Red Sea

We look at of the other side and we see more mountains. we look in front and there it is the Red Sea. He was thus with Moiss and the people of God in that day, and perhaps thus either with you now. Then I want to say to it that still a God exists who can give the total freedom to it of its problems. Not he imports which either this problem, either disease, either financial problem, either sentimental problem, either professional problem, be that as it may, It still is capable the sovereign and highest God of helping in them.

Then he does not look at of side, therefore with certainty he will see mountains, but he looks at for front in direction to the high one, therefore he is of there that he will come its aid. The PROPHET I want that if it remembers of what 20:20 is written in II Chronicles (Heard me, Jud, and you, living of Jerusalem: Deus believe in Mr. your, and will be safe; you believe in its prophets, and will prosper;) With this I want to say to it that at this moment God raising it is me as prophet for its life to augur that the Red Sea of its life goes to confide, only waits more a little, therefore still it will pass in dry land. God does not order message, It uses prophet. Thus he was with Moiss for as the people of Israel and thus he is stops with you at this moment. Then it believes in this prophet, exactly knowing believes without me in this predictive word, it was given because of its life and you she is the person most important of the world. A MIRACLE Miracle is something that the man cannot make and nor he can explain. Then miracle alone is possible if God will be in the business.