The Few

As well as these historiogrficas chains, our intention in this article is also to make a reflection on one cen quarante’ ‘ , the village detrabalhadores of the Voreux mines, Jean-Bart and adjacencies. However, to the few we osnimos had been if inciting, the miners they had started to have conscience that formade life that led was not something natural, that while they punished for bread egua to the end of the day, the bourgeois ones ate meats and biscuits. The moment chavedesses diligent was a sudden reduction of its wages, that for signal jeram baixssimos. > allegation given for the bourgeois ones for the event was acrise that the capitalist world was living, marked for the superproduction demercadorias and the lack of consuming markets. However, the proletarian jdesgastados ones did not support plus that situation and had decided to go luta, to demand its rights, to enter in strike. Diverse they are the boardings and possibilidadesde quarrel from this type of source.

Thematic on the fight dooperariado against the exploration and for better conditions of life and more recent work algo of what never, being constant the notice in half the decomunicao on strikes of the workers. Taking in consideration essasquestes and, mainly, the context of production of the Germinal film (beginning of years 1990, perodomarcado for a series of laboring strikes – 1992 public servers nAlemanha, 1993, used of the air transportation in 9 France and others – motivated by the neoliberal reforms promoted by the nacionaiseuropeus States, that to the few went except, them lumpem of centuries XX eXXI. According to it, the film more than says the period of its production of quepropriamente of the historical clipping that is being boarded, being therefore umagente conscientizador or denouncing of its secular reality. That is, ‘ ‘ ofilme is an agent of history, and not only one produto’ ‘.