Federal University

The birds are animal easy to be identified. ' ' Everybody can recognize a bird. For more information see Nigel Butcher. It has penalty, wing, legs and penalty. It has spine, are of hot blood and puts eggs. Nor all, however some can voar' ' (Grzimek, B; 2003, p-3). The birds are beings that are gifts in practically any place of the world. ' ' These animals are capable to survive in the land or the water, under the most varied climatic conditions, because the form of its bodies, its physiology and its behavior the requirements of the different types of meio-ambientes&#039 make possible to them to adapt it; '. (Broom, D; 1977, p-6) Tray with offered food the birds I am Biologist and Professor of Sciences and Biology in the State Public Net of Education and also in particular school and my son Carlos H.

Biagolini Jnior, Student of Biology in the Federal University of Cultivate, and we are developing to some time a work of comment of birds in the city of S.Paulo. This work consists in the act to offer feeding for the birds, through a next or settled tray to one tree. The intention of this research has been to identify the growth of the number of determined alimentary species, hierarchy between the birds, rituals that some possess, preferences and the possible existence of exotic birds. The type of offered food is most natural possible and the interference in the environment also must be the minor. , Foods thus industrialized are not part of the cardpio. We use fruits as papaya, banana, orange, tangerina, carambola and apple. In the case of seeds, we offer canary seed, sunflower, paino or quirera of maize, good fininha. Fact observed during the research is that the animals that settle simultaneously in the tray and if feed in groups, rare demonstrates reaction of bother ahead of local different species eating in the same, confirming theory found in books.

State University

SUMMARY the present study aims at, through a descriptive etnobotnica perspective, to make a survey of the used vegetal species in therapeutical uses for the community of Helvcia, city of New Viosa, located in the south extremity of the Bahia. The research reached four mateiros, that, answering to a questionnaire, had as main metodolgica technique that allowed systematic comments were made. The botanical material was identified in the Herbrio of the State University of Santa Cruz (HUESC). To all, they had been catalogued and raised 61 species, distributed in 52 sorts and 33 botanical families. Lamiaceae and Asteraceae had been the families most representative, followed of Fabaceae and Verbenaceae, Leves, branches and roots had been the used vegetal parts more in the preparation of local medicines and in relation to the form of preparation of the plants, it was observed predominance of the teas. This study is finished emphasizing that the knowledge on plants is important, therefore can contribute for increase of the diversity of species in a place. Word-key: medicinal etnobotnica, community quilombola, plants.

Federal University

Currently, about 5 million people they die per year, in the whole world, which had to the consumption of contaminated water and the lack of sanitation (WHO and UNICEF, 2000). Many are the diseases caused for the water use me the quality, can observe that in accordance with studies of the Coordination of After-graduation and Research in Engineering, of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, 68% of the internments in public hospitals elapse of illnesses acquired with contaminated water; the Health department spends R$250 millions/month for such atendimentos; 40 million Brazilians do not have access to the treated water and 6% of the produced sewer are treated: one of the worse pointers of Latin America. Not obstante, planning of long stated period for the sanitation sector inexists. In accordance with the World-wide Organization of Health, in Brazil, the expenses with illnesses related with contaminated water and lack of sanitary exhaustion arrive the house of the US$ 2,5 billion per year. In 1998, on illnesses to the lack of adjusted basic sanitation had killed 10,844 people (LAZZARINI, 2002). Water supply and sanitation are expensive services and of difficult implantation in Cities badly managed because the sector lacks of intensive capital. The situation is aggravated in Cities without water captation: the available hdricos resources are preponderant factors for the municipalizao. As if it can read to a large extent of the texts that deal with the urgency of the basic sanitation in Brazil (and in the world), the value expense with improvement in the sanitation arrives to be four times lesser that the value expense with the decurrent illnesses of hdrica propagation of the sanitation lack. Low the covering and the quality of the water services and sanitation in Brazil demand a decision taking politics that allows, in the first decades of century 21, a significant reversion of the currently effective situation.

Federal University

From this law the amount of professors in the areas of artistic education grew and basically it forced creation of courses technician and graduation and until after-graduation to regularize the formation of the such professors. Read more from Macys to gain a more clear picture of the situation. According to Maura Penna (P. 124-125) ' ' The traditional standard of education in music, of technician-professionalizing character was kept without great alterations to a large extent of the specialized schools? bacharelados and conservatrios.' ' This affirmation means to say that in these specialized schools and university where if they form the professors of music and musical education they presented in its resumes contents, methods, at last, disciplines that they were not adjusted for the education of music in the traditional schools, therefore aimed at the formation of instrumentistas mainly. In $fortaleza the reality was not different. Many schools and courses had appeared to supply these educational gaps. In the last quatros years the State and Federal Universities of the Cear come rethink the education and the musical formation of its courses.

