SHB Innovative Fund Concepts AG: Specialist In Rental Management

Alone found this year to 26,000 square meters of new tenants the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB) is an underwriter for closed-end real estate funds headquartered in Aschheim near Munich. The SHB AG has specializes in the conception, implementation and placement of such funds, which invest mostly in commercial objects and keep them for a longer period. The achieved this rental or lease income lead to current payouts to investors. Realised after the real estate Fund total profit from the sale of the objects increases beyond about the return on investment that can be achieved with such investments. SHB management covers the entire range of services through its own performance, subsidiaries or associated companies: so the management of the Fund and the investors management, but including the management of the real estate, whose management, care and – if necessary – the necessary adjustment measures. Since its inception in 2001, the SHB innovative fund concepts AG has placed on a designed Fund volume of around 1.8 billion euros.

Total, SHB has applied six different real estate funds, which are invested in selected locations in Germany. Here, it’s in the care of standing behind the Fund objects of attention that this ample and persistent on long-term credit strong tenants are rented. This circumstance the SHB innovative fund concepts AG has a special significance, because only real estate with a high utilization rate guarantee reasonable dividends from the rental successes for the Fund subscribers. In this respect it is a great success in an otherwise not really simple market, who already has succeeded the SHB in this year, again to rent around 26,000 square meters and thus to achieve a high utilization rate in the objects of the Fund”, know Hans Gruber of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG. In particular, the newly rented space on the already placed shares SHB innovative fund concepts AG & co. BusinessPark Stuttgart KG with 8,200 spread Square meters, SHB innovative fund concepts GmbH & co. objects Furstenfeldbruck and Munich Fund KG with 8,500 square meters, SHB innovative fund concepts AG & co. Kamal Hanna Park Munich-Unterhaching KG with 4,800 square meters, as well as the SHB innovative fund concepts GmbH & co. of age retirement funds KG with 4,500 square meters in the latter case was the rental companies of who bought real estate in Dornach. For more information,

Rapidly Emerging Companies

Many companies, emerging rapidly, do not have room to increase volumes of manufacture of the goods due to the lack of different equipment. Small organization, even if things are going it is very good, yet not able to afford to install any expensive machine. After all, you have to pay and pay employees and taxes and other stuff, so that the correct amount will be delayed a period, during which time the company can lose customers. In the modern state to exit from such problems using a convenient procedure as leasing. This service is not much different from the loan in its essence. Leasing is more profitable than credit for companies that need this specific equipment to increase or speed up the pace of production.

Leasing – very simple procedure. Those who need equipment that must pay money for equipment lessor. Equipment acquired by the lessor, and the firm, which received the equipment, pays its value as a credit, in this case may freely use the leased asset. Fees paid to lease a phased manner, at the same time they added price of the equipment and commission accounts lessor. Leasing – quite a profitable service. The question may appear only at the beginning of payments.

How practical and faster to perform lease payments? Many as ten years ago, have money in the bank and can translate, vystaivaya with a very long queues. You should not waste their time on such trifles. Only the plastic card can help implement leasing and other charges with a minimum of fuss. Why is the plastic card? They have a lot of advantages, which are generally offer the convenience of their use not only for payments for leasing. First of all, much easier to take them with each other than large sums of cash. But at the same time and is much safer. Cash can be taken away from you and at the same hour to spend, and the card is simply impossible to crack. If you lose your card, you can quickly lock and recover all funds that were on the card. Book a hotel and take the car out, go shopping on the Internet is difficult, if you have no cards. Plastic cards – is at the same time measure the person's status, his financial situation. Using them, you will have the opportunity to develop their own business and take it to the next level much easier and faster.

Sale Online

What is f-commerce? E-commerce to Facebook traverse, the greater social network of the world. A new term that the marketing departments must add to their list of tasks of the 2011. Facebook fights for being except a social network, and plus a platform of e-commerce. And it is that it has changed much from the beginnings of Facebook in which was not known well which was going to be its channel of business: first it began with " Facebook Ads" , it followed with the social games and " facebook credits" (from that Facebook obtains a 30% of the benefits), and now f-commerce. The applications are many that are being developed to turn the company pages into stores online in which the user does not have to leave the social network to make the purchase. The benefits of e-commerce concentrate in the viralidad and the experience of users: social integration of the sales, recommendations, traffic, contextualisation and viralidad of products are the majors advantages.

And the secret of the success happens through the usabilidad of the applications that are used, in this case the opportunity of creating a user experience is enormous and it is not necessary to fail to take advantage of it; and in the integration of f-commerce in the strategy of marketing online and e-commerce of the mark, since still a change in the mentality of the majority of people must take place. At the moment already the marks are several that have proven luck in the world of e-commerce through Facebook:Disney sells entrances, the line area Delta created an own application of ticket sale, and now it is Asos the one that is going away to send to sell in Facebook at the end of this month. Still results cannot be advanced, but what it is clear that f-commerce is one of the tendencies of marketing in Internet for the 2011. Original author and source of the article.


