Decoration Styles

It is one of the great themes of history, since it has been evolving since the beginning of their times, at the beginning was a matter only for the more wealthy population, and popularizing gradually for the rest of the population. At first consisted merely something practical, a table to eat, bed and chairs, a closet for food currently on the other hand, is a much more complex issue, and that goes much further that needs simple practices, and we are styles that has passed this issue to choose our taste that adapts most to usWe chose between centuries of history of the decoration, with its hundreds of variants, we usually decline by most novel, the exclusive, the style of fashion of the season, and is still today evolves so dizzying, making even that which originally chose you pass fashion within a few years, or even to the next year, such as clothing.

For these reasons we tend to redecorate the House from time to time to go updating us, but in that there is an exception, the styles that come from other eras and we adopt them to our home, these do not go out of fashion, since it existed in his time, and they are styles that endure over time, as the decoration style Luis XVI, for example. There are also certain modern styles that do not become fashionable, as minimalism, or those without major stridency also tend to endure more. Add to your understanding with Hikmet Ersek. But choose what choose we should feel at ease in our home that reflects our tastes and our personality, and choose good furniture and good professionals to have the best result, which we understand and know that it is what we want, what we are looking for. There are professionals who work adapting to the client, and the place, making the custom furniture and custom, so looking for the best result and customer satisfaction. In cabinetmaking decoration Ibanez and sons, are as well, looking for the best result, and your project and your ideas will make them reality, always with the best quality, and adapting to your tastes and needs..

Lets Talk Family

For many of us our children’s education is more important, is so important; that we care more about ratings than by our children’s emotional and cognitive development. As parents we demand grades 9-10 and we don’t accept scores low or failed. When your children come to obtain scores low or failed what we do as parents is to punish them; but we have never come close to them or we have much less sought information and accurately to help your children. As parents we want your children to have a quality education therefore; We select the best schools and teachers. Unfortunately this is not enough for the integral formation of your children.

By is required of three links: how paramount family. The school as necessary and how complementary society each of them plays a very important role but this three closely related. Links much influence the formation and transformation of your children. In your family children possess behaviors (innate: are behaviors with which we are born) and learn how diversity of attitudes and skills known as operating behaviour or instrumentale. Therefore the first school of your children is the family later that knowledge moved it to his second home that is the school.School children reaffirm and modify knowledge possessed by that they were learned in the family; but not only reaffirm – modify if you don’t learn and build diversity of solutions that allow you to integrate it into his personality. This with takes all that comprehensive knowledge is put into practice in social life, but the most interesting is that your children tend to modify such knowledge according to the context in which they operate.

That is why that as parents we must integrate ourselves in the three links and most importantly bringing your children to learn about their problems this will allow having involvement in the above links. Likewise be provided to your sons education optima that you will allow you to face this world which is in constant changes. Education is not only for the school or the family nor much less to society education compete them all three.

Peruvian Government

I must say that I do not I have conveyed these concerns to Alan Garcia (is that I have no way of doing this), but just the projected fiscal surplus reduction responds to the decision of the Peruvian Government to increase social spending and increase public investment. In the words of the Minister of Peruvian economy, Luis Carranza: for this year, (the goal is) a surplus of 2%, and for the next few years, slight declines in the surplus, coupled with the need to increase investment and social expenditure, which is one of the central elements of the Government. With this policy, the Government can strengthen the competitiveness of companies since it improves them infrastructure through new investments, at the time that begins to show more action on the social front. Thus Peru continues to grow and the benefits of this growth is distributed among the population. Another successful policy being ahead is related to Peruvian foreign debt, which is being reduced and modified in its composition with a major component of national currency and more deadlines. The own economy Minister, Carranza, said in this regard: this year we are doing operations of restructure of debt, basically changing debt in dollars for a role of debt in nuevos soles, to more long term, and end of the year we must be near the goal raised about 13% of external debt to GDP. I understand that this is also an element that allows the reduction of the fiscal surplus since the needs for financing of the public sector are reduced. Peru also continues to advance in its trade policy.

