World War

The cinema also served to hide the failures German, mainly after the defeat in Stalingrado, forcing its population has still to believe the German victory. With the continuation of the war and the beginning of the bombings in the German cities, the cinematographic production started to diminish gradual, serving only to keep the hope of the people in the busy cities. Consideraes final the author Marc Ferro obtains to demonstrate clearly capitulates in it analyzed, what the public opinions of the studied countries, through its cinematographic productions had expressed in the real life. France as a divided country, as much in relation to nazism, as in the uncertainty of an alliance with the English. U.S.A.

and its concern in pointing the main enemy of the democracy: nazism. The Ussr and its ferrenho antinazism and the will to stimulate its population the side of the Soviet defeat before the Germans. finally Germany with its glorificao when fhrer and herosmo German, also expressing the anti-semitism and anticommunism, leading the films to the professionalism of the cinematographic productions even for the classrooms. It criticizes it that I make the author is positive, therefore this was a minute study of the flmicas productions in such a way before as during World War II. The author knew to tell, to esmiuar the cinema of the involved countries in the conflict in a way of easy agreement, being cited some productions of its respective nations and its real concerns in passing its population the idea of validation of the entrance in the conflict, to make with that its people believed the final victory. Finally, this workmanship was analyzed in only one capitulates, having excessively the eleven chapters to be studied in new research, this that is a workmanship, to mine to see, riqussima in information on the world-wide conflict in a well different way in that we are accustomed to study. Bibliographical reference IRON, Marc. History of World War II, So Paulo, Ed. tica, 1995. My Blog: