Business Problem

The technique of brainstorming with pictures and experienced commercial specialists of the company whose opinions and criteria were recorded in a cause and effect diagram is used to identify the problems of the company. The diagram which is shown in Figure 1, was used to categorize the five variables giving rise to delays in orders from customers (investors and construction works) of the company and identify the causes secondary and sometimes tertiary, of each of the categories. Figure 1. Diagram cause and effect the number of occurrences of each main category information was obtained from the performance records of the Affectations to the works (from weekly checkups conducted by the country’s leadership responsible for these activities, which are performed precisely in the halls of company Z, involving all stakeholders in the constructive implementation), records made extraordinary in the arrival of goods to the destinations, the incompatibility of the procedure and purchasing process within the operation of the company in the supplies of the material requirements to works, deviations defined in the course of the year 2003. Within these reports occurrences of secondary causes not recorded so it could not be included in the table 1 that is shown below. Table 1. Delay occurrence on the requirements of supplies to constructive works, by months and variables.

Sources: Close December 2003. Figure 2 shows the proportion of delays due to each one of the four fundamental categories. Can be concluded from Figure 2 that the problems of investors / designers and the instability of the materials supplies were problems that arose during the year 2003, were the causes affecting the works in ten and eleven of the twelve months of the year, i.e. in a 91.66%. The variable that most affected the material supplies after the previous causes was contracting with providers, which ran for nine months, or in a 75% during 2003.

Innovation Corporation

Second, the majority of entrepreneurs do not have a staff of employees, trained in public order. Selection and preparation of applications and administrative staff charged with participation. These employees have a range of responsibilities that they need to perform and for which they receive wages. In preparing and participation in the bidding procedures for such employees from their regular duties, as a rule do not relieve. And there is no financial incentive.

These additional responsibilities are often regarded as unnecessary, hence a special fervor in their performance is not observed. Such firms can be identified by the auction and tenders posted on the official website of order placement. Fundamentally, these bids companies simply do not allow themselves to participate in the auction. One solution, which comes to the head in such cases, the following: employees submit to fee-paying courses for government contracts. The duration of such courses varies, but usually does not exceed two to three weeks. After such a special training officer further falls in prostration, as in the workshops conducted primarily for customers, he can not understand anything. Become an expert in public procurement as a specialist in any field, a few weeks is simply impossible.

Is there an easy way out – the delegation of authority of the organization (outsourcing) for participation in state and municipal procurement. The purpose of outsourcing – improved financial performance by reducing the number of non-core staff and the optimization of preparation and participation in state and local procurement, and also eliminate the risks of breaches of the law. What it gives an entrepreneur? Passing the credentials for the purchase of a specialized organization, the employer provides its business possibility of a permanent, most importantly more efficient participation in state, municipal and corporate procurement. The entrepreneur becomes aware of all the new trends in the procedure of state order, he finger on the pulse of time. This allows you to: choose the most appropriate for your bidding, to improve the quality of preparation of tender documentation, do not distract employees from their regular duties, to use them effectively time to plan and build competitive strategies for long periods of time, to participate in several competitions and auctions in various regions of Russia, winning the auction. OOO "Innovation Corporation technologies "- a company that specializes in representing businesses in state and municipal procurement. The main principles of our company are working on the result, high quality standards at each stage of work, fairness to all participants in the business process. These principles of the entrepreneur guarantees that its interests will be adjudicated in accordance with federal law and that Most importantly, shows that we are directly interested in the victory of our client. Our employees to fully imagine the specifics of purchasing, each of us has successfully participated in competitions auctions, the value of $ 500 thousand rubles. to 742 million rubles. Companies that are ahead of others will understand the need for participation in state procurement and will take part in it, will be in an advantageous position compared to others.

Can You Earn Enough Money Online?

A very few people earning enough money. Usually heard saying: “I have no money”, “my salary does not reach me,” I need another income. ” And when we look for ways to generate extra money. It may be through another job but then we occupied all day and no time for the family. We can start a business but it requires a certain amount of capital and hold it for a time while generating profits, as the first 6 months or 1 year only have to invest and then not do it because we do not have money. The revenue we get from a traditional work are the linear income. The revenue we receive even when not currently working are the passive income.

Example of the latter are royalty records, books, ect., Rents, interest banking. If we want to ensure our future and our family, we must generate passive income from now to get our financial freedom forever. Then back to the original question what do you want achieved? If your answer is no then you I have an excellent option. In any business you have to spend thousands of dollars in equipment, raw materials, payroll, etc., And then every month to cover expenses for electricity, telephone, water, rent, salaries, etc. This is a lot of money. A business is a good choice to generate extra income because it is an asset that generates more assets (money) and with this you are investing your money in an asset (how wise choice!). The advantages of this business are: Investment is very low can work from home is free of risk has no head or schedule no income limit does not sell anything not require experience and best of all, you receive welfare change offers unlimited income potential …

passive income. What I mean by that gives you good? Before answering this question I make another: Do you want to feel healthy and prevent disease? I’m sure it is. I invite you to learn more about this excellent opportunity. You can not miss. Thousands of people worldwide have taken it and are building wealth. Your can too. Go ahead. Engineer I in food processing Biochemistry with a Masters in administration. I am dedicated to internet marketing businesses, multilevel marketing and the design and optimization of websites.

Business Proposal In English

In business communication, people often faced with the situation the supply of goods and services. There are nuances in the use of English words offer, suggest, propose, and combinations with them, possession of which would feel competent in business communication. Offer – a proposal of something to consent or refusal. In English, there are design to offer smth. to smb. : The secretary offered us a cup of coffee.

