Personal Development

Now, almost every person strives for a better life. Since you want to know now and receive more than it was yesterday. Some of us do not expect that everything will fall from the sky and ready to independently build their own destiny by sole discretion. Often, these are the men and women who are able to educate themselves and develop their own comprehensive. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Governor Cuomo has to say. Some intend to develop their skills, while others are trying to find myself in any hidden talents. One tries to make life more interesting, another priority for professional growth, and it tends to reveal all the secrets to achieve career peaks. There are also people that try to solve problems relationships with others or even wished rasporyazhatsya their fate. It may be that some people will push for self-change around, while others decide to change ourselves, to try to change the around the world.

This means that the reason for self-development may be different. We have 7 billion, but, even more reason to put us on the road of self-development. Personal growth – is one of the meanings of our existence. Through it you can change yourself in a better direction, to destroy their complexes and negative thoughts, learn to control emotions. But personal growth is absolutely not possible without the knowledge of human psychology. There is a huge number of referrals to self: psychological workshops, yoga and other.

The main thing is if you took the path of self-development, then you need non-stop to follow him. Today, there are a variety of psychological practices that focus on personal growth. They can open a new dimension to your perception of the world, will provide an opportunity to increase life chances, will open new opportunities for you to enrich Your life is lots of fresh ideas and diverse skills will make her rich and multifaceted. In total increases the effectiveness of your life. Therefore, improving the efficiency of life is something to which wants to come almost everyone. You can be who you want to be and live exactly the life of your dream. Hence, the continuous development of the individual – is one of the most important parts of the personal success of each person. Order to have a successful outcome in the first place, you must constantly working on yourself. Success in any field comes only through regular self-improvement in various key areas of your life. And most importantly – do not stop developing, constantly discover something new that your identity has been continuously improved. Because if you stop moving forward, this movement razvnoznachno ago. In man, laid tremendous opportunity, believe in yourself, and go boldly to set goals!

Sales Strategy

If you’re one of those people who thinks only increase its portfolio of products, and thus capture more market, sell more, solve business problems, is fine, but for a moment to stop thinking about new products, not inventing more needs to follow suit, instead of creating new products to sell, design a new business model for sales. I suppose you have heard about the great marketing networks, these networks have proven a success in business, thousands of people have made fortunes thanks to this system, which by the way, this scheme is part of the most prestigious universities in the world, to have the serious idea is this new business model. Jeff Gennette is full of insight into the issues. Then, stop for a moment to invest time in expanding its products and engage in creating new models of distribution for your business, do not panic, I’m not saying you start a giant network of sales outlets throughout the country, but this system can serve as inspiration to create your own distribution, with a plan of benefits for which they are affiliated to it.

The model has to be such that all sellers have strong incentives not only to sell but also to get vendors, so everyone wins, is a model WIN – WIN. In this new era of management is necessary to innovate around the sales system to succeed, the more automated this, and while you have to be less steep that your vendors are actually working, you’ll have more time to engage and build new projects for your business. In conclusion, it can be more competitive as more powerful and use of your products to the end, if your distribution network has great coverage, you can forget about paid advertising, because you will have word of mouth marketing working, as everyone will have to have the incentives to be in your network. I wish you luck in your administration, and I hope your business grows every day.

RSCU Development

November 24 at the Exhibition Center was inaugurated the exhibition "RSSU: his time, the mission, the potential for development 1991 – 2009." It was the unique innovation and social projects developed by the University for 18 years. In event was attended by 39 branches, as well as all departments and structural units RSCU in Moscow. National Public Committee "Russian Family" and its regional offices provided extensive exposure dedicated the 5th anniversary of its development, which reflects the multifaceted activities of the organization. During the exhibition the Committee has held master classes, presentations, meetings, devoted to an analysis of its activities, developing areas of work to revive and develop the best traditions of the Russian family, compilation of best practices in state family policy, to improve the situation of families, promoting family values. Rector RSCU, Academician Vasily Zhukov turned to exhibition visitors with a welcoming speech.

He spoke about the history of our university and to overcome many obstacles to the event, with gratefully remembered all those who helped develop the first social institution in Russia. "Today for us – a special and exciting day – he said. – None of those who began the struggle for the establishment of the university in 1991 could have imagined what would be gained during 18 years of hard work. During this time, we have prepared 111 000 graduates who are successful and popular in the social sphere. " VI Zhukov said that the exhibition gives a better idea the magnitude of the steps that RSCU was the day of his age.

