Online Credit Card

There are still some opportunities to protect yourself. To be unaware of, say, a waiter at a restaurant in a potential fraud, do not give him a card in hand. Require that the reader device is brought to your table, and to withdraw money from your account when you are going. The same should happen in a variety of shops and other organizations where you decide to use to pay for a credit card. Moreover, even when you yourself are going to withdraw money from your account at an atm, the maximum block the keypad when typing a pin code. Well, of course, does not hurt to cover up the cherished numbers covering a number of keyboard at hand.

So – if you still want to use credit card online, then: 1. Open the card in a major bank, which has its own processing center, and allows rapid control of the account balance 2. Do not keep all your money on this credit card (do not use pay by credit card ), you risk losing everything you have. 3. If possible monitor account balance. In the case of e-authentication balance amount is reduced in real time, in the case off-line – must be written off for about two weeks from the date of the transaction.

4. Hikmet Ersek oftentimes addresses this issue. If you feel that your card is something wrong, immediately grab a bank statement – which must be specified details of the outlet, allowing her to identify (at least roughly). If you can not recognize 'their' transaction, a) ask your bank to dispute them and b) put the card in the stop list (expenses that you incur in this case, far less than what you can lose). However, decide for yourself – it may well be that you just can not remember where you were two weeks ago. By the way, usually 'attack' on the account as a stream of transactions for a small amount of ongoing several days and cause damage to the owner of several hundred to several thousand dollars. 5. Avoid dubious sites. Often the site – a trap for the numbers of cards. That's probably the main aspects that must be respected cardholders, who nevertheless decided to conduct some or card transactions on the Internet. But whatever the means of checking if someone has (often illegally) for complete information on credit card, then all these clever defense cost quickly and without fanfare. I say this because by the nature of the activities had to deal with it. According to unofficial estimates, the damage that could cause our actions carders in the case of a successful for these set of circumstances, can reach an annual income of reputable commercial bank. And although the Russian market is full of plastic cards has not yet emerged, it's just – a matter of time, and therefore underestimate risk of crime and abuse of the system of cashless payments, at least, it would be frivolous. At this point I probably will end his short educational program, this article describes the main types of fraud with bank cards, and actions that have to do cardholders that they are not shod. Yes wakes correctly interpreted my article "comrades in the shop", because in the words of Bender, there are hundreds of ways with respect to "fair" obtaining money from the public. More details about carders and all kinds of swindle with plastic cards can be read on yet open and accessible to all, carding forum While there is a bank card, and everything associated with them exist and we are!

Web Site Development In Kazan

Web-studio "Svarga 'offers: Site Development turnkey (design, layout, installation in CMS, programming, testing); placing sites on the Internet (domain name registration and hosting selection); promotion (' promotion ') sites in search engines; advertising sites on the thematic areas; manufacture logos and corporate styles. Governor Cuomo has much experience in this field. Web-studio "Svarga '- a young and creative team of web development. Staff companies have extensive experience in Internet technologies. Our team share a common goal – quality web development and effective results. Our motto is simple, we are not afraid of non-standard projects with interest and decide challenges. We appreciate our customers and adhere to clear deadlines. We are responsible for the usability of each project, therefore, greatly simplifies work with a site that makes it easy to modify and edit.

Rapidly growing field of Internet technologies requires constant improvement of workers in this sphere. Our web-studio with interest the development of the Internet market and features a search engine. In our work, we pay special attention to security issues. In our work, there are no boundaries. Our clients are companies and private clients around the world: Russia, Israel, USA, Australia and Cyprus.

The broad geography of customers suggests that we can easily solve the problem in the manufacture and promotion of sites remotely. Practice shows that 80% of our clients come to us again and recommend us to their friends. One of our main development is easy to manage content management system DeotixCMS, with which you can easily manage your project. We guarantee high-quality solution for each project. Each client to produce websites warranted for 12 months. We love our job! For us it is a creative and exciting process, which will result in the birth of a new commercially successful project. To order the production of site or site promotion in our company, you can contact us at +7 (843) 2-144-137. Advice and travel manager (within the Kazan) are free.