If we specify at what price, then we say the formula with the preposition for: The sales manager offered me the item for $ 100. The sales manager offered me the item for $ 100. We can offer do something: offer to do something: She offered to bring a glass of juice. Should not change this order of words in a sentence, so the proposal She offered them to have some juice contains an error: the word of them is not the place between two parts of a compound predicate, and offer to do. Suggest the word means in English "Offer for consideration, but it does not necessarily imply that someone would seriously consider this advice, suggestion, or motivation.

In the use of this word is also worth remembering: suggest smth. to do smth. or suggest doing smth. For example: He suggested a party to his friends. Have you suggested it to the official? It is often said: suggest (that) smb. (Should) do smth. : He suggested (that) they (should) cancel the appointment. As for the occurrences of the word propose, then they are similar to earlier: I propose starting holidays on the 15th of July. We proposed our new goods to Ukrainian market this year. The chairman proposed that the points (should) be decided at the next meeting. Propose among this three-word has the most official tone, and is used most often on business management: debates, meetings, elections, etc. still exists meaning of this word, which is close to the concept in the Russian language: plan, intend to: What do you propose to do about this matter? I proposed to go to the hotel and stay there. Thus, good use of Your business English structures, meaning the proposal would help to establish cooperation with more and more new customers.

Presidential School

On the courses Presidential School develops not only activity but also the critical of thinking – something that has long been working Americans. Domestic business – accountants, lawyers and other professionals are also guided by this quality. Graduates of our courses say that after training in “President’s School,” they develop critical thinking. For example, one individual training graduates said that she believed in herself, in the height of his own bar. If she had simply wanted to become a leading expert in their field, then after school said she was going to participate in legislative activities. Or, in the opinion of another graduate, he not only became a process more information, but also learned how to effectively select the data needed his boss.

He sees that the employee has more benefits, and encourages its material. In our time, it does not matter how much information specialist will process, and then what benefit it will bring its enterprise. In this case, the manager will facilitate career development of their subordinates. This is the meaning of student-centered approach that underlies our courses. The main goal is not to work better (it’s only a tool), and to be useful to his bosses and the company.

You must depart from the previous standards. Formerly “Presidential School is working on developing practical skills information processing. Now it is clear that when a professional comes to the individual-oriented training, the skills – it is granted. The challenge is to develop skills that lead to the emergence of skills. And the ability is always needed for any purpose. For most professionals number one task – to be useful to his enterprise. This can be achieved if the listener correctly formulate their own needs. They There are both conscious and not conscious. For example, the expert said: “I’m now running a business, and through him I want to go into politics.” This is a good understanding, but most people do not know what will happen to them after a year or two, through five years, do not assume any goals they can achieve. Understanding comes with the development of abilities. Value “of the Presidential School is that in developing human capacity, we are opening his eyes to what he can achieve. It appears other needs, and then the training becomes very efficient. Of course, preparations for the construction of a career should begin at the stage of training. In several Russian institutes and universities, course management readings included in the main draw. Rectors and university professors say that the skills acquired during the course of the procedure Ph.D. MA Ziganova much easier students in school. In order to get a good grade for the course, you must not only show high reading speed and quality of memory. Accounted for and reviews of subject teachers. They note the increase Care and assiduity of students, development of imagination and memory, the ability to provide important in large flows of information, logically and intelligently articulate their thoughts. Snizhetsya fatigue of students, they learn distribute their own strength, formulate goals and achieve them. Teaching the course in a rational processing of information in Russian universities will shorten the learning of students from five to four years. It is beneficial in financial plan, as it allows significant savings and redirect them to other budget items. Development of skills and abilities of students is intended to be an important element of education of the young generations of Russians. The state is interested in healthy, capable, active and successful citizens.

City Of Munich Supports The 10th Forum Of ICT SMEs Of The COC

Event on October 25, 2012 in Munich under the motto ‘in the future’ for the 10th time the ICT Forum organized jointly with various partners on October 25, 2012 middle class of IT solution providers COC AG. The motto in the future”following the established event provides a platform for strategic impulses and professional exchange of ideas the participants. The ICT Forum, which like last year around 100 executives are expected, by renowned speakers is characterized in terms of content. The CIO of the Bavarian radio and the Apollo include optics, in addition, the technology expert Prof. Dr.

Dr. Franz Radermacher will speak of the University of Ulm. Like I have the patronage for the 10 ICT Forum taken over medium-sized businesses. Because the middle class is one of the most important industries a key pillar of the Munich economy, information and communication,”explained Dieter Reiter, consultant for employment and the economy of the city of Munich, the commitment to this event. If the Business location Munich was less affected by the economic downturn in recent years, the upswing but formerly could benefit from than other regions, this was due to two main factors. For one, the attractiveness of Munich is supported by several industries.

In addition to the ICT companies to whom addressed this forum in the first place, mechanical engineering, science and research, financial and business services are other examples. Secondly, companies of all sizes, from the group up to the local niche provider working in these industries. Medium-sized companies plays an important role in this portfolio. You are flexible and innovative new challenges and thus provide significant impetus for economic development and the competitiveness of Munich.” In the interest of a substantive concentration and to take account of the often narrow temporal possibilities of the participants, the ICT Forum begins only at noon. Prof. Radermacher will make the start and a presentation on the subject of evolution of technology “and innovation survive companies in the future?” keep. In the following presentation of the CIO at Apollo deals optics, Erich Ehbauer, service management in SMEs as a key challenge of the future. Josef Spitzlberger, CIO of the Bayerischer Rundfunk, will speak about the service-oriented IT architecture for the networking of systems of a media company finally together with his practical experience. Co-organizer of the 10th Forum of ICT SMEs are the GEDAG COC AG, pol solutions and marketing XL. The Plantronics, mabunta and akm software and consulting companies to the sponsors and exhibitors of the event. More information about the program and electronic registration under.