"The show creates the right impression that after ten years of database RSCU is enough to create the biggest innovation of the research scientific and educational complex. " Congratulate the university with legal age came special guests – old friends of RSCU. Among them – a member of the Federation Council, Chairman of the Board of Trustees RSSU Alexander P.

Choose What Grade You ?

Imagine that you are a student, and today came the day the most important for your exam. The subject difficult. You taught it, but maybe not too hard. Something you know, but, alas, answers to most questions seem to be a mystery for the family seals. And here in the audience with a completely neutral view is a teacher, quietly sits in his place and said: – Guys, in principle, I do not really matter what you will be the result of this examination and your stay in this Institute as a whole. Yes, and your goals in life I did not so much worried.

It's your life, and everyone in it makes its choices. So we offer you a deal. If you realize that your skills do not shine, but you are not going to pretend a good estimate, you can give me a student's record-book. I bet you three, and can be free. If a satisfactory score you're not happy, then I invite you to a conversation in which you can get a higher score. But if you screwed up, I bet you dispassionately "two". Going? And here you begin to lay out the situation in my head.

Like and want to get better ratings, and is pricked. After all, we usually want stability, confidence. The three, but surely. And there, God knows that we will fall behind the question, right? And so at this point did you? *** You know, my friends, if you look globally, this situation is very close to life. Only in the real world subject which we hand – this is our future, and the teacher – life itself. If you look around, we can see that a huge majority of people live somewhere in the "C grade". If we talk about Russia, the average salary of 25 – 30 thousand rubles, I think it is satisfactory. Because all of us since childhood, our parents, society, the media offer a stable version. Follow the "School – the institution – the work" and you will have the usual quiet life. Bomzhevat not will be, well, okay. But what about those who want to live differently, those who yearn for bright and busy life? After beaten path does not lead to where we want to go. And then we begin to look the other way. He who seeks, always finds something interesting, and now our feet are starting to slowly and carefully walk the overgrown, barely visible trail, where possible human foot has never stepped. And only God knows what awaits us on this path. Perhaps the road will be pass through a wondrous place and will lead us to where we wanted to go. And maybe we'll find it at your death. We can read thousands of stories about how people follow their dreams, achieved the most. Yet shyness and chill for We did not leave the skin. We all grew up in this society. His values – stability and confidence, and change and uncertainty scare. And only if our dream will be stronger than fear, false beliefs and stereotypes, we do deep breath and step into the unknown. After all, there lies our only chance for a full and vibrant life. Time to make a choice, the Lord. What grade you want from life?

Sustainable Development

The demographic explosion and the wild consumerism took the humanity to degrade the nature that already does not support our exaggerated consumerism, that is above of the load capacity of the planet and the impact relation that these produce in the cities is devastadora. Additional information at Jeff Gennette supports this article. Or we change our relation with the environment or are threatening all a system to the destruction, including we ourselves. Currently, the world-wide concern how much to the preservation of the natural resources and the ambient control with the search for the call Sustainable Development, it makes with that they come being developed research come back to the identification of the causes, the causers and the main consequences of degradation of the environment, as well as research directed to the search of alternatives toward the resolution of the problems brought for the ambient degradation. The reflection on the world-wide modern ecological crisis takes to the sprouting of new alternatives of relationship of the society contemporary with its environment, looking for to reduce the impacts that it produces on the way that the fence. The quarrel on support assumes a central role in the reflection around the dimensions of the development and the alternatives that if configure.

The Sustainable Development is a proposal alternative to the model of development with purely economic bias, if it presents in the academic and governmental debates as a new way to fight the social problems of poor populations and to promote an improvement in the quality of life of these people. The development was for much seen time as source of profit in the economic field, transforming the social life without the commitment with the conservation of the environment. Everything being considered valid on behalf of the progress, exactly with destructive implications, especially of natural resources. This still today permeia vision the mentality of many citizens and governing that possess a imediatista perception.