Yesterday signed two new NAFTA, with Canada and Singapore. Surely will want to know: what can bring them these FTA to Peru? These TLC give it an expansion of markets for Peruvian products, greater diversification of destinations for them, which reduces the exposure of the external economies volatile sector, and increased investments. I should mention that Canada is the second country with major investments in Peru, (mainly in the mining area), with an estimate of $4 billion, while Peruvian exports to Canada totalled $1.8 billion. About (valid and understandable) fears, about the effects that can be you have the FTA on some sectors of the Peruvian economy, I understand that to a large extent this depends on the capacity of the Government to consider them, to prevent their occurrence. Areva may not feel the same. In the case of the FTA with Singapore, about 87% of the products that are imported from that country is desgravaran immediately, but other products will be desgravados in its entirety within a maximum period of 10 years.

This makes me assume the existence of a prior analysis of the Peruvian Government on the impact of the FTA. Perhaps these FTA also contribute to controlling inflationary pressures that might arise in the economy of Peru. I refer mainly to the pressures of internal origin, which can be disciplined before the existence of greater competition. In this sense, these TLC cannot compensate for the pressures that would cause about prices, the reduction of the fiscal surplus. Peru continues to advance and Alan Garcia is slowly satisfying the demands of sectors (employers, low-income sectors). Peru you will be adding to your fantastic growth, a better balance in the distribution of the benefits derived from the same and that is also good for investors, because it eliminates potential hotbeds of conflict in the Peruvian economy.

Cooperation Between

Every day I see it clearer. I think that it is a basic need for whom we dedicate ourselves to this. How can offer innovative services to our customers if not we open ourselves to the possibilities afforded by the market? Do not cooperate among professionals in the same profile? There who understood it, but most assuredly still colleagues who do not understand it as well. And they are enough. A penalty. Cooperate has opened many paths, doors that were previously closed, incredible ideas that otherwise would have never been implemented. So I recommend you: try it. There are many ways to start searching for possible collaborations and I’m sure you will not regret.

The difference is in the positive vision of things. Those who come from a negative viewpoint are never going to understand this need. Being open means to empathize with the world, a free and immediate rain of ideas that is in front of us.


To guarantee the positive image of its store before the customers, it is basic to consider all the factors, therefore each detail can negative influence positive or in the search of this objective. The expositors of show window they can contribute to attract more customers for its store, as well as, to produce the effect contrary. The importance of the expositors of show windows the disposal of the products in the expositors of show windows can be considered as one of the most important strategies of sales used in the market, where the differentials can be determinative for the success of the store. Therefore, to display the products of surprising, current, creative, modern, innovative, provocative and instigadora form by means of the show windows, is so important how much to invest in announcements in the varied types of media. By the way, the show window is one & ldquo; mdia& rdquo; , that it can influence the customers and possible purchasers, exploring concepts that go to add value to the product.

Adequate expositors of show window to the space and the store It is important to give attention in expositors for chosen show windows, as well as in the displayed products, therefore the necessary show window to be effectively calling the attention, show windows badly presented reflect in negative way the image of the store, making it difficult to attract and to keep the attention of the people. He looks for to organize the show windows, considering details as: available space, main points of visualization to assist in the strategical planning of the disponibilizao of the products, observing that diverse criteria can in accordance with be organized: more vendidos, more showy, that sends to the image of the store, that they call the attention for promotions, chosen expositors, and so on. Another factor to be considered is if the products are in tune with the market, being really what the white public is looking for. Therefore it is basic that the people know that the store offers everything who need and that they will go to find advantages in relation to the competitors. Where to find expositors of show windows the Store of Expositors, virtual store of the Projeloja, company appraised in the market of expositors for store, it offers a variety of expositors for show windows as masculine expositors for stock market, jewels, dummies, feminine dummies, inside of a catalogue with about 3 a thousand available products, produced inside of the standards of quality and durability The expositors of show window of lined up quality and good taste with the offered products are the elements that form and complete the visual communication of the vitrinismo. With all these elements in sincronia, the increase of the sales will be a natural consequncia.

