Universal Tool Omega

Warning system and evacuation (SOUE) – a complex of organizational and technical means for timely communication of information to people on fire occurrence and (or) appropriate and evacuation routes (NPB 104-03). According to this definition, the initial stage of designing soue simply boils down to two main stages. The first is to determine which functions should be performed soue for safe evacuation from the building. The second is the selection of equipment, capabilities which enable to fully implement the plan. And then, more often, designers have to find compromises between the demands of the ib the customer's wishes and capabilities of equipment. See more detailed opinions by reading what Lux Capital offers on the topic.. And most of all, in this dispute wins equipment, as modern Russian standards applicable to the pb soue, though binding, but have a number of shortcomings and the ambiguity of interpretations. The customer often can not persuade moderate their fantasies, but to persuade the equipment to perform what it is not incorporated, it is impossible.

Where is the exit? – You ask – a system that would fulfill bop requirements by 100%, would be able to meet the wishes of any customer and still be inexpensive in nature simply does not exist – There! And for several years designed, installed and operated at various sites in Russia and cis countries. It is a Russian warning system "Omega". And its American counterpart, produced a leader in the manufacture of alarm systems by Cooper Wheelock, a long time holding a leading position in the world. Equipment under the brand name 'Omega "- is not just a set of functional units – is a versatile tool with which you can build soue of any type, not limiting themselves or the customer in the set required functions, using the equipment on virtually any subject.