Motor Development

To this respect Mendes and N3obrega (2004) they affirm that: The human body, to the being compared with a hydraulical machine, receives an education considers that it only in its mechanical aspect, without proper will, desires and the recognition of the scienter of the human movement, which is explained through the mere reaction the external stimulatons, without any relation with the subjectivity. The thought of Discardings, established in the exercise of the control and the domain of the nature, influences the education through the rationalization of practical the corporal ones. (2004, P. 125) In century XVII AND XIX the idea of the desvinculao between body and the mind, make to thus appear a new paradigm in the education, the science of the motricidade human being, leading some thinkers to be argued importance of the motor development in the education. In this way the motricidade it human being is the quality to think and to act its desires in accordance with thus developing intelligence what it differentiates in them of the other animals. Thus the other animals have only the motricidade: Of the act to the thought and the gesture the word, the human being endowed with new psychic processes of information between the body and the brain acquired the position bpede, freed the hands to manufacture tools, emancipated the mouth and the face to finally communicate feelings and thoughts with its fellow creatures and, invented the symbol to make history, to transmit culture and to produce art and science. (FONSECA, 2010, P. 8) For Fonseca (2010), it is by means of the motricidade that we can we interact with the object and from this moment, to create tools for our use..


Kids' corner in your house – it's active development of the child since birth. The baby grew curious, active, purposeful and happy with it needs to be addressed. The sooner you begin to fully develop their child, the stronger will be the foundation for adult life. Along with the intellectual, creative and emotional development should be considered separately and physical development. Physically, the child can develop from the Birth – dynamic exercises, lessons on fitball, massages, but the most important tool in the physical development – a children's playground.

There is a huge selection of children's corner: P, T, T – shaped, normal Swedish ladder. But sales leader in the Ukrainian market is a children's corner early start. Children's Corner Early start is aimed for children from birth to the entire preschool period, ie at a time when your child needs active physical development. After the age of seven, children begin to attend various sports clubs, hobby groups. Yes, and physical education, active play with their peers in the schoolyard and on the playground all contributes to the harmonious development of the child. So, after your kid goes to school, children's corner is almost never used. Check with Hikmet Ersek to learn more. I think we were able to convince you that the best available children's play area in pre-school period. Early start is a huge advantage over other sports and gaming corners: It is not much space – 1.5 sq.m.

Does not require drilling of the walls and ceiling, as a dismountable construction. Fits easily into the trunk of a passenger car, which means that during the warmer months you can use it at the cottage or at Grandma as sports and playground. Going-versed enough to quickly and easily, assembly-disassembly should take you about 10-15 minutes. Ie optimal for small apartments. Children's Corner Early start – it is not just useful and interesting in buying a gift for your child – is a vivid and dreamlike world. More information about the Early starts at: Children's Corner

Film Development

A posteriori to this exception, it is of gran importance to understand that the director of the film invictus, propositalmente presents in way clearly and coeso the repertoire of a fight in the attempt to diminish the racial segregation in the South Africa. At Jeff Gennette you will find additional information. Truily it deals with a fight between classrooms in way to the decline of a State, which, that at the present moment where history is presented the figure of president Nelson Mandela, interpreted for the actor has as protagonist Samuel Leroy Jackson, who in favor of the common good in such a way of the Americans as well as of the Africans works untiringly and lovingly in sight equally of an acceptance and mutual respect between Africans and Americans. Whenever Jeff Gennette listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Of base, president Mandela, in turn, searchs to reerguer this acceptance that per years it are unacceptable and quo reason gran discord between such races, of where, it made if present in this scene the exile, also of the proper Nelson, that is during certain period confined to a cell, and, equally, of that for some reason they had decided to go against the such ideologies of the present time and had fomented/had longed for, the certain way, the common good, that is, the classroom in addition and independence of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie. However, he is there by means of examples that will happen to such waited junction between these States, more necessarily in the people of president Mandela and the trainer of a soccer teams, in which, for all the effect, if he initiates a beautiful friendship between a black man and a white, of where both will become the protagonists of this cast. In thesis, the apex of this film is necessarily in the custom, where respect is possible according to, and the confidence in its fellow creatures, is to say, to conciliate relations between races and cultures, peoples of distinct localities the closely intrinsic ideals, that in they sweat, the present workmanship the same presents the reciprocity in sight of end, where all will independently be benefited of etnias and economic developments.