In prominence we can cite the Course of Licenciatura in Musical education of the Federal University of the Cear in which it was created to take care of mainly to this existing imbalance between the traditional school and the university, between the technician and the instructor, the musician and the formador. Today, in the city of $fortaleza the professors, instrumentistas, technician in music and specialists are formed and permitted to act in the Brazilian market. The schools, conservatories and universities that develop this formador paper in the city will be presented in the next page through a picture that relates formation X institution as well as presents the level and the time where the professional of music will have to be formed. In accordance with Keith Swanwick (p.58) ' ' The specific method of education is not so important how much our perception of what music is or what it faz.' ' 3,1 Formation of the Musician in $fortaleza: Schools and Institutions.


It was terceiranista of the course of medicine in the University of Campinas, in So Paulo. Throughout the colloquy, it he asked: You not yet wanted to have children? I want, yes. But not engravido. Its husband is barren? Not. He is not. It made examinations and nothing he was evidenced. go. It knows that, in first place, the body of the woman alone allows that the spermatozoa remain fertile not more than per what five days after the ejaculao.

In according to place, the spermatozoa need surround of two days, inside of the woman, to reach the height of its fertility. Third, the women alone produce one vulo to each menstrual cycle, but this vulo dies one day after being produced by the ovrio. It man to have the one possibility of engravidar the woman, it has to inseminate it at least a time in the period that goes of five days before the ovulao until about twelve hours later. Almost always the woman ovula in the tenth room day after the menstruation. She depends on the duration time of the menstrual cycle. Normal women exist perfectly where the menstrual cycle varies of fourteen the forty and two days. In this in case that, the ovulao varies of four the twenty eight days, depends on the period.

As Elias it passes fifteen days it are of house, exists the possibility of that its sexual relations are occurring in the not fertile days. Meanwhile, rain continued incessant. It apanhou a champagne bottle and bradou: ' ' Let us offer the love! ' ' They had drunk, they hugged, they lain down in the bed and they had been kissed in the mouth, deeply. It took off it to it blouse (as it always was without suti), acariciou the seios to it, kissed them while it unbuttoned it to it shirt.

Parallel Universes

Who appreciates the literary sort and cinematographic the fiction-scientific one certainly it remembers some referring narrative to the parallel universes. It occurs that, depending on the eventual results gotten in the fields of the comment and the experimentation, the coexistence of many universes can leave of being ' ' fico' ' to become &#039 purely; ' cientfica' '. The Theory of the Parallel Universes was presented to the world, for the first time, as academic thesis in middle of the decade of 1950. In virtue of its eccentricity, it finished for being ridicularizada in the subsequent decades, until, recently, its beddings had passed to be studied empirically: scientists had observed that substance microparticles, when observed, the known and possible states tended to modify its structure physical for all. Such constatao opened the doors for the acceptance of the initial academic hypothesis.

If substance microparticles if convert into all the physical states known and possible, great structures of substance, without and with life – including the being-human beings – make also it, unfolding itself in innumerable versions. This means that, since the beginning of the call ' ' multiverso' ' , with the explosion of the big-bang, everything what it can happen, in accordance with the laws of the physics, effectively occurs, and not only one of the possibilities. Thus, to each minimum unit of time we would have the creation of millions of ' ' bubbles of realities alternativas' ' , that they are the parallel universes (the famous Theory of the Bubbles, that coexist inside of the multiverse). Our universe, therefore, would be only one of these bubbles. In such a way, for example, it would have parallel universes where our galaxy was not formed; others where only our solar system did not arrive to exist; some where it consisted, but the life in the Land did not prosper because the precursory microorganisms had died; several where the Man of Neandertal was extinct for climatic catastrophes, and, therefore, the Homo Sapiens-Sapiens did not arrive to exist; one handful in which Gnghis Khan, when enslaved of infancy, it died of exhaustion; groups where Germany won World War II, or in which that the plans to knock down the Twin Towers previously had been aborted, and, consequently, it did not have the current War of Iraq; another one where you, who already passed for a situation where it was between the life and the death, effectively died, in way that you are your proper surviving version; e, also some where the proper theory argued here already was proven.