds, no, not a country house fell on its side and threatened every moment to bring down roof on the heads of households. Well, if the house has a large patio. It was here in the good summer weather can put a wedding tables. But we must remember about the original unpredictability of the weather: covering the tables under outdoors, you need to be pretty sure that the weather does not let you down!