Annegret Noble Is Writer At

“Family therapist known published article, from the own experience of Annegret noble from the RTL series teenage runaway” famous psychologist, is now as freelance writer for the Web site In this capacity she is regularly to education and family issues article (-ask?) write for the father’s Web site. She will rely on your experience as a family therapist. The first article on the topic which values are important to me as a father”was released on the 25.10.2010 on “I would like to parents – and make all things fathers – courage, to actively participate in the education of their children”, Annegret says noble. The parents of the young people with whom I work, have often just stopped for fear of doing something wrong, with education to educate.

So are the children even then to and can educate themselves by music, media and friends. On, fathers will find practical tips on how they overcome their uncertainty and their Children the gift of education will make can.”we are very glad that we succeeded, to win Ms. noble as a writer for”, so Stefan tap village, Managing Director of the father delights Ltd. is an expert, which stands for a holistic approach to education issues. Mrs noble brings a wealth of practical experience through their work, the readers of can enjoy.” Annegret noble-Fischer studied psychology in Tubingen and Boston and is a marriage and family therapist. To running a programme with horse supporters therapy in Montana, United States, with noble acres. It offers there out-patient and in-patient programs for adolescents and adults. In addition cooperate and consult with Summit preparatory school in Kalispell, Montana, United States, where she previously worked as Deputy Director of the therapeutic Department. In Germany, it was teenagers out of control by the RTL series”known in her with her team of four seasons therapied with behavioural problems of young people in the West of the United States.

Classification Of Earnings On The Internet

Hello! Today, the best day of your life! Today you have taken the first step to your financial independence. "Just walking will be mastered by the way" – Chinese proverb says. Enough lyrics, and proceed directly to the case. Today we talk about the classification of revenue on the Internet. It is necessary for the common understanding of the origin source of income not only on the Internet, but also offline, ie in our real life.

Although, if you look on the other hand, the Internet is already becoming difficult to logically separate from real life – too much so it woven into our lives. In particular in the economic and financial sphere. This is due to the constant evolution of technology, organization of business and, of course, the human desire to move forward. Thus, ways of earning on the Internet can be divided into two categories: active and passive income. Perhaps you about it when something is heard. Active income – is a kind of income when you receive income while to take some action, and regularly spend most of their time. Passive income – is a kind of earnings that you to take some action once and for all (while there will be this niche), in order to create a steady source of income and future profit practically no time.

It is very important, because time – is irreversible, and thus the most important resource of our life. In turn, active ways of income can be divided into two categories: working for someone and work for themselves. A passive income is divided into: maintenance of personal or a joint business and investment. Working for someone else – everything is clear, you are paying for a certain someone's request for a permanent or temporary basis. On the Internet it is – various frilansing, Writing, rewriting, as well as less-skilled work: posting, viewing and other paid advertising on the work itself – it is when you're alone, let alone reach their own economic goals. It is the creation site, a blog, and mailing services to their online revenue sources without assistance. Maintaining a personal or joint business – it is a serious level of income for small investment of time. Again, this is the creation of websites and Index of varying difficulty, but with the assistance of hired labor. Also online are actively developing new opportunities for joint business – affiliate programs. This is when you engage in an online store and customers Sellers partners your referral link and get a percentage of profits online store. And another form of passive income – is an investment. Principle – invest your money – you get more money virtually zero cost of time and energy. As in real life, only through the Internet tools. Conclusions release. Income on the Internet is: 1. Active income: a) Work for someone else, and b) Self-employment, 2. Passive earnings: a) Conducting a joint business or personal, and b) Investment. Here's a simple classification. As in real life. But do not forget that the Internet is built on the model of our lives, interests and needs. Simply, he is much simplified our way to financial independence. Since you were Borisov Denis, until we meet again.

The Alternatives

In the traditional systems, this type of concern does not exist, being the cost of the product locked up at the moment of its ticket to the supply of finished products. The emphasis is in the determination of the cost of the activities of production and support (processes). The cost of the product is a secondary objective. The hand of direct workmanship is debited to the activity (process) and not to the product. This boarding eliminates the necessity to appropriate the hand of workmanship to the product.

Group of costs is synonymous of activity. The practical one to use only or an limited number of groups of cost is eliminated. The consumption of the activity is based on the amount of measures (units) of the activity consumed by the product. The measure of the activity represents the exit (production) of the activity. The identification or direct tracking of the activities to the products reduces the value of the indirect expenditures of manufacture to be distributed to the products. The direct tracking of the activities to the products does not distinguish the costs right-handers from the indirect ones. The cost is attributed directly whenever it can be established a relation of cause and effect between the activity and the product. The costs you tracked of marketing, sales, engineering and other costs of support also are debited directly to the products.

