San Francisco

However, although the wealth historical architectural and of these and as much others, the central approach of this article is one of most illustrious, the Convent of San Francisco. 5 REFELEXO CONCERNING the CONVENT OF SAN FRANCISCO the joint architectural of the Convent of San Francisco are located in the Slope of San Francisco, 280, quarter of the Carmo, Small farm Description in the High City, Olinda/PE. The fact deserves mention of that the Convent was overthrown by the Institute of the Historic site and Artstico Nacional (IPHAN), in 22 of July of 1938, and is enrolled in the Book of Beautiful Arts. In accordance with the site of the CECI. On the administrative aspects the Convent is presented under the regimen of the private law, submitted to the Province Franciscana de Santo Antonio of Brazil, that also manages the goods and chattel and immovable of the franciscanos in the State of Pernambuco, as well as of the States of Alagoas, Paraba, Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande of Norte and Cear. The property of the Convent occupies an area of 28.190m2, however, of this total only 6.294m2 corresponds to the constructed area, including the annexes. Internally I was divided in three floors: trreo, first floor and according to floor. How much to the trreo floor it is made use by three areas.

The first one is privative of the freis and employees of the Convent, is composed for kitchen, pantry, refectory, deposit, garage sanitary. Already the second area, initiates for would carry, such environment of the o access to the audience; to the circulation for the terrace; to claustro; also to the first one to walk that he is restricted to the freis. Claustro in turn allows to the access the Chapel of Saint Ana; to the Chapel of the Chapter; to the ship of the Church of Ours Lady of Snows; to the circulation corridor that leads to the sacristia.