Metodolgica description the theoretical and metodolgicas references could not be other seno those given by the fenomenologia, beyond the theoretical recital searching as arcabouo analytical the boarded conceptions for the classic authors and contemporaries on the forest, we are carrying through half-structuralized interviews and comments in I lease in the area in study. In this manner, the methodology used for Blacksmith (2004) and as well as readings and comments in field, being that these if had given through data gotten from the history of life and situations lived for the inhabitants of the forest. Favoring later the elaboration and interpretations that express the relationship with the forest, having as purpose to understand the beddings theoretician-epistemolgicos where if he based the research. In Geography it is the category landscape that more is come close to this quarrel, being basic references the works of Eric Dardel (L? homme et there terre, 1952), that he presents a Geograficidade, definite one as being the relationship form that one to be has with the landscape; Buttimer (1985), focuses the affective relations and of unreliability with the places and the landscape; Walnut (2001), that it observed, from a reading of Dardel, a geograficidade relation enters the commanders of boats in the river Amazon and the landscapes for lived them; at last, Paul Claval (1999), that it looks for to demonstrate as each culture establishes singular relations with the place and the landscape and constants transformation, being beyond the economic relations. How much to the procedures and/or metodolgicas stages, we understand that it would not have alternative, ahead of the theoretical option to be followed, seno, to hear the people. In this direction, the adopted methodology emphasizes the data gotten through interviews, therefore the verbal depositions that had been valued in the work most are told through the open interviews. It has seen that these histories reflect ' ' world vivido' ' , and in them they make possible one better understanding of the relations between the man and the landscape that the fence, in this research, between the man and the Forest.