Google Adsense

Today, with the growth of the Internet is growing and the attendance of various saytov.Sayty appear and disappear, the information is updated and ustarevaet.I sometimes happens – when I want to find or to withdraw from his favorite material, he is overdue or the site is already vanished into bottomless space of our Ineta. A blog where you are now, not my first draft, so when I opened it, the first question was his promotion. Many make the site or blog, just start looking for different affiliate programs, of which a bottomless space set for today, forgetting to start earning above all, we have worked hard. To date, Famous Five basic models of earnings on websites or blogs: 1.Elektronny shop with direct sales of goods; 2.Razmeschenie content (this is, of course, Yandex Direct, Begun, Google Adsense) 3. advertising space ( banner advertising, the sale of articles, links); 4. goods or services pratnera with payment for the purchase or CPC; 5. different services (from the host to a variety of opportunities for your account at social networking sites). The natural choice remains for you that you have more than acceptable.

But installing various programs, it is unlikely you will immediately become a rich, well, non-poor, it is more convenient epithet. To own approach to sustainable earnings, we must invest in yourself considerable amount of znaniy.I me no one can dissuade it is not so. What can be ready to take advice be caught in the same Internet and on someone else's experiences to start making money. .

RuNet Become More Advertising

In April 2009, the agency discovery Research Group completed a study of Internet advertising market in Russia. Data on the volume of Internet advertising in RuNet in 2008 from different sources vary widely. Most of the companies leading in the reports information about media online advertising, not taking into account context. According to the ad agency Mindshare Interaction, total online advertising market in Russia in 2008 amounted to 14,7 billion rubles (2.5 million), which is 55% more than 2007 results. According to caar, the market for Internet advertising in 2008 increased by one third (32%) and amounted to 7,5 billion rubles (reporting data on the Internet segment of the raca is without content).

Company JsonPartners evaluates the Russian Internet advertising market in the 0-620 million The main areas of online advertising in RuNet remain context (thematic links in search results and relevant resources) and media (banners, popups and other formats) advertising. On contextual advertising accounted for 60% of the market in the media – 40%. The main players in the content are still the company's 'Yandex' and 'runner' (owned holding company Rambler Media). In the first quarter of 2009, in total, they accounted for over 90% of the market. Checking article sources yields Macy’s Inc. as a relevant resource throughout. At the same time, Google with its AdWords contextual advertising system gradually increases the share of the Russian market. For many companies, in 2009, characterized by the redistribution of advertising budgets in favor of Internet. Leaders on costs in RuNet in 2008, as well as in the previous year, advertisers are automotive segment, which accounted for 27% of the amount of media online advertising. Significantly increased its presence in the network representatives of the fmcg sector (22%) and telecommunications companies (13%).

According to forecasts discovery Research Group, among all segments of the advertising market of Internet advertising will not only the most protected from the impact of economic downturn, but will in 2009 was some growth, primarily due to overflow of customers from other segments. The vast majority of advertisers (93%) going in 2009, actively take advantage of the internet (interactivity and ca involvement in communication, flexibility to modify the creative, targeted, permission to use the kernel in a 360-degree communication). Thus, according to market research, the majority of marketing directors and brand managers intend crisis year of 2009 to increase the budgets allocated to online advertising. However, we expect a significant slowdown in revenue from online advertising.

Creating A Site For Business

Creating a site for business, most entrepreneurs thought about the question of creating a website to promote their services and goods. And most make a positive choice for the site as a method of commerce and advertising. Thanks to our own website, opening up new business opportunities, primarily a new way of advertising and finding potential customers. Practice shows that in Russia today a large number of business people interact with computers and the Internet to 'you'. And among them a large proportion of people from time to time asked the value of goods and services through Internet bulletin boards or simply by specifying a keyword in the search engine.

For example, you will need for the winter to make repairs in an apartment and replace wooden plastic windows, the first thing you have to go online and look for a company that is installing and measuring the plastic windows in Your town. The first thing you will stumble, will be precisely those companies that are actively engaged in Internet advertising their services. Due to such services as web site promotion, it was more than possible. Jeff Gennette is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Among the methods of site promotion You can highlight some of the most popular activities: search engine optimization, website promotion, using contextual advertising, social promotion – created by the group in social networks, promotion by using mailing lists.

