On the courses Presidential School develops not only activity but also the critical of thinking – something that has long been working Americans. Domestic business – accountants, lawyers and other professionals are also guided by this quality. Graduates of our courses say that after training in “President’s School,” they develop critical thinking. For example, one individual training graduates said that she believed in herself, in the height of his own bar. If she had simply wanted to become a leading expert in their field, then after school said she was going to participate in legislative activities. Or, in the opinion of another graduate, he not only became a process more information, but also learned how to effectively select the data needed his boss.
He sees that the employee has more benefits, and encourages its material. In our time, it does not matter how much information specialist will process, and then what benefit it will bring its enterprise. In this case, the manager will facilitate career development of their subordinates. This is the meaning of student-centered approach that underlies our courses. The main goal is not to work better (it’s only a tool), and to be useful to his bosses and the company.
You must depart from the previous standards. Formerly “Presidential School is working on developing practical skills information processing. Now it is clear that when a professional comes to the individual-oriented training, the skills – it is granted. The challenge is to develop skills that lead to the emergence of skills. And the ability is always needed for any purpose. For most professionals number one task – to be useful to his enterprise. This can be achieved if the listener correctly formulate their own needs. They There are both conscious and not conscious. For example, the expert said: “I’m now running a business, and through him I want to go into politics.” This is a good understanding, but most people do not know what will happen to them after a year or two, through five years, do not assume any goals they can achieve. Understanding comes with the development of abilities. Value “of the Presidential School is that in developing human capacity, we are opening his eyes to what he can achieve. It appears other needs, and then the training becomes very efficient. Of course, preparations for the construction of a career should begin at the stage of training. In several Russian institutes and universities, course management readings included in the main draw. Rectors and university professors say that the skills acquired during the course of the procedure Ph.D. MA Ziganova much easier students in school. In order to get a good grade for the course, you must not only show high reading speed and quality of memory. Accounted for and reviews of subject teachers. They note the increase Care and assiduity of students, development of imagination and memory, the ability to provide important in large flows of information, logically and intelligently articulate their thoughts. Snizhetsya fatigue of students, they learn distribute their own strength, formulate goals and achieve them. Teaching the course in a rational processing of information in Russian universities will shorten the learning of students from five to four years. It is beneficial in financial plan, as it allows significant savings and redirect them to other budget items. Development of skills and abilities of students is intended to be an important element of education of the young generations of Russians. The state is interested in healthy, capable, active and successful citizens.