Thus we focus the total cost of the company and not only the production cost. The cost of the product includes the cost total of development, manufacture and distribution of a product. Many costs incurred during cycle of life of the product, that traditionally is considered expenditures, now will be tracked to the distributed products and throughout its existence. The cost of the life cycle propitiates to the administration a vision of the profitability in long stated period, it allows to better combine the strategies of prices at the cost of the products in the different periods of training of the life cycle and becomes possible the quantification of the impact in the cost of the alternatives of project of the product and the process. The impact of the variations of volume of the activities in the cost of the product, also can be quantified. Not financial measures of performance are incorporated, for global evaluation of the performance of the product. The two main benefits of the ABC cost are: 1-Acuracidade of the cost of the product 2-Visibility of the chances of reduction of costs and improvements of performance. We can infer that the ABC system can be adopted in the administrative and commercial areas of the company in the same way that is used in the production area, initiating for the analysis of the structure of the expenses of these areas with the determination of the factors that had given to origin the demand in accordance with the played functions. The system of ABC Cost tries to cure an existing chronic problem in the traditional systems, that divide are it of the indirect costs of the manufacture, based on criterion, arbitrarily selected. The ABC system diminishes allocations of on the basis of rateios costs, therefore through research in processes it looks for to locate the origins of the costs, thus being able places them with more exactness to the produced goods and services.

Business Idea

Any business concept, always develops from an idea, which is intended to be a solution to the problem or opportunity, which originates to detect a possible unmet need or market that poses a different form of particular needs, in a likely identified target market. This initial idea must be distinguished from that of what already exists, and that factor (or factors) differentiators will be your success factor. The business idea can arise in several ways, such as: a. the imagination. b. the invention (new technology or use of old technologies). c. the chance.

d. the observation and interpretation of the environment. e. the own work experience, or knowledge derived from the study. f.

the successful experience of others. (g). The passions or hobbies. h. for the detection of unmet needs (examine our own needs may lead us to see if they are sufficiently satisfied) or new ways of meeting needs. i. by the investigation of new uses for old or new technologies. j by experimentation or simulation in business, or war games. Also, it complements or motivates the generation of a business idea, from the search for sources of creativity, among which we have: k. Reading newspapers, magazines and specialized books. l surfing the Internet (visit technical websites, businesses, universities, entrepreneurship, projects, investment blogs related, among others). m. contact with creative and innovative people or experts on the subject involved. b. take advantage of changes in the legal, business-building, tax regulations, export processing zones, liberated areas of taxes, free trade treaties, among others. o investigate industry registry and, in the patent and Trademark Office. p technical and university theses. q adapt foreign ideas of success. r. franchises. s. go to fairs, congresses, conferences, business associations, chambers of Commerce, scientific meetings, among others. t. studies and regional, municipal or national Diagnostics. u Diagnostics and operational, logistics plans of companies, annual plans of State (Government procurement) procurements.


E-commerce is a concept that has been listening for years. With the advent of web 2.0 and change in consumer buying behavior, the tendency of companies to introduce online platforms in the management of the business has been growing in recent years. One of Web 2.0 tools that most have been incorporated in the business, has been the online store. The sector hotelero, along with travel and leisure, were the first to integrate the concept of e-commerce. These sectors are adding others such as textiles or furniture sector. In the latter, the expansion of the international distributor of furniture par excellence and the collapse of the sale of furniture by the economic situation, has made that many companies in the sector have released in the online business and have begun to sell via the Internet. DATA from purchases made to through INTERNET every time more in rising: 43% of Europeans have purchased ever online and 50% will do so in 2013 in the euro area has increased the percentage of purchase by internet a 12.5% Despite register a nearly 27 percent increase in online purchases this past year, Spain is still far behind other countries in Europe and the United States. The main reasons why the Spanish is more reticent when it comes to using the Internet for their shopping are: neglect to fill the boxes of personal data (name, surname, hobbies) fear and mistrust when giving banking data absence of advice in making the purchase in the SECTOR of the Cabinet the presence ONLINE REINFORCES the store physical to weigh that sales of furniture over the Internet do not have relevant data, it is true that the presence of uan online store in companies of this sector helps business: serves as a virtual catalog of products provides information of products adds greater knowledge of the client the possibility to incorporate a wide range of products along with a 3D design on the web make the presence of an online shop the reinforcement required to complete the purchase in the physical store..