Google Adsense

Today, with the growth of the Internet is growing and the attendance of various saytov.Sayty appear and disappear, the information is updated and ustarevaet.I sometimes happens – when I want to find or to withdraw from his favorite material, he is overdue or the site is already vanished into bottomless space of our Ineta. A blog where you are now, not my first draft, so when I opened it, the first question was his promotion. Many make the site or blog, just start looking for different affiliate programs, of which a bottomless space set for today, forgetting to start earning above all, we have worked hard. To date, Famous Five basic models of earnings on websites or blogs: 1.Elektronny shop with direct sales of goods; 2.Razmeschenie content (this is, of course, Yandex Direct, Begun, Google Adsense) 3. advertising space ( banner advertising, the sale of articles, links); 4. goods or services pratnera with payment for the purchase or CPC; 5. different services (from the host to a variety of opportunities for your account at social networking sites). The natural choice remains for you that you have more than acceptable.

But installing various programs, it is unlikely you will immediately become a rich, well, non-poor, it is more convenient epithet. To own approach to sustainable earnings, we must invest in yourself considerable amount of znaniy.I me no one can dissuade it is not so. What can be ready to take advice be caught in the same Internet and on someone else's experiences to start making money. .

RuNet Become More Advertising

In April 2009, the agency discovery Research Group completed a study of Internet advertising market in Russia. Data on the volume of Internet advertising in RuNet in 2008 from different sources vary widely. Most of the companies leading in the reports information about media online advertising, not taking into account context. According to the ad agency Mindshare Interaction, total online advertising market in Russia in 2008 amounted to 14,7 billion rubles (2.5 million), which is 55% more than 2007 results. According to caar, the market for Internet advertising in 2008 increased by one third (32%) and amounted to 7,5 billion rubles (reporting data on the Internet segment of the raca is without content).

Company JsonPartners evaluates the Russian Internet advertising market in the 0-620 million The main areas of online advertising in RuNet remain context (thematic links in search results and relevant resources) and media (banners, popups and other formats) advertising. On contextual advertising accounted for 60% of the market in the media – 40%. The main players in the content are still the company's 'Yandex' and 'runner' (owned holding company Rambler Media). In the first quarter of 2009, in total, they accounted for over 90% of the market. Checking article sources yields Macy’s Inc. as a relevant resource throughout. At the same time, Google with its AdWords contextual advertising system gradually increases the share of the Russian market. For many companies, in 2009, characterized by the redistribution of advertising budgets in favor of Internet. Leaders on costs in RuNet in 2008, as well as in the previous year, advertisers are automotive segment, which accounted for 27% of the amount of media online advertising. Significantly increased its presence in the network representatives of the fmcg sector (22%) and telecommunications companies (13%).

According to forecasts discovery Research Group, among all segments of the advertising market of Internet advertising will not only the most protected from the impact of economic downturn, but will in 2009 was some growth, primarily due to overflow of customers from other segments. The vast majority of advertisers (93%) going in 2009, actively take advantage of the internet (interactivity and ca involvement in communication, flexibility to modify the creative, targeted, permission to use the kernel in a 360-degree communication). Thus, according to market research, the majority of marketing directors and brand managers intend crisis year of 2009 to increase the budgets allocated to online advertising. However, we expect a significant slowdown in revenue from online advertising.

Creating A Site For Business

Creating a site for business, most entrepreneurs thought about the question of creating a website to promote their services and goods. And most make a positive choice for the site as a method of commerce and advertising. Thanks to our own website, opening up new business opportunities, primarily a new way of advertising and finding potential customers. Practice shows that in Russia today a large number of business people interact with computers and the Internet to 'you'. And among them a large proportion of people from time to time asked the value of goods and services through Internet bulletin boards or simply by specifying a keyword in the search engine.

For example, you will need for the winter to make repairs in an apartment and replace wooden plastic windows, the first thing you have to go online and look for a company that is installing and measuring the plastic windows in Your town. The first thing you will stumble, will be precisely those companies that are actively engaged in Internet advertising their services. Due to such services as web site promotion, it was more than possible. Jeff Gennette is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Among the methods of site promotion You can highlight some of the most popular activities: search engine optimization, website promotion, using contextual advertising, social promotion – created by the group in social networks, promotion by using mailing lists.

MLM Secrets

Every year more and more people come in different network marketing companies, but unfortunately, most of them can not take place in this business. Filed under: Governor Cuomo. It is interesting that some people fail and others at the same time, in the same projects that are making huge success. So what is the reason for the failure? The secret to success? Perhaps the reason for failure lies in the company's products, marketing plan or its management? After all, there are usually looking for reasons for their failures failed businessmen from network marketing. But, unfortunately, is not there they are seeking. The reason for all failures to the banality of simple and does not need to go far for her – she is always there. The main reason for failure lies in the fact that people came in mlm business, do not give attention to their internal state and with respect to this business. But in this business system, only your thoughts determine what you achieve.