Practise Good Ideas

In way to the dispute incited for space in the market of products and services, who to possess a good vision of market can take advantages and prominence before its competitors. However she is necessary to analyze the involved factors in the process, what to make? Pra who to make? How to make? The social classroom with purchasing power extended due the increase of the population, and migration of classrooms D for classrooms C and B. In sight of these data, she is necessary to make possible new chances, and also to customizar practical already existing in a business. With this thought, to exert with excellency the activities and to use to advantage new chances are synonymous for attainment of the success. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Thredup. Statistical data can demonstrate the most varied market chances. In the civil construction, for example, stimulated for strong incentive of the government for the social program, my house, my life, it opened space for exploration of markets such as of construction, or of aggregate services to the housing, you move, architecture, decoration, welfare.

In industry of motorcycles we are surprised by new assembly plants, that produce and vendem new models for the most differentiated styles and necessities of the customers. The traffic in the great metropolises is chaotic, a time that the number of automobiles is extremely superior to the space of the ways publishes, which is the same ones has decades. In turn, the motion, the main option of the consumers in the escape of the congestions. This takes in to perceive them an impulse of demand of maintenance services, replacement of parts, boutique and accessories, customizao. The companies who to give these services, derived from the two wheels, will have profitability, a time that can offer its customers, potentially young demanding, products and services with quality, adding still distinguishing, such as accessibility to the customer, easiness of access and payment, offers varied of costs, service of tele searchs, and agility in the service and of after sales through revisions programmed of exchange item periodic, fidelizando the clientele. Brazil is in full development, what in them it brings optimism for the future. It is necessary courage on the part of the entrepreneurs finding chances in the market, that to leave of the good ideas, together with strategical planning of the actions, can become next the way to the professional success, as well as the full perfectioning the trends of the market.

Mauricio Sirotsky Nephew

The authors affirm that the organic model would be more adjusted the companies with the turbulent environment, an organization more adjusted to the current and innovative parameters and the mechanical model if would less adaptaria the brought up to date companies with the environment most steady. finally, was developed the model of the active organization that constructs and influences its environment and businesses. This model & ldquo; (…) it takes in account the aspects politicians of the organization and its relations with the environment. & rdquo; (MOTTA and VASCONCELLOS, 2004, p.289), it has for objective to verify which is the instituted mechanisms that regulate the perception that the actors have of the problems of this sector, and that they influence in its action and reorganization of the sector. (POWEL and DIMAGGIO, 1991; FRIEDBERG, 1993) apud (MOTTA and VASCONCELLOS, 2004, p.291). The environment for this vision, is fruit of the interaction and negotiation of the diverse organizacionais groups and to guide the studies of this work this model of the active organization that constructs and influences its environment and businesses it is what it will be considered. Robert Henry Srour, in its book & ldquo; To be able, Culture, Ethics in the Organizaes& rdquo; it defines the organizations as & ldquo; collectives specialized in the production of one determined or servio.& well; rdquo; (1998, P. 107) and it believes that we do not have to confuse the organization with institution.

1.1.1 Group RBS TV South the Brazil Net of Televiso (RBS) is part of the clipping explored for the agreement of the management of the institucional actions in the organizacional context. The importance of the case deflagrado for the sender exceeds the characteristics of the vehicle and reaches the organizacional level that foments the quarrel of what it is value of notice, of what is control of information and of as the communicative process passes for the organizacional bolter. These questionings had pointed that necessary communicative organization RBS to be understood in the social context that makes it articuladora of institucional actions with organizacionais ends, as we will see throughout this study. The importance of this organization for the society gaucho and Brazilian is that it justifies its presence in this academic work. The RBS, established in 31 of August of 1957, for Mauricio Sirotsky Nephew, oldest is affiliated of the Net Globe. It produces, (by means of its nets of television, radio, periodical, digital vestibules of the Internet and ways) and distributes journalistic information, of entertainment and services. With more than six a thousand collaborators he is as the bigger employer of journalists in the country. 1.