AdSense For Mobile Applications

Smart phones have revolutionized our daily lives. At lower prices, unlimited data and fast speed networks, people are now using more accomplishments of their cell phones than their PCs to receive information. This has made mobile applications and more popular. Google has contributed to the development of mobile applications with the start of the beta launch AdSense for mobile applications. If you're an advertiser who is looking for ways to access to mobile users, it is an ideal application for you. Google has already tried the service with its partners. In its official blog, Google said that developers can earn revenue by displaying text and graphics ads on the iPhone and Android applications with the new AdSense for mobile applications. Google has also created a site where developers can get more information about new applications, see the answers to questions and to register for participate in the beta. You will also learn about the benefits of advertising in mobile applications. Google strives to provide more opportunities for mobile advertisers and publishers in future releases.

Web Sites

Website – this calling card, and advertising, and information that is available 24 hours a day. Website Design – responsible process. Should decide in advance why we need a website, how would you like to see. You can create a site yourself, Armed with a guidebook on how websites. But the creation of websites any serious organizations entrusted experienced professionals.

Creating a website does not mean the end of work on it. Ready Site – it's not the end of the path, but rather starting point for development. That sites may be found in the global network, so that they have visited, you need promotion of web sites. Promotion – is a series of measures aimed at a better place site search on the necessary According to the search engines. With the key words characterizing the direction and value of a site neobhomo determined in advance.

Promotion of the site or search engine optimization, involves both work on the contents of the site, and system for creating external links to your site. For the convenience of searching the contents of the site is constructed so that it is well received not only targeted visitors, but also by search engines. Site promotion is based on the registration site a large number of directories, website promotion through feature articles, link exchange and placement of content. To date for the creation and promotion of the site for a permanent job on him and his improvement in the company's staff invited to a special employee or a more convenient option – chosen by web-studio, which covers all or part of the responsibility for working with the site.

Prospects Tips

As always, creating a site that many people do not represent his best to provide a wider audience. Once a project is created – the question is' Where are visitors " . bject. No need to be naive and think that site will be by itself popular. About him to declare and maintain attention to it constantly. To a certain point you just need to 'push the site', to help him swing and be visited at the expense of interest or target content.

To Stobie your site to be more attractive to search engines, you need to fill it with the target information, this can create on your own site directory articles, and then proceed to promote your own site in the network Intenet. Currently, the best way to take their positions in the Internet – placing articles with links to your site as your friendly sites, or just buy seats for their own articles on other sites. This allows make a site recognizable to express their resource, make it more attractive and popular, but not due to transitions from the sites that host the articles, but due to the direct conversion of visitors to your page from a search systems. Advantages in the placement of articles. Submit an article – it means one step closer to success.

The advantages of this are obvious, posting articles with links to your site you will work to increase site performance (increase tic and PR) and in addition get a real audience. If you just bought a domain but you can not create a full website, the best option – is to make its catalog of feature articles and earn money creation of a full-fledged 'site of your dreams. " Allow for money to add an article contact you users and accumulate the necessary amount to develop the site. Creating a directory of articles on your own site you've already taken the first step to success, as long as you save up money for their own site, your domain is getting more popular every day. As they say – the process will not stand still. Take the first step and you will succeed!

Promotion Websites

Let's talk with you about white methods of promotion of websites in the network. In general, what is free website promotion? As we already know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. And so using only the white way of promotion, We will have to spend much of their time and effort. All stages of development, I have divided into three fad. Here, we read: 1. Embryo. And so, we have our own site with already registered domain name.

It remains the most difficult. Untwist it as it should. At the initial stage of development, which I have nicknamed 'Bud' We need to make the search engines indexed Our miracle. Do not know what 'index'? Read here – a guide optimizer. Doing it this way. Go to the main search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler, Yahoo), for example, we chose Yandex, write it here so the search query 'add a site in Yandex', and our attention immediately provided a link to Yandeks.Vebmaster. Proceed and send a link for consideration.

That's it. And to accelerate this process can still be using social bookmarking, which have a positive effect on the weight of the reference mass. 2. Birth. So your site will appear in the index of search engines. What else should I ask? And now we need visitors. Let them go, you must promote your website in search engines. You can start by adding links to directories. Divided directories on the white and gray. The first does not require reciprocal links, while the latter, without backlinks will not add your link. If you find directories with the redirect (the link to your website is not straight), you can safely leave. In advancing these virtually no role to play. Western Union helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. So What else? And yes, there you are actively communicating on forums, put in your signature link to your website. You can also leave comments in blogs and guestbooks.

