The complex functional characteristics of the mind human being if had developed as answers to the demands of the style of life of hunters and collectors, more than what nowadays. 1.2 The sprouting of the affective bond So far, the evolutivos and parental aspects of the relation were explicitaram only father-younglings. However, the baby, in way some, is a passive being. It is important to point out that, while a behavior modifies the environment, this environment modifies the behavior. Thus, when the mother acts on the baby, he modifies it, and, consequently, the baby will act on the mother, also modifying it, and will be in these constant relations that if it will give the affective envolvement. According to Schaffer, doctor in psychology of the education for the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul, cited for Ceclia Casali Oliveira, in the article ‘ ‘ The attachment infantil’ ‘ , the attachment behavior has a specific biological function of individual survival and the species. The behavior of attachment with the mother – cuidadora main – is precocious, more intense and more systematic, but it is a reply that if also establishes with other familiar adults, who if constitute secondary figures of attachment. Between 6 and 9 months it has the recognition of the father and the manifestation of on behavior of attachment.
Beyond the father, older children, exactly preschool children, become secondary figures of attachment. How much bigger the number of figures of attachment of the child, more intense its attachment to the mother as main figure. Until the third year of life of the child these mannering systems easily continue being activated; from this they are activated with little easiness and they pass for other changes during infancy. In accordance with Leakey, British paleantroplogo, cited for Pliny Landmark of Toni, the Federal University of the Paran, in the article ‘ ‘ Etologia human being – the example of apego’ ‘ , in comparison with the too much primates, ‘ ‘ the period of gestation of the Homo sapiens, whose average cerebral capacity is of 1.