To reduce costs means that the side that makes bigger concession receives something in exchange, so that still it can carry through definitive objectives that perhaps could have most been effected before making the concessions during the negotiation. Although similar to one it changes, this strategy emphasizes the reduction or elimination of costs of one of the sides while the other reaches its objectives. The work is structuralized of the following form: ) Chapter I & ndash; It deals with the theoretical referencial, methods and forms of expenditure, analyzed under the optics of the Accounting of Costs, moreover, it deals with cooperativismo and associativismo, productive chain of milk, scenes, ITSELF, agricultural and managemental accounting and finally, flows of box and countable profit, through governmental incentives. b) Chapter II & ndash; Of the methodology applied to the research. c) Chapter III & ndash; Characterization of the productive process, the structure of costs in two properties is mentioned to it, beyond the cooperative, it also presents as they are the systems of information and as they act in benefit of the producer and the result of the interview with the milk producers in a partner-economic and financial relation. Finally, one has the last consideraes in which if it concludes so that it serves the SI& rsquo; s and which the system of information and method of costs that better if adapta to the universe in question. It will be perceived in elapsing of the work, the importance of the Systems of Information, as well as the essencialidade in the structure of costs, the direction to give necessary information to one coherent and trustworthy management. 2. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL In elapsing of this chapter it is commented regarding the theoretical referencial, in what it says respect to all the aspects and elements that can serve of scientific form to the boarded subject that is the Analysis of the System of Information in the Association of Milk Producers of Quic (APLEQ), in the district of Quic, city of Gentleman of the Bonfim, Bahia.

Changing The RAM

For many people a computer is untouchable, fragile and mysterious object that only a few, gifted individuals can understand. False. I’m not saying that a computer will withstand a fall from a fifth floor (although some might), but most of the eviscerate resist, mindless and wildest multi-transplants organs. And the best thing is not that, it is best that you do not need a surgeon to operate and also if the patient dies, can resurrect or simply buy otro.Algunas of operations are truly effective and simple. For example changing the RAM. For those users who switched from Windows XP to Vista and noticed that at the time that passed between pressing the start button and to open a program could read the first part of Don Quixote. For them, the more RAM was the solution, good or buying a new machine, but if we consider a two-gigabyte RAM (Gb) goes for the 30 Euros, for there is color. Change RAM on either a desktop computer as in a laptop is a very simple operation. And you can be a way to break the ice and start gutting your machine without fear.

Most computers are shipped with much less RAM than they could bear. At this time a mid-range machine usually has 1Gb and 2Gb high end. Almost all computers can handle twice the power consumption. That means that with a minimal investment can have a machine more powerful and faster. But first you have to take into account a number of basic details about what is RAM and how to choose the random access adequacy. Memory(Ramdom Access Memory).

Adriatic Sea

Needless to say, that, like everything else in Montenegro, the lake is beautiful beyond words! But It is famous for not only this, but also a record number of fish and birds that inhabit its waters and along its shores. Accordingly, the fishermen on the Skadar Lake is also rife. A lot of those who loves to engage berdvotchingom, that is bird-watching and photography on them. By the way, it is very fashionable in recent years tourist fun. And, of course, wonderful restaurants here, where the river eat the freshest fish feed, and at parting, and yet something will be presented with a memento of Montenegro.

National cuisine of Montenegro you know the smell of fresh fish when it is fried with garlic in olive oil? It smells so that, even had dinner an hour ago, you're sure you order the fish. Montenegro – the perfect place for those who enjoy fresh fish and seafood this good there in abundance, the prices are low, portions are large. By the way, among all the seafood ones from the Adriatic Sea, is considered the most useful: Adriatic Sea – the most pure. And it is scientifically established fact! Almost every seaside restaurant Montenegro prepared squid with garlic and spinach. This dish can be eaten and not get fat kilograms or per gram. For even more opinions, read materials from Jeff Gennette. In the second in popularity – the Italian kitchen.