Website Promotion

Successful promotion of web-site in the search can be achieved with the application of optimization to search web-site. Need to realize that optimizing a web-site is not made once and forever. This process, which is undesirable interruption of such as a positive result (high position in the ranking) is short-lived. Any web-site has its own boundary optimization. Without increasing the text filling the positive effect of optimization can not last permanently. and unnaturally preferred to wait for a web-site position with a size of ten pages to the website with the size of a hundred pages at equal rates.

Ultimately, optimization for search can not give 100 percent guarantee that the web-site gets on any particular position in search engine results. Optimizing only raises the possibility that the web-site will take the highest of the likely place for it. Distinguish three main stages of optimization Search: I. Elimination of technical problems and issues to improve the indexing of web-site search engines robots – Duplication of any change in the html menu, which is written in flash, dhtml or JavScript – Faithful setting redirects – Removing duplicate Page ii. Optimizing a web-site – Application of meta-tags – Use of tags – – filling, filling a unique information – Effective use of images (alt ='') – Remove the text, which does not relate to the topic of a web-site – Remove unnecessary banners etc.

– Optimization of pages – Changes in the structure of pages. Relevant pages should be more. Would be good to take this into account besides the production web-site. – Check the efficiency of internal hyperlinks iii. Strengthening the link base options – Purchase options on stock exchanges – Links to web-sites with similar subjects – Links users – with articles When optimizing for the search should be observed relationship between facet web-site for search engines and accessibility of a web-site for ordinary users.

Yandex License

Everything described below applies only to paid hosting. Prices for hosting services are not high and buy high-quality hosting is quite possible for only two U.S. dollars a month, in addition also the domain of the first level of good area completely free of charge. Under a good band, I have the lead-domains ru, org and the like, rather than Chinese domain cn, who at the time of writing, can be purchased for 99 cents, or maybe somewhere cheaper, I was not looking. So, do not jumps at low prices, a hosting service can then "get out sideways, though not in all cases, there is a high-quality hosting for not much money. When choosing a hosting, attention should be paid to such criteria as: 1.

Reliability Servers 2. Access speed 3. Traffic volume 4. Technical Support 5. Room service is not all hosting companies own or lease their own servers. Some of them are resellers of some other hosting company. The disadvantage of using resellers is that you're dealing with people who know little about the system.

However, it also depends on the reseller and the primary hosting company. It is desirable that the hosting provider was the organization that has the license office and at least one contact telephone number, not a private person. In this case, is confident that the company will not survive one day of the month (and thus your site), you are legally able to make a complaint if necessary. If your site hosting provider available phone numbers, office address, license number, the contract-Ofer, it is likely ressiler or individual (or simply free hosting), and in this case I would advise to look for another hosting cinematography. When to schedule yourself a suitable host, do not be lazy to spend a lot of time searching for reviews about this hosting, it is sufficient to use a search Yandex, or major forums for webmasters. Many hosting providers offer a trial period for your hosting, you will be able to determine not only the quality of servers, but also to test the site and scripts. After all, for example, some cms do not work with all versions of php and MySQL.

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs, Crunchbase says:

Goldman Sachs is a one of the worldโ€™s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.

In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.

Much people are speaking of the numerous benefits that can be obtained with the surveys by Internet paid, nevertheless something so easy can get to bring about suspicion. What has of certain in this of the surveys and that are what there is to consider before beginning? Between the rumors that the people seed throughout and the enormous amount of the information who exist in Internet, most probable it is than you have been confused before being able to obtain a little clear data and needs and you have resigned to make a money. And it is that it enters the companies that are seriously dedicated to organize surveys and to pagarte by your answers you can find other pseudo-companies that the unique thing that wishes is to obtain your money. Next we will say to you what is the criterion to distinguish a good company of surveys by Internet paid. – The site: a site Internet is the business card of any company nowadays.