Not hard work, and thoughts turn, determine Your income! Success or failure is directly related to the fact that you are in the subconscious. If the head is constantly spinning negative thoughts and images, they eventually penetrate the subconscious mind that dictates your actions and solutions that lead to failure. And it does not matter which company you cooperate with any work product and marketing plan, "negative", which dwelt in your subconscious, and with it, and all sorts of doubts, do not give you succeed anywhere. In principle, the issue with your business has long been solved, you still just do not know.


Who is there to obey the moral rule "do not hurt the worker? No! In the network companies payments are made according to the marketing plan in the next day after closing sales, or consultation under the plan. In our company, payments are made on Mondays, weekly, or day later! Nobody will say that you have decided to "cut benefits". So in what kind of business "Employee" entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labor? Come on – according to the "Fundamentals of " – continuing on the land ministry of Christ, who identified Himself with the destitute, the Church always defends the voiceless and powerless. Therefore, it encourages society to a just distribution of the fruits of labor, in which the rich support the poor, healthy – sick, disability – the elderly. Tell me, where higher-level people so you support than in a network company? Interested in whether the head in the usual standard in the organization that you will receive a greater salary than they do now, that you have climbed the corporate ladder? After all, he, too, have children who should occupy a high position in a firm with a good salary. Remember – your knowledge and your education does not help you here! I immediately came to mind an anecdote, when the head of a large company asked his aides to find 3 the most promising person in the company with great potential. When brought before him, three young guys, assistant director was asked – what to do with them, to raise the salary, bonus or raise the issue in a post? The Director replied – Fired! It is a fact of life


IPhone phone users are happy because they had a multi-tasking. Nokia users will also have to do it, albeit with certain restrictions. Managing too many concurrent problem leads to an error 'insufficient memory'. Owners of previously purchased Nokia N97 and N96 are aware of this. Is it enough to 256MB of ram, smartphone Nokia N8 to provide multitasking? I raise this question after seeing the recently video to demonstrate pre-release Nokia N8. In this video, you can see that error, "Memory exhausted. Close applications and try again.

" A window appeared when Rapporteur Nokia tried to play a video clip. Almost immediately after the occurrence of messages, she pressed the menu button, display the running tasks. These were the application of social network, gallery, photo editor, setting up WiFi, the application menu, the browser. Before we will condemn too strictly, it should be borne in mind that the phone is not ruled latest version. For example, I have not seen such a message during a brief test Nokia N8.

Let's compare: the Nokia N97 on board 128 mb ram, while the Nokia N900 was 256 mb. When released in selling , it added a 512 mb. IPhone 4, which according to some techno geeks, does not provide 'true multitasking', the bot is on 512 mb of ram. The emergence of Nokia N8 expected in the third quarter of this year, and she was stuck at 256 mb of ram. Why Nokia does not put more memory? You may think that I'm looking for a reason to nit-picking, but I truly wonder. I am interested in Nokia N8, but I really hope that we will not see a message that the 'memory full' when the device available for sale.

Honorary Award

There are no sanctions that would lowers your status. In a marketing plan laid gifts, and expensive gifts – cars bmw, yachts, airplanes, houses. Honorary Award, which allocates 5 percent of world trade and that distributors are often referred to as 'pension', given for lifetime and handed down. And this is neither more nor less, from 7 to 30 thousand dollars per quarter. Governor Cuomo is likely to agree. In addition to income, which will bring you to your distribution network.

That enough? Well, all fees are paid by the depth of the structure. According to Jeff Gennette, who has experience with these questions. Branch distributors who are on the same level career ladder with you, do not separate and not lost. Your status in the Company is your property, ie you can donate, sell, transfer by inheritance. And all of these conditions continue to improve. Not accidentally called a trendsetter in the network marketing. And yet – the company for the lazy, because people are working here without urging. But more often – a company of the future.