You want to put your business on the internet but you don’t know how to sell what need to earn money in your own business? Hello, no doubt, will need a product how to sell you will need to bid but more importantly, you will need the guts to sell it as a business. Many people want to have their own business, but they hate to sell. Selling is the hardest job that someone may have if you think about it how to sell. If you leave will catch on the idea that selling is sell, think again, where sell. True sale i.e. one that produces results is not what you think it is, how to sell.

Professionals, i.e., those who sold hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling product or services face to face will tell that when they enter a sales situation, they are never focused on selling, his focus is the help the customer to determine if the product or service they have is the correct for them, such as the internet. And if it isn’t, simply retire and go toward the next prospect, how to sell. But, if the product is correct, they closed the sale immediately, for that know that it is in the best interest of the customer who purchased the product or service already! They are doing them a favor. They are giving them a service. They are not selling them are helping.

The sale is not to sell. The sale consists of helping people. And, if it conforms to the needs of your prospect, you will be then hurting them if you don’t close the sale. If you hate the idea of selling face to face, by email, from your web site, or by direct mail, you don’t have to do it. Do not sell. HELP people, as it is. Help them understand your product or service and what it can do for them, and let them that they sold themselves in other words, facilitate their purchase. What is selling? Selling is not to make exaggerated advertising sell does not consist in You have sumptuous graphics sell do not consists of making false assertions sell is a simple proposition: I have something than that perhaps you’d possess that will help you: make money, look better, feel healthier, be smarter, be faster, slimming, be highest, strongest, richest, most famous would like us to negotiate? make their best offer and see how the sales flow through if alone. Simple, not? He would like to know a simple formula to sell anything to anyone at any time, in any country, whether on-line or in person, even if you hates selling! Well, click on the link that follows and discover if same: author original and source of the article.

Marketing Information System And Knowledge Balance Have Much In

Both on the single raw material build use sometimes similar assessment tools such as scoring systems marketing information system and knowledge balance, which can reproduce even from repeated use. The largest common intersection should be to find that marketing controlling as well as the intellectual capital as an essential core element of intellectual focus align reinforced on qualitative, i.e. so-called “soft” factors of success. Sometimes both similar instruments use marketing information system and knowledge balance: can, for example, both monetary and non-monetary size of the customer relationship in a scoring model award will be judged by points which are then summed up to a customers score total will be. Use the RFMR method (recency frequency monetary ratio) the customers are first classified according to the trait purchase behavior. Starting from a base value customers with purchases of just past points, credited customers with long time past purchases (Recency), however, get a point deduction. Customers with multiple orders within a period will receive more points than even buyers (frequency). Buyer with a higher order value will also receive more points (monetary ratio), while costs the customer relationship such as E.g.

shipping catalogs or merchandise redemption with a trigger be evaluated. Detailed information at Becker, Jorg see related concepts for a balance of knowledge: intellectual capital report with customer barometer, ISBN 9783837051773. Hardly anywhere else, you will find similarly high profit potential in comparison to which the expansion of the business with their customers. In addition to the potentials of the existing customer base, especially for the money versus customer acquisition to customer retention plays a role. Marketing controlling and intellectual capital are among the individual characteristics of a company. At first glance, seem both drivers for the market success with each other only have little to do. Despite this first impression a wealth between them but dynamic effect relationships.

See, e.g. accompanying concept of Becker, Jorg: marketing controlling and intellectual capital, ISBN 783837071320. With a knowledge-driven controlling the company the totality of all potential customers meet systematically, their properties and characteristics, their needs, habits, and their wishes. With this knowledge, strategic marketing decisions can be targeted and cost-effective meeting., i.e. the customer value better control. The management can be supported by applications such as market potential analyses, market penetration analysis, site reviews, sales territory optimization and the determination of sales territory coverage. Jorg Becker

Commerce Broadcast

Hit produced their own talk show Lama t / Stenn. on 14 September starts the television hit with a new talk show. Talk at the BIC”is the first proprietary format of hit Project Manager Olaf Thalwitzer: The entry is deliberately chosen. Celebrating hit and the 15-year anniversary of the business and Innovation Centre (BIC), Stenn also our broadcast Center is located four years.” The broadcast starts at 6: 00 and will take place in the port in the BIC – anniversary celebrations. “She’s under the title: economy yesterday today tomorrow”. Future shipments be held independently. The first season runs for twelve months, always on the 2nd Tuesday of the month live from the BIC in Stenn.

“Other planned topics include: what looks like the car of the future?” (12.10.2010) is the Stasi still an issue?” “(09.11.201) Church and Commerce – values in our society” (14.12.2010) broadcast partners are, in addition to their own platform, Saxony TV (Chemnitz) and TV Zwickau. If you hit the broadcast in the live stream and on demand