Social Media

Today many platforms that we find inside of what encompasses social media, but not all meet or are quite effective in our promotion and marketing campaigns. Dentro_de social media there are three that I consider most important, do not mean that others are not, but by its vertiginous growth, their roles with respect to promotion and viral, we are left with these next three: 1) Facebook. The social network with more acceptance by users around the world. Its number of applications does uncheck the other with difference, coming in the month of December 2009 to have more visits than the browser more important (Google). In this social network can create groups, forums, include updates of blogs, create campaigns of contextual advertising (SEM), its own payments system, promotion to webmaster tools, among others. In addition to its basic function of interact and communicate with people of course.

(2) Twitter. Ideal microblogging system for the promotion of our services or products used in the right way, there are an endless number of applications and tools that involves Twitter. Its main function in addition to publicize our brand, is the meet people with our interests, find relevant information, with value and new news in real time. Its search engine Search.Twitter is a great invention. (3) YouTube. The best video platform, most used and viral. If not try doing marketing with videos these leaving respect a great advantage to your competitors, to make a successful campaign do not make videos boring or common, avoids the conventional, creates interesting videos, in situations and places out of the ordinary. It expands on the Internet like wildfire.

Nothing better to build trust and loyalty with the people. That benefits will be? Visits qualified and relevant to our market thanks to its exponential growth. Loyalty with the community that composes it. Social networks allow us to keep informed the users of our activity, that way we allow the information without them having to leave their networks. Branding: Our name or mark out reinforced if we maintain contact with people on an ongoing basis through social media. They know that there is a person behind. It provides confidence. Feedback about our products and services. In the social media users can include comments. This information can give us relevant data about our niche market and make our business profitable.