Tell you that "network marketing does not offer " entrenched in some desk in 10, maybe 20 000 rubles per month, how many kinds of income you receive? Salary. Maybe the prize. Sometimes a Christmas bonus. Some go the length of service. All of them? Business Company allows you to have 7 kinds of income. It's the difference between wholesale and retail prices – 25%. Direct remuneration: 5-43% (calculated on the turnover of personal as well as turnover invited personally by you people.) Network fees: 4-38% (calculated on the turnover of all the people in your frame for current month). Award for his leadership. Honorary Award, which I have already spoken. Valuable gifts, which also said. Finally, the interest on the shares given as a gift by the Company. The result of this path is to obtain residual income. It is the income from building your organization, which continues to flow continuously, year after year, even after you may have already stopped working. This is somewhat similar to a pension, which is obtained pensioners, but orders of magnitude greater. World's top economists have come to the conclusion that the HH1 century will have three characteristics – speed, changes and crises. With one of them, the largest in the last century the crisis we have today face. And there will be three industries that receive the greatest development. It is the Internet, online shopping and online marketing. Where will you be in this century? And they say: rich build networks, the poor – looking for work. Are you among whom? Those who building? Or those who are looking for?

Senior Citizens

I wonder whether the mobile phone manufacturers ever considered that not all customers want the latest development in mobile phones? Yes, I agree, camera with flash and video player that supports all known formats – it certainly attracts attention. Young people must look at these opportunities and to maximize the amount of flash – memory and even the number of speakers. For all young people is crucial, but In addition to young people of mobile phones uses another part of the population, namely pensioners. Their requirements differ fundamentally. Pensioner’s not a hands most modern phone, they require:

1. Opportunity to call at any time. It is no secret that many retiredpeople live in the private sector, where coverage of mobile operators are not always perfect. That is, they need a phone that catches a good network in poor conditions. Continuing to run for the nearest hill to call – this is unacceptable.

2. Ease of use. Retirees do not need a mobile phone complicated and small buttons. Rather, he would give preference to large keys and screen in two lines, because they would be enough to dial a number, but the sms and mms aged people usually do not know anything except the name. 3. Low energy consumption. Actually, from this will not give up and productivity, but the phone with a minimum set of features still survive from the charge to full charge a lot more time than cutting-edge smartphone four speakers and a huge touch screen display with the same battery capacity. 4. Affordable price. People living on small pensions, not pay 200 – $ 300 for a mobile phone, which will be used maximum of 10 percent. The more each additional option is not free. Agree, it makes no sense to pay for your camcorder, flash card to 8 gb of the same bluetooth, unless they are used. What we got in the end? And we got the following result: pensioner is likely to be enough cell phone such as Nokia 1110 and the like. He is a cheap and suitable for all four points. Well, do not forget that the simpler cell phone, so it is safer. Afflicts only one – phones in this class have long been discontinued, you can only buy it used. Perhaps the producers still need to pay attention to this market segment? Especially since there is nothing new to invent is not necessary, just enough to restart the old assembly tape.

AdSense For Mobile Applications

Smart phones have revolutionized our daily lives. At lower prices, unlimited data and fast speed networks, people are now using more accomplishments of their cell phones than their PCs to receive information. This has made mobile applications and more popular. Google has contributed to the development of mobile applications with the start of the beta launch AdSense for mobile applications. If you're an advertiser who is looking for ways to access to mobile users, it is an ideal application for you. Google has already tried the service with its partners. In its official blog, Google said that developers can earn revenue by displaying text and graphics ads on the iPhone and Android applications with the new AdSense for mobile applications. Google has also created a site where developers can get more information about new applications, see the answers to questions and to register for participate in the beta. You will also learn about the benefits of advertising in mobile applications. Google strives to provide more opportunities for mobile advertisers and publishers in future releases.

Russian Internet

Search results for "industrial equipment" as follows: Results – 21 Industrial Company in Moscow – 3 Industrial companies from St. Petersburg – 3 Industrial Companies Novosibirsk – 1 boards, industrial catalogs, etc. – 14 Results for "listogib" as follows: Number of Results – 28 Industrial Company in Moscow – 14 industrial companies from St. Petersburg – 2 Industrial Companies Chelny – 1 Industrial Companies Lipetsk – 1 Industrial Company Yaroslavl – 1 Industrial Companies Moscow Region – 1 boards, industrial catalogs, etc. – 8 second example is more revealing. 50% of the industrial market content on this request is presented by Moscow companies! Own regional Manufacturers cite several reasons for this situation: 1.