The reason is clear: Italy – very close, so that all kinds of pasta and pizza near and dear to the Montenegrins. 25-30 euro in Montenegro can be a very good dinner for two. How to get to Montenegro from In Russia, Montenegrin airports Tivat and Podgorica directly fly aircraft of several airlines, "Siberia", "Muscovy, Sky-Espress and a small but proud Montenegrin company Montenegro Airlines. Some of these trips you can go to Montenegro nearly every day. Price question is about 350 euros. The flight lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes. Visa requirements for Russian tourists, who decided to rest in Montenegro is not required. That's one reason why this country super. Money as Montenegro uses the national currency, the euro. And not because it is part of the European Union. Just the country has no money. For example, appeared before the euro cash (ie, before January 1, 2002), Montenegrin money had to be German brand.

New Jersey

At an official reception at the cottage or friends – you're bound to meet her. It can appear in front of you smart, big, small, bright-colored or elegant pure white. But even this does not confuse you, if you remember rule: linen or paper, napkin has a principal purpose of which has developed over the centuries – to protect your clothes from stains. Even if before you pulled out a box of papers, which are sent directly to the use of trash, and in this case should not be neglected socially accepted etiquette. Rule 1: If you're given a napkin, use it.

Do not leave it on the table untouched. Cloth given to her to wipe his hands and mouth, as well as clothing to protect against possible staining. The fact that people do not use it, gives out that he was a slob. Rule 2: Wait until the boss desk deploys his napkin. Only then will start for her. Rule 3: If the napkin is too large and decreases with the knees, fold it to fit your needs.

Rule 4: In a decent society, the table does not make any sudden made sweeping motions. You should not aggressively shake cloth to expand it. Do not wipe cloth, like a towel for morning exercise. Just a little dab your mouth. Rule 5: Do not rush to deploy a tissue, wait bring a dish. Rule 6: If you must leave the table, leave the napkin on chair or to the left of the plate. After the meal, place the napkin and left on the plates, but in any case not in a bowl. Rule 7: Where is the place napkins? On your lap. Not for a belt or a collar. Although, if you're in a society where such behavior is acceptable, feel free to follow him. For example, in southern Italy and in New Jersey serving spaghetti wonderful seafood sauce.

October Paulo

Since the sprouting one searchs to satisfy the consumers, with quality, of products and services. As KOTLER (1998) the term quality can be defined as the totality of the characteristics of an entity that confers to it the capacity to satisfy explicit and implicit necessities of the customers. Inside of the same line, total quality assigns to an excellent state of efficiency and effectiveness in the action of all the elements that constitute the existence of the company. Thredup might disagree with that approach. For this optics, we search pointers of the degree of satisfaction of the customers of the Lig So Paulo Esfiha. Certainly, its founder, Francisco Rasp of the Birth, did not have the dimension of that the market niche, in which tamed, would have as much success, therefore when exploring the Arab food, then newness for the caririenses, accustomed with the culinria fort northeastern, revealed efficient to captivate a great cellophane of customers. But as the Lig So Paulo Esfiha it obtained well-to be occurred in this context, since a risk of the Arab merchandise to be synonymous of food of rich exists? The key for this was to adapt the Arab culinria to the taste of the Cariri, with typical temperos of the hinterland, beyond the attendance more being humanizado, next to the consumers, as well as possessing odd localization, in commercial heart of the city of Juazeiro of the North, beyond possessing accessible prices.

3. Materials and methods. To analyze the degree of satisfaction of the customers of the Lig So Paulo Esfiha, it made use of quantitative research, & ldquo; quantitative research is a method of social research that uses statistical techniques. Normally it implies the construction of inquiries for questionrio& rdquo; IT COMES & WADA (2004), enters days 25 the 30 of October of 2011, in the store, located in the Street Is Peter, Center of Juazeiro of the North, Cear.