Or from the name of the company you can discover if one is about a serious company or a swindler. Special Pon attention to the information that the company includes in its site. If this one it includes his biography and its direction, most probable is than it does not have anything to fear; if however you do not know nor where to contact it to request information, surely is a deceit. Another important factor is the experience. If a company exists for several years, probably not yet it has deceived anybody; if however it exists for a short time, is probable that also in just a short time it disappears. – The inscription: a serious company of surveys is paid by a great mark to carry out a market study. For this reason it does not need your money to stay. For practical aims it will ask to you that you register in its site, but the inscription will be completely gratuitous. The company that requests an initial money to you for ponerte in contact with the great marks, most probable is than it is looking for to become rich and to disappear more soon possible. In order to begin to fill remunerated surveys and to make money of the possible easiest way, you do Click Here.

PageRank Site

1. PageRank is one of numerous methods Google uses to determine the relevance and importance of pages. 2. Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote in favor of A B, of course take into account not only the number of votes, but and the quality of the voting pages. 3. PageRank is based on the number of incoming links, but not only on him, the relevance and quality are important too.

4. pr (A) = (a-d) + d (PR (t1) / C (t1) + + pr (tn) / C (tn)). 5. Not all links are equally influenced by PageRank. 6. If a page with PR8 there is only one link, then site to which it refers will receive the entire pr that she can pass, if the links 100 that each link will carry only part of the pr. 7.

Bad incoming links will not affect the pr. 8. In the pr is taken into account the lifetime of the site, relevancy of incoming links and the time of their existence. 9. When calculating the pr content is not taken into account. 10. pr is not calculated for the whole site, and for each page individually. 11. Important part of each link, except for references to

Yandex Catalog

The presence of a site in Yandex catalog is not only prestigious, but also beneficial to the web – master. When injected into the Yandex directory increases significantly thematic index of citing, in which, as we know, creates a view of the credibility of the site. Enhanced position of a site in the search results of many search engines. Site begins to generate more revenue from services related to search engine optimization. An increasing number of targeted visitors coming from search engines.

Yandex is constantly looking for new quality sites to add them to the directory. But to get to the directory is not so easy. This is explained by the fact that Yandex selects the best of the web (according to editors) for placement in its directory. All sites are located in the catalog is strictly structured by headings and arranged in descending order of their citation. There is a fee and free registration to Yandex directory.

For complete the application for free registration in the catalog must click on the link and fill out the required data. Before you start to fill in the fields of registration – be sure to read the rules describe resources. The most important thing when describing the resource do the following: To quote the description is read by visitors directory, and not to index the search robot, so it should consist of normal sentences, and not confined to the list of search words description characterizes the site, not the company it belongs to the description must not contain epithets and allegations advertising, as well as adjectives in the superlative degree ("Best", "full", "cheap", "best", "unique", etc.). And one more little warning – before you apply for registration in the catalog, make sure that the site is no license violations Yandex, such as accommodation package services. Yandex is considering a request for free registration for an average of 3 months, so do not expect instant solutions. If you do not want to wait, you can take a toll registration by paying 12,500 rubles. In this case, your application will be considered 1-2 days and if a positive decision, the site will include a directory within 3 days. Remuneration of the catalog can be Yandex payment: bank transfer to the Yandex Yandex transfer to the account through the Savings Bank or any other commercial bank in Russia by credit card Visa and Eurocard / Mastercard Yandex.Money Webmoney Sometimes site owners complain about the editors Yandex catalog for biased refusal. On this occasion I would like to note that in our world is always difficult to be objective. Has a big role the human factor. But if you believe that your website and the content of the resource is really quality and compliance with Yandex catalog, be persistent and you will certainly be a success. Do not be afraid to engage in correspondence with the editors of the catalog, polite, and reasonable to assert his opinion. An example of such correspondence with the editor, you can look here for the successful addition of a site in Yandex directory (in my opinion) the site must meet the following requirements: Have a clear thematic focus. Does not contain , and all that is related to spam search engines. Contain unique content. Have a large attendance. And be sure before you apply for registration in the catalog, make sure that the site is not Yandex license violations. Moderators directory when visiting the sites can detect such violations. So the risk is not worth it.

Paid Scripts

There are many ready-made scripts statistics, which includes statistics searches. Some of them are free and some require payment. In addition any meter installed on the site also records search queries, whose history can be viewed by logging into your account rating system, the meter is installed on the site. But to extract some benefit to the site of the counters rating systems fail. Well, free and Paid Scripts statistics are often very heavy and slow, terrible burden the server that the site is unacceptable. Out of the situation is simple. Need a simple php script statistics and history of search words. Such a script to make difficult.