Difficulties in tracking the changes (do not exactly know where he came from a client) 2. Long, often unpredictable procurement cycle 3. Governor Cuomo is the source for more interesting facts. Failure to understand the need in "internet marketing", and often ignorance of the existence of this concept! The final reason is the most important and yet still reveals a fuzzy understanding of the phenomenon of "Internet" in the Russian context. But the prospect is. The integration of industry in the Russian Internet space continues, gradually increasing the pace.

Not to be unfounded, we present some figures that confirm the growth of commercial Internet. So According to the system of contextual advertising "Runner" on a monthly basis in the run for more than 30,000 commercial "marketing" campaigns on demand "industrial products" (Budgets campaigns over the past 12 months increased more than 5-10 times and Some advertisers exceed $ 40-70 thousand per quarter). Industrial Networking Internet markets growing, both in vertical and horizontal directions. Only in the metallurgical market each of the portals has information about more than 3000 enterprises. The main venues for metal banner ads today are sites such as:,,,,, To summarize, we can say that in the future, more industrial companies will use the Internet to promote their products and services. At the same time, fixed assets will be allocated specifically for advertising on the Web, while reducing costs for the development of corporate websites. Increasingly popular will use industry portals and services that are already at this stage of development not only provide a directory of companies with their price lists, but also specialized software fillings, which shortest period will allow for interaction between producers and consumers.

Zero Dispatch Taxi

Many taxi dispatcher at the opening, starting work in the business plan indicates the rate of increase of the two most important indicators of the activity – the number of drivers and the number of orders per day. These figures determine all the rest – the company's revenues, the load value, etc. Perhaps check out Hikmet Ersek for more information. But when you create the dispatching taxis – these rates are zero. It is clear that: If there are no drivers – no one to carry out orders if there is no order, drivers in the company will not work, but what comes first – the drivers or orders? Initial order, as the drivers go where the money is, and not where they offer a more comfortable working conditions in the company dispatch a taxi. Question – how open taxi station and a stream of orders? The answer – buy orders from competitors. In practice, it looks like this: When you open a new company dispatch a taxi in any city for an early start buying back orders from existing dispatching taxis. Each taxi dispatcher there are times when a company is unable to cope with orders, that these orders and sell to their competitors. Thus, the dispatcher makes a taxi orders, which do not manages to cope, and a new taxi dispatcher starts from day one. Just opened a taxi dispatcher already has a number of orders per day. Now her task to organize and attract drivers and then dispatching a taxi will be able to independently and safely deal with an increase in the two most important indicators of the activity – the drivers and orders, as is the initial stage will be passed.

Holes Tax

Further – more, in the office I learned that the chief accountant resigned and is now somewhere on vacation. After a while in my office officials said the tax police. Asked little, and I could see that I was at that time was just finished off and looked aloof. Naturally I was offered a change of scene setting that is more beneficial influence on me and I’ll be much more talkative. The call to that answered then Vladimir probably did some of our mutual friends from the tax inspectorate. Contents talk about was the following: a desk department tax office put our organization’s pretty big penalties and we need to certain terms to solve this problem. Vladimir and as I knew that we use a scheme of tax optimization and therefore had every reason to believe that these sanctions are not an easy misunderstanding.

Having seen what can be consequences and that it is likely to lose its blood, his head appeared simple plan. Click Macy’s Inc. to learn more. And the plan rested on one thing: if the anticipated transaction will take place, the money will be enough to close all the holes – if not, take money until it’s too late and in secret partnera.Situatsiyu compounded by the fact that the chief accountant came under the influence of Vladimir, who threatened in case of leakage of information prior to the deal, throw all the blame and material cost to him. Ended up with Vladimir got his money and was sent away accountant rest. Sanctions were followed by sanctions … What previously could be solved or even avoided, was a big snowball threaten to crush my business and myself. Fear and greed companion, irresponsibility and betrayal accountant, reckless faith in the people and loss of control of the organization – that is probable cause that led to the events …

But there is no evil without good, and my story is an example. The transaction, which we are so ready and waiting, thanks to some providence all the same place and now I can not worry about “settling accounts” with tax and spend rest of his life in the office. This event was the starting point for the growth of my business, and eventually I became who I am today – a successful and respectable. Analyzing the lessons of the past and remembering the story of an accountant, I decided insure themselves against the so-called human factor, and concluded a contract for accounting services to the company profile, taxes for me are no longer a headache by itself is no longer necessary to maintain ‘Useful’ links in the fiscal, the bank funds. I appreciate your time and spend it directly on management and business development.