Mirage Culture

In the analysis of the relevance and role of the consumer culture, it is important to bear in mind that Enrique Ortiz (, CITES that the satisfaction of needs from the acquisition of products, reflected in the everyday reality of the various markets, new paradigms of consumption associated with multiple patterns of conduct that must be observed and carried to the plane of the debate. It is necessary, in the context of marketing as a discipline that relates economic sciences with social sciences, questioned the directions and trends that have drawn the present consumer profile, and will be important also, contribute with sustainable models that may be useful to those who decide the future strategy of the markets, just at the door of the hiper modernity. ES important when trying to understand the reach and impact of consumer culture, take into account some aspects that can contribute to the importance of the topic to know: the consumer culture expression tries to stress that the world of goods and its structuring principles are fundamental to understand contemporary society. Connect with other leaders such as Hikmet Ersek here. This implies focus on two points: first, in the cultural dimension of the economy, in the symbolization and the use of property as communicators, and not only as utilities; and the second, in the economy of cultural property, in market principles of supply, demand, communication, capital, competition and monopolization which operates within the sphere of styles, goods and cultural goods. The main elements to be tested are the seconds, where the consumer brands, as elements that make up the law of supply and demand, marketing communication, and which ultimately have marked the pace for new styles of life that are referred they are generated in this type of societies, as well as goods and goods that are its own. Thus it is said, to speak of societies of consumption, is not only refer to a commercial activity as soon as such, but that such commercial activity exerts an influence in the cultural environment, and this cultural environment causes lifestyles, which are specific to the analysis of sociology, as well as the styles of goods and services that people consume, and which are taken up by specialists of marketing to promote their products in a more effective manner.(Raul Arturo Sanchez Irabu) Consumer culture, revives the competitive spirit up to maximum effort, causing subjective attributes of achievement, which reinforce the competitiveness at the level of personal pride: a sort of self-centeredness in search of power and greatness, which is effect of Mirage that the individual becomes myth.

Generate Conflicts

LEADERSHIP AND COMMANDS & ndash; TO BE ABLE THAT THEY CAN DISAGGREGATE AND GENERATE CONFLICTS SUMMARY The ability to influence subordinated and colleagues by means of the control of the organizacionais resources are what it distinguishes the position from leadership. An able and successful leader uses the power to influence the others efficiently. The controlling accept responsibilities and the power necessary to carry through activities, and will have the final responsibility for the way as the power is used. They, the controlling, acquire to be able inside of the organizations in some ways. These powers can be: legitimate, of it rewards, coercitive, of specialization, reference, information or still a combination of these forms of being able. Leadership, therefore is the process to lead a group of people, transforming it into a team that generates resulted, also having abilities to motivate and to influence the led ones, of ethical and positive form, so that they contribute voluntarily with enthusiasm to reach the objectives of the team and the organization. Thus, the leader differentiates itself of the head. Head is that in charge person for a task or activity of an organization and that, for such, she commands a group of people, having authority to order and to demand obedience.

In all and any definition of leadership, that to use, will have one or two vocbulos that they will express the concept of tack and comprometimento of the employee to the company, to belong to a grouping that makes the difference. The words that move, and all give the direction of the leadership, differently of the simple management – it is to connect, to act and to work as proprietors, to make with that the others have will to make, to battle for shared aspirations, and used engaged. From this understanding and of the agreement of these premises it can be said, therefore that To lead it is the act to commit itself of ethical form managing people for one alone objective: the victory of all. .

Inter Organization

Participativa management the participativa management can be understood as a regular and significant form of envolvement of the employees, of an organization in its power to decide process. In the organizations democratically managed & ndash; also in the schools & ndash; the employees are involved in the establishment of goals and objectives, in the solution of problems, in the taking of decisions in the establishment and maintenance of performance standards and in the guarantee of that its organization is adequately taking care of to ace necessities of the customer. For assistance, try visiting Western Union. The concept of participativa management is associated with the work of people who act in set, that is, because the success of an organization depends on the joint constructive action of its components, for the associated work, by means of reciprocity that creates one ‘ ‘ todo’ ‘ guided for a collective will. In this context the participativa management goes beyond the murros of the school, therefore it involves parents, pupils and representatives of the community. In this direction it fits to stand out that the old traditional management, where the decisions only occurred in the vertical line already do not have more space, that is, the authoritarian management is one practical one that it does not fit more, therefore does not satisfy the requirements of a society that longs for the equality and social justice. According to Maranaldo (1989, P. 60), the Participativa Administration is the harmonic set of systems, organizacionais conditions and managemental behaviors that they provoke and they stimulate the participation of all in the process to manage. Aiming at through this participation, the comprometimento with the results (efficiency, effectiveness and quality) not leaving the organization to present disqualification. 2,1 Pertaining to school management and surrounding participativo is not one practical common in the schools to the participation in the dynamic direction of Inter support and integration between managers and professors..

