Classification Of Earnings On The Internet

Hello! Today, the best day of your life! Today you have taken the first step to your financial independence. "Just walking will be mastered by the way" – Chinese proverb says. Enough lyrics, and proceed directly to the case. Today we talk about the classification of revenue on the Internet. It is necessary for the common understanding of the origin source of income not only on the Internet, but also offline, ie in our real life.

Although, if you look on the other hand, the Internet is already becoming difficult to logically separate from real life – too much so it woven into our lives. In particular in the economic and financial sphere. This is due to the constant evolution of technology, organization of business and, of course, the human desire to move forward. Thus, ways of earning on the Internet can be divided into two categories: active and passive income. Perhaps you about it when something is heard. Active income – is a kind of income when you receive income while to take some action, and regularly spend most of their time. Passive income – is a kind of earnings that you to take some action once and for all (while there will be this niche), in order to create a steady source of income and future profit practically no time.

It is very important, because time – is irreversible, and thus the most important resource of our life. In turn, active ways of income can be divided into two categories: working for someone and work for themselves. A passive income is divided into: maintenance of personal or a joint business and investment. Working for someone else – everything is clear, you are paying for a certain someone's request for a permanent or temporary basis. On the Internet it is – various frilansing, Writing, rewriting, as well as less-skilled work: posting, viewing and other paid advertising on the work itself – it is when you're alone, let alone reach their own economic goals. It is the creation site, a blog, and mailing services to their online revenue sources without assistance. Maintaining a personal or joint business – it is a serious level of income for small investment of time. Again, this is the creation of websites and Index of varying difficulty, but with the assistance of hired labor. Also online are actively developing new opportunities for joint business – affiliate programs. This is when you engage in an online store and customers Sellers partners your referral link and get a percentage of profits online store. And another form of passive income – is an investment. Principle – invest your money – you get more money virtually zero cost of time and energy. As in real life, only through the Internet tools. Conclusions release. Income on the Internet is: 1. Active income: a) Work for someone else, and b) Self-employment, 2. Passive earnings: a) Conducting a joint business or personal, and b) Investment. Here's a simple classification. As in real life. But do not forget that the Internet is built on the model of our lives, interests and needs. Simply, he is much simplified our way to financial independence. Since you were Borisov Denis, until we meet again.

Personnel Management

Naturally, the people, not the first year for the Department of Personnel Management of large Ukrainian companies know and can motivate employees and had experience a lot of tricks in order to "entice" in the team of another player. Talking about how much has changed incentive system in recent years, remember the Soviet system "to attract and hold "- Honourable mentions, gratitude, wall newspapers and regular bonuses. Not a bad idea somewhat improved today, though the idea remains the same promotion. The system now includes staff motivation a huge number of components. Trainings and seminars, awards for innovative ideas and development, staff training, organization and effective solution to business problems, participation or independent oversight of projects, evaluation risks and potential profits.

This refers to the level of trust for each employee, the degree of its autonomy in decision-making, an opportunity to show their own results, to reveal their abilities. Naturally, the model enterprise in which everything work happily and with a "twinkle in his eye" – a utopia. But this result should seek experts on HR management. It – their paraffin. Accordingly, to think a variety of ways to bring in his own company employees, who fully meet the requirements of the post – not an easy task. A special place is occupied by the issue of personnel evaluation. Sentence – is priceless! Priceless staff, despite the obvious exaggeration, of course, exist. Here are just finding them is not easy, but this is a task for professionals. And if you believe that business success depends on professional competence employees, engaged in the selection must stay. Therefore the development of staff appraisal system – the eternal problem for HR-specialists.


Recruiter has nothing to offer, not least because such deals do, usually people they are interested or able to be interested. A man, which is not know any place, even janitors hard to offer: suddenly at the other end talking to you …-year-old miracle that never worked, but last time was somewhere between the ages of four years and then, in Accompanied by mom in kindergarten. Want to ask about job openings that are currently open (well, you forgot a newspaper announcement, and had written a phone number) – and formulate a question. Keep the conversation right! After all, how will depend on your telephone conversation, if you can get to the interview or at least send a resume. Recall the basic problem of the first telephone conversation with the recruiter: find out as much information about the job and get invited for an interview or send your resume. To address these challenges and to build an algorithm conversation so that a talk on opportunities more effectively.

For completeness, I will give nine easy steps improve the efficiency of your first contact with the employer on the phone. 1) to greet the interlocutor. 2) an account, specifying the name you are interested in jobs and a source from which you learned about the job (If possible). 3) Learn more about the job (tasks, responsibilities), the requirements for the candidate. 4) To thank for the information. 5) Find out how you can give your employer your resume. 6) Once again thank you and say goodbye (do not forget to learn, if possible, the name of the person to whom spoken.

Incidentally, the name you can find out more and to step number 2). 7) Decide whether you are satisfied, in this position (based on information received). 8) Send resume, pre-adapted to its requirements for the job. 9) If you could learn how to call a recruiter, then makes a note "To …" or "At the request of …" As you can see, nothing complicated about it. Just treat your employment should be seriously. A serious things take a serious approach and practice. Good luck with the job!