State King

The subdivises of feudal (p 111) the necessity of constant renewal of the military cash, took the vassals to give beginning to an ample process of ' ' subenfeudao' ' of its lands. The knights had started to yield part of its feudals, who also if became feudal gentlemen and assumed the responsibility to take care of of the territorial defense, forming new armies. Of form, the vassal of the king, also started to be suserano of the knights to who granted lands. This subdivision, with passing of the time, started to create difficulties in defining who was the suseranos and the vassals. According to author, in some cases, a king was vassal of another king.

He also occurred cases in a vassal more than received lands from one gentleman, becoming vassal of more than one feudal gentleman. Everything this deflagrou a division in the senhorial classroom in two segments, the high nobility, who were constituted of the princes, dukes, condes, barons, commanders of castles (casteles) and members of the high clergy. They were magnates or optimates; low the nobility formed for simple religious knights and of few ownerships, as the cnegos. The high nobility withheld the economic power and to militate the king loses the power (pag.111) Such occured transformations between sec. VIII the XI had fortified feudal gentlemen and had weakened the power of the king. The authority Dos Reis under the feudals was summarized; the collection of taxes was executed for you feudal, as well as the judicial authority; it did not arrive to exist a centered State; the king more started to be feudal Sir. From sec. X feudal had obtained, you, gradual, the hereditary succession of the feudals, that had left of being temporary concessions. Great conflicts had been generated from this in the dispute in extending its properties. The marriages were an used form to accumulate properties and to increase the power.