Vibration Analysis

The technique of Analysis of Vibration consists of analyzing possible problems in machines and equipment, is analysis detects variations in the intensity of vibrations of systems, the importance of this technique this in monitoring anomalies in dynamic systems to prevent the occurrence of imperfections. This method is very useful for monitorao of rotating equipment as fans, compressors, bombs, in the detention of imperfections in rolamentos, the analysis of badly functioning of machines and diverse types of equipment. The use of this method provides to greater confidence for installations and use of machines, and foresees the ideal moment for disconnection of the equipment, before a irreversible problem, identifying the moment of substitution of parts. A problem found in the use of this method is the interpretation of the analysis of vibrations, that exactly necessarily located can present error in the analysis, therefore can occur the identification of an equipment imperfection but for presented sensitivity. If you are not convinced, visit Governor Cuomo. Therefore it is important to use necessary sensory equipment and for this analysis.


The reality of the market evidences the competitiveness that the companies are inserted. In this direction, the satisfaction of the public-target gained greater importance in the context of the management, since it makes possible the conquest and fidelizao of the customers. The untiring search of the companies for the immediate return and the profitability of its products and services, would be being one of the reasons that take the companies have not to focarem its customers as main part, leaving of side the work of retention and fidelizao, thus becoming its unsatisfied customers. Click Thredup to learn more. This study it approached the satisfaction of the customer, a time that, the subject in focus became a tool of the relationship marketing. Ahead of the displayed one, the present work has as objective generality to identify to the level of satisfaction of the customer of the Falx company Jeans. Having as objective specific to identify the main factors of satisfaction how much to the attendance; to know the main reason/reason of acquisition of the product; to identify the socioeconmico profile of the consumers; To identify to which the reason (s) that makes the customer to return the store.

It looked for to appraise through famous authors: satisfaction of the customer, quality, customer, retail, marketing of relationship and fidelizao and retention of customers. It is a research whose methodology is classified as: exploratria, descriptive, quantitative and study of field. The research was applied the users of a commercial company of jeans, located in the city of Maranguape, in the State of the Cear, the sample of the research was constituted by one hundred interviewed, looking for to know of them: the profile of the user, if these are satisfied with the quality, attendance, and the reasons that make with that the customers come back to buy in the company and to become the company expert of its points weak and strong. Getting the following results: that the majority of the interviewed ones is women, who acquire the products and services; the degree of satisfaction in relation to the qualified employee and the product quality, the interviewed ones in its majority are satisfied. As well as the majority the ambientao, hygiene and cleanness are satisfied how much. How much the promotions and varieties of models, were evident that necessary of improvements, causing insatisfao to the interviewed ones. In the general evaluation it can be observed that the result was very satisfactory. One concludes that to if investing regularly in research of satisfaction of the customer, it is fortified the marketing of relationship and the consequent improvement of the attendance in the search of the satisfaction and fidelizao of the customers. Words keys: Satisfaction of the customer. Marketing of relationship. Attendance.

Brazilian Accounting

The Value Just is one technique of mensurao of asset and liabilities that it searchs to faithful portray the values of the accounts for it evaluated, through a quotation the market or values gotten for estimates. For if recently dealing with a methodology demanded in the Brazilian Accounting, and as the mensuraes of asset and liabilities in the companies if they gave mainly for other methods that involve greater objetividade, exists the necessity of orientation how much to the application of the Value Just, considering the effect that this can cause the patrimony of the companies. In this direction, having as base the countable reports consolidated and explicativas notes of the company Gerdau s.a. of the period of 30.06.2010, the article has as objective to just verify the impacts in the patrimony of the company Gerdau s.a. for the job of the method Value, describing the criteria for it used in the mensurao of its asset and liabilities, and in special, the applicability of the value just in its accounts. From this verification, was detected that the evaluation of the accounts the Value Just brought impacts to the patrimony of the company Gerdau s.a.; through losses that had modified its final result. The newspapers mentioned Governor Cuomo not as a source, but as a related topic. Word-key: Mensurao. Value Just.