Below is the text presented to the class for parsing search queries. class SearchWord / / flag fixing approach to the site from a search engine var $ Sright; / / signature var $ SearchSite; / / search query var $ SearchWord; / / refferal link search query var $ SearchRefer; function SearchRequre ($ SRefer) global $ eini; $ tmp = phrase. The file itself and a description of a php script on the basis of this class can be found at the original source of this article. On the basis of this class can be made for a site page in the history of search phrases for which it is also possible generate ready-made pages using my own site search script like the site itself.

Hosting and URLs

Normally, files downloaded automatically to those modes in which you want – pictures – binary, text files – ascii. Check that your servak (or Windows) suddenly do not accidentally converted the first letters in the file names in upper case – it's us nowhere. File 'read eto.txt "upload to the server does not need! ๐Ÿ˜‰ After all uploaded, you must set the correct permissions (chmod) on files and folders. Again, usually right on the files are set automatically, you need – 644. Total Commander will tell you that. And to all folders (and mostly in that you have posted the contents of the script, and attached) must be put right 777.

This can be done via the control panel of the hosting – go there in the file manager and find this chip with the rights of 'Change Permissions " For a long time not to bother: 777 – are all displayed checkboxes. Thus, did everything – can be accessed at the following URLu: vash_sayt / papka_skripta / admin.php. If you are not screwed with the permissions, you will transfer to the window of the primary service initialization. At this stage can be here is such a failure: in the primary window You can see the initialization string with an error of type 'Warning: set_time_limit () ". If you see this, then in the settings.php file, simply delete the line 'set_time_limit (60). A similar option is remove the string from the file. Htaccess.

Replace the two files on the server and again, please to this URLu – everything should work. Choose a username and password cunning, not less than 8 characters and no password is shorter, with numbers and letters. After this, you will be offered to log into your account with data. On specified in the file settings.php emeyl will be sent to the hash to access your account. For this reason, use strong soap, if the hash comes with a considerable delay – the account will not be sent. With no problem – checked. When first accessing your account you will be asked to configure script. Enter the basic parameters, which include: your name, emeyl, send / not send a letter to confirm the subscription (I would recommend to use the confirmation letter, will be less of a problem), number of Letters to the stack of reference. The last parameter is very important because affects the burden of hosting. To put a series of letters no more than 5-10, Newsletter – 15-20. Save your changes and complete customization. The script is ready, now it is only set crowns, automatic release mailing letters. You can do it again from your hosting control panel. From hosting to hosting the command syntax crown may significantly vary, the details knows Your support service (and even then not always;)). According to the experience I want to say that GoldHosta is this kind of command: get vash_sayt / papka_skripta / iprocessor.php> / dev / null or / usr / local / bin / get vash_sayt / papka_skripta / iprocessor.php> / dev / null or sometimes / usr / bin / lynx – dump vash_sayt / papka_skripta / iprocessor.php> / dev / null Set nok operation 1-2 times per hour – that you Woodpeckers enough with his head. And this perhaps all – how to set up a series of letters, read the accompanying script to the manual, but our paper is big already left. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a nice day!

The Story Of One Webmaster

Probably everyone in life there comes a point when you stand before a choice: to continue to happily go through life, to finish the prestigious college and get a local firm or state agency, to work at his uncle and get his fixed salary or leave uncertainty and doubt familiar to you the people behind their backs, take a step to meet the new, proving first yourself that you can. By choosing the second path you start to feel the freedom freedom choice, the freedom of its action, the freedom of life. You begin to believe that you receive, and when it turns out – you know it’s not that difficult – just only try. Optimism – is what gives me strength. When I asked Andrew Shuglova, one of the most successful webmasters Runet, about his personal secrets of success, he replied, “to be optimistic.” Excellent answer a wonderful person! For the first time in my life I realized his dream by enrolling in college favorite favorite city. This was my first step. It was incredibly difficult, at times it seemed that I could not, but the result was worth effort. The first time I clearly became aware that there are no boundaries and can achieve almost just want this much.

And I started find a new dream It came at once: to earn $ 800 to buy a laptop. With time and experience I successfully managed to make my first wish, thanks to my customers. From a webmaster I met in June 2006.