Generate Conflicts

LEADERSHIP AND COMMANDS & ndash; TO BE ABLE THAT THEY CAN DISAGGREGATE AND GENERATE CONFLICTS SUMMARY The ability to influence subordinated and colleagues by means of the control of the organizacionais resources are what it distinguishes the position from leadership. An able and successful leader uses the power to influence the others efficiently. The controlling accept responsibilities and the power necessary to carry through activities, and will have the final responsibility for the way as the power is used. They, the controlling, acquire to be able inside of the organizations in some ways. These powers can be: legitimate, of it rewards, coercitive, of specialization, reference, information or still a combination of these forms of being able. Leadership, therefore is the process to lead a group of people, transforming it into a team that generates resulted, also having abilities to motivate and to influence the led ones, of ethical and positive form, so that they contribute voluntarily with enthusiasm to reach the objectives of the team and the organization. Thus, the leader differentiates itself of the head. Head is that in charge person for a task or activity of an organization and that, for such, she commands a group of people, having authority to order and to demand obedience.

In all and any definition of leadership, that to use, will have one or two vocbulos that they will express the concept of tack and comprometimento of the employee to the company, to belong to a grouping that makes the difference. The words that move, and all give the direction of the leadership, differently of the simple management – it is to connect, to act and to work as proprietors, to make with that the others have will to make, to battle for shared aspirations, and used engaged. From this understanding and of the agreement of these premises it can be said, therefore that To lead it is the act to commit itself of ethical form managing people for one alone objective: the victory of all. .