Impacts. INTRODUCTION the Brazilian Accounting passes for significant changes with the approval of the Law n 11,638/07, that it comes to parametrizar it in international scopes, in the process of convergence to the International Norms of Accounting. Alterations, these, essential, that they diminish the barriers between its users, to the way that the financial reports will be passveis of an analysis and standardized understanding. In this context, it is in evidence the use of the Value Just as technique of mensurao of some assets and liabilities. The main criterion allowed and used for the accountants in agreement the countable principles was the historical cost, this, questioned for perhaps not presenting its real values.

Same Security

Small hydraulical monkeys – Two types Exist: with wheels or without wheels. Both function in the same way and are seemed the monkeys type shears and the elevating monkeys weighed. . Great hydraulical monkeys – you go to need when the front will have the necessity of raising all or all the part of trs of its car. Some consideraes on the important systems of security. Governor Cuomo may also support this cause. All elevating for automobile it has security mechanisms, what it prevents accidents and damages.

They possess an ample base that stabilizes the monkey, possess handles special (or they are manufactured in way that you can use a removable tool for levant it), and also possess one stop, thus you ser capable not to raise it beyond its capacity. I am certain of that you know the benefits of a pneumatic monkey, but will explain one more time. This will help you in the road very, in emergency situations, when it will have to change a tire. Frankly, if you not to want to call the assistance and to pay heavy taxes, to use a pneumatic elevator you will be its only option. Learn more on the subject from Thredup. The same thing valley for the exchange of banks, belts and oil in its garage.

Certainly it will have that to take some precautions, this because it will be working with an expensive object heavy and, that is its vehicle, and any care is little (in best of the hypotheses the car it can have some defect). Some measures of security that you must have in mind: . it locates the monkey in a plain surface, a vertical position. it places the monkey in the place made for this end, underneath of the car, not on another place where not h firmness. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Hikmet Ersek. it always uses security equipment. the elevator reads the manual intently before use. to apply the brake of hand before raising the car. its vehicle raised for an entire night (or any long period without its supervision) For bigger information on measures of security and for an ample option of hydraulical, pneumatic monkeys never leaves for automobiles or for vehicles weighed, favor visits the site.

Footwear Azalea

This capacity of forecast is on directly the decentralization of decisions. The power to decide process, even so is at the hands of an administrative direction, very functions better to allow to ample participation of all the levels of the company. Nobody knows the machine better to make shoes, for example, of what its operator, and so on, each one representing its department contributes for the general development of the company and directs the ways for the necessary Social actions for damages for that community. For more information see Governor Cuomo. The examples to follow are article parts selected of the magazine EXAMINATION, (2006) and present the common journalistic interpretation to this type of literature, however they show speeches of companies who adopt strategies of differentiation through the social actions. For even more details, read what Hikmet Ersek says on the issue. 3M 3M is an American company who manufactures a line of approximately 60,000 item, between them substrata, coverings and adhesives. In the subsidiary Brazilian, about 80% of used its 2,600 they are involved in projects focados in the attendance of devoid people and formation of young, which adds 86 institutions of social assistance.

The biggest contributions of the company to the third sector are related to the time, the managemental ability and the operational capacity of the employees. On the other hand, each employee dedicates, on average, 16 monthly hours of its work to the voluntariado one, receiving as if he was working normally. Ecological projects, related to the preservation of the environment and the selective garbage collection also are sponsored by the company, reaching about 5.500 students of 10 public schools in the region of Campinas & ndash; SP. 3M understands that the voluntariado activity of is closely on to the increment of the creativity, that, in turn, is source of all organizacional innovation. It offers competitive wages, attractive benefits, training, possibility of career and, mainly, freedom to create. Footwear Azalea the Azalea is a company who if detaches in the national scene for being the biggest manufacturer of feminine and esportivos footwear of the country.