Long Tail

However, a time that the Digital TV is molded on the basis of the Long Tail, with availability of hundreds of canals, directed the markets of niches, must be had a well-taken care of extremity with regard to the edition of the propagated content, in special in the journalistic programs. If the user if interests in if to inform on definitive determined specific subject through telejornal, for example, assumes that this user is an expert of what he is attending and interacting, and, therefore, hardly manipulable. Moreover, this exactly user also has access to the abundance of content in the Internet, that could unmask any televising fraud without great difficulties. Beyond the cited questions above, Generation Y still gains prominence for the fact to have a sharpened critical conscience, an ample notion of citizenship and for being worried about the social and ambient causes. ' ' The young ones if matter.

The voluntariado one is present in the colleges and university of the world and, as a generation, has very strong values. They believe justice, freedom and protection of the biosfera. I am hopeful that this generation goes to bring a new age of democracy. The first wave of democracy established and chose responsible institutions for the governana, but with a weak public mandate and an inert citizenship. They go to bring one second wave, that if characterizes for a strong representation and a new culture of public deliberation constructed on a citizenship ativa' ' (TAPSCOTT) This is a generation that it has influenced sufficiently the forms of social, affective relationship and with the ambient questions, its positions as professional and customs of consumption, consequence of the infinite connections that the league to the remaining portion of the globe. 5 voluntariado virtual mobilization and Action less is defined by the partisan militancy, but on the other hand, it reflects a change in the behavior standard politician.