Walnut Landscape

Metodolgica description the theoretical and metodolgicas references could not be other seno those given by the fenomenologia, beyond the theoretical recital searching as arcabouo analytical the boarded conceptions for the classic authors and contemporaries on the forest, we are carrying through half-structuralized interviews and comments in I lease in the area in study. In this manner, the methodology used for Blacksmith (2004) and as well as readings and comments in field, being that these if had given through data gotten from the history of life and situations lived for the inhabitants of the forest. Favoring later the elaboration and interpretations that express the relationship with the forest, having as purpose to understand the beddings theoretician-epistemolgicos where if he based the research. In Geography it is the category landscape that more is come close to this quarrel, being basic references the works of Eric Dardel (L? homme et there terre, 1952), that he presents a Geograficidade, definite one as being the relationship form that one to be has with the landscape; Buttimer (1985), focuses the affective relations and of unreliability with the places and the landscape; Walnut (2001), that it observed, from a reading of Dardel, a geograficidade relation enters the commanders of boats in the river Amazon and the landscapes for lived them; at last, Paul Claval (1999), that it looks for to demonstrate as each culture establishes singular relations with the place and the landscape and constants transformation, being beyond the economic relations. How much to the procedures and/or metodolgicas stages, we understand that it would not have alternative, ahead of the theoretical option to be followed, seno, to hear the people. In this direction, the adopted methodology emphasizes the data gotten through interviews, therefore the verbal depositions that had been valued in the work most are told through the open interviews. It has seen that these histories reflect ' ' world vivido' ' , and in them they make possible one better understanding of the relations between the man and the landscape that the fence, in this research, between the man and the Forest.

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Sheri Bridges

– fomentaro spirit of the scientific inquiry for auto-production of the knowledge; – exploraros agreements of the Philosophy of the Total Quality with the Program 9S (solicitarpara that it is verified in the Internet). CONCLUSION the educational entities are to necessitandorefazer its plans of action with relevancy to the attendance processes junto clientele who the visit. This clientele yearns for complete atendimentopersonalizado and, in such a way that its completely sejamsanadas doubts. Such doubts generally are pertinent the structure of entidadeeducacional, which optimum course for its career (for the drifters), valore discountings of each course, documentation demanded for school registration, setorescorretos for academic procedures. The great villain of the insatisfao of the customer deuma educational entity is really the attendance colaboradorespromovem that them. This insatisfao generally makes with that the customer goes sufficiently to procurarsatisfazer to its yearnings in another entity and that is comprometedorpara the image of the entity, therefore is known that an unsatisfied person comentacom more eleven people and each one of them for more eleven and so on. A generating exponential catastrophe of the depreciation of the image is naverdade educational daentidade.

The collaborator, when in full action of umatendimento next to a customer in potential, he must be focado in atenderplenamente to the personal and emotional questions of the customer in potential, independently of the conditions of wage satisfaction, work conditions, etc. the educational entity possesss the duty to deprestar next to its collaborators who had been submitted certainly to one rigorosoprocesso of election, all the necessary information so that its desempenhoseja above of the satisfactory one, privileging the talent and the ability of each ume adding this to it, all a gamma of actions come back toward its imagempessoal, primando for an elegance of says, adjusted clothes, gestossuaves, no demonstration of estresse, constant smile in the face, at last, umaaparncia that can reflect the seriousness of the educational entity. How much to the members of the faculty, he must-seregistrar that its paper is of classroom is of basic noauxlio importance to the functional collaborators, but with distinct characteristics. Teaching Cabeao to give to all gamma of pertinent information to the acadmicada structure entity, mechanisms of evaluation, practical theory and of each disciplines quecompe the intended course. It is registered that an adequate deformed initial attendance, must be continued of that form, that is, taking care of always sexpectativas of the customers who already in this phase, they can be tabulated as clientesinternos preferential. An brusque change of attendance stops with essesclientes can cause a insatisfao and this, possibly of the beginning aocliente in thinking about if mainly transferring to another educational entity of ensinosuperior, generating a significant rise index of insolvency that is hojeo great enemy of the entities, of particular credential. Nowadays, everything turns around a main objective: ' ' as to please ocliente' ' , it says Sheri Bridges, teacher of marketing of the WakeForestUniversity, United States. For it, the satisfaction of the customer depends dapersonalizao on its preferences and necessities.

Udea- Cameras Of Video-monitoring With Intimidatory Aims

The City council of Inca and its local hospital, are going to be investigated by the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data, by a supposed filtration of data (names, directions ) that were picked up and used by councilmen of the PP. The Federaci de Serveis Pbliblis- the UGT denounced the year last to the hospital, as a result of information that appeared in means, on the imminent filtration of personal data of the users. Being, councilmen of the PP, those that used supposedly in their electoral campaigns, to realise visits. Also they are considering of extreme importance of knowing if the rights of the citizens of the region of Inca as much on the part of the City council as by the Raiguer Hospital have been harmed. According to the federation, the AEDP has begun an investigation by the presumed infraction of the two public administrations by the dispersion of data with deprived character of their patients. The union also communicates the importance with which the AEPD breaks ties to the workers of the hospital, by the suspicion that the culprit of those filtrations comprises of the political field. Dpto. Marketing and Communication udea Security of the Information, source: ABC