Monarchis Help E.V. Elects Pastor Thomas Greiner As The New First Chairman

Annual Member meeting with large agenda and harmonious history of Neu-Ulm – Board, members and friends of the non-profit association Monarchis Hilf met in the pre-Christmas decorated premises of Monarchis real estate to the official annual general meeting. In addition to the usual rules and regulations according to law, the election of the Chief Executive Officer was the most important item of the agenda of the event. Be pursued exclusively and directly charitable, registered association “Monarchis Hilf”, has made the support of economically and socially distressed children and young people in Germany and Europe to the task. The purposes of the Association are mainly financed by donations. The membership is open to all interested natural or legal persons who are willing to support the charitable goals of statutes of the Association. For the fifth held on November 23 at 20:00 in the premises of the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH in Edisonallee 1-3 in Neu-Ulm General Assembly of the Association had gathered, including the society’s Council, 25 members and friends in the pre-Christmas decorated meeting room.

The Acting Chairman fr. Alfred Tonnis welcomed those present and introduced by the regulations: report of the Executive Board, the Treasurer Thomas McCulloch and the auditor Michael Dachsel. The unanimous relief of the Board was the logical consequence as a result of the Immaculate Club leadership in all areas. Mathilde Maier, Chairman of the Forderkreis for intensive care kinder Ulm E.v., who had received a donation in the amount of 500 euros on December 23, 2008 by Monarchis Hilf reported that this amount was the basis for the purchase of a new baby emergency vehicle “Baby Muck” in connection with the use of the funds. Father Alfred Tonnis noted that reported in the press a lot about negative things in the society would, but less about volunteering, as it would, for example, by Mathilde Maier or Monarchis Hilf and many of the other small positive things. As already known in advance of the General Assembly, father provided Tonnis resigned as Chairman of the Club due to his various engagements. Pages of the Club’s management they sought therefore in advance already a possible successor for Chairman of the Board. Pastor Thomas Greiner of the peace Church in the Wiley, Neu-Ulm, could be won as a candidate.

Pastor Thomas Greiner briefly introduced himself and the Evangelical Free Church community (Baptists) and gave an overview of the work of the Church, as well as various activities, and referred to the as one of many examples “Winter playground”, in the children until games are offered three years to the cold season in the premises of the Church of peace. The election of the Chairman of the Board, Pastor Thomas Greiner, was unanimously; He accepted the election. The official General Assembly ended after the completion of all agenda items. More information under: and the only and be pursued directly charitable, registered association ‘ Monarchis Hilf’, the support of economically and socially distressed children and young people in Germany and Europe has made to the task. The purposes of the Association are mainly financed by donations. The membership is open to all interested natural or legal persons who are willing to support the charitable goals of statutes of the Association.

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Modern State

From this landmark, a series of 2 factors influenced the crisis in the system, and bourgeois and the peasants if they had joined against the exploration of the feudal nobility – that it decayed in a notable economic crisis and politics. He appears from this event, the necessity to have a reinforcement in the authority of only one sovereign, an individual that the power withheld obtains in absolute way, creates the Modern State. The Modern State based its ideologies in opposition the two ideologies embalmed in the Average age: the regionalism politician and 3 the religious universalismo. However, the sovereign had the power to make to be valid only exclusively its will before its subjects. In addition, the modern State developed a series of factors that before did not exist, to affirm and to guarantee the power absolute politician: administrative bureaucracy; military force; unified laws and justice; system tributary; national language.

This consolidation of the Modern State (XVI the XVIII), was known as Monarchic Absolutism, and at this time many thinkers had formulated teses to try to explain the theory of the State Absolutist, amongst them, the venerable Nicholas Maquiavel. 3. Ideology of Nicholas Maquiavel Nicholas Maquiavel (1469-1527), Italian diplomat ' ' the firing pin of the theory is considered politics of the Moderno&#039 State; ' COTRIM, Gilbert; The thinker nailed the formation of a State strong, sovereign and endowed with being able absolute, therefore he believed that the power would have to be centered and not spread out. It also affirmed the autonomy of the State in relation to the church; it said that the first one would not have to lose to the ditames established for second, the bows politicians and economic they would have to be cut. However, Maquiavel did not leave to emphasize the important paper of the religion in the republican society in what it says respect to the education: ' ' It cannot have greater indication of the ruin of a province of what the disdain for the cult divino' ' (Discorsi, I, 12:95).

Social Capital

If metaphorically speaking start by defining the link between Social Capital and reading with the next set of words: Social Capital = * pantry reading = food I am showing symbolically and graphically the idea that nutria my reflection. According to my own experience not only as a writer but also as a ‘mediator’ between individuals within my communities (family, friends, work, writers, etc.), reading is something that can and should nourish us. When in one community, the people who comprise it are devoid of the ability to analyze everyday shape, symbols or metaphors that interact, society suffers, and communication begins to not be fluid. Hence the importance that this ‘pantry’ is the fullest possible Food. Provided, of course you are, reading has not been imposed or is mediated by any political or religious power. In both cases it is possible that our learning is not as fruitful for advancing and the translation of our concept of ‘fair society’ along with the game of words, we all know that a good food provides us with substances that make us stronger and more resistant to diseases; to leave them when we are in convalescence. They help us think better.

Even to dream of giving us a good night’s rest. That is what makes a good read. And when the word Buena employment don’t want to say more than ‘Beneficiosa a world where Social Capital will enjoy good health, would be one who had a large ‘pantry’ where all could bring new food and at the same time nurture us contributed by others. Somehow, these readings or food, must have the power of transformation and Exchange. In each barter knowledge would be expanded and the contribution that hiriamos doing would be substantially increased. It is the same thing that happens with the capital economic of a company.


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Red Sea

We look at of the other side and we see more mountains. we look in front and there it is the Red Sea. He was thus with Moiss and the people of God in that day, and perhaps thus either with you now. Then I want to say to it that still a God exists who can give the total freedom to it of its problems. Not he imports which either this problem, either disease, either financial problem, either sentimental problem, either professional problem, be that as it may, It still is capable the sovereign and highest God of helping in them.

Then he does not look at of side, therefore with certainty he will see mountains, but he looks at for front in direction to the high one, therefore he is of there that he will come its aid. The PROPHET I want that if it remembers of what 20:20 is written in II Chronicles (Heard me, Jud, and you, living of Jerusalem: Deus believe in Mr. your, and will be safe; you believe in its prophets, and will prosper;) With this I want to say to it that at this moment God raising it is me as prophet for its life to augur that the Red Sea of its life goes to confide, only waits more a little, therefore still it will pass in dry land. God does not order message, It uses prophet. Thus he was with Moiss for as the people of Israel and thus he is stops with you at this moment. Then it believes in this prophet, exactly knowing believes without me in this predictive word, it was given because of its life and you she is the person most important of the world. A MIRACLE Miracle is something that the man cannot make and nor he can explain. Then miracle alone is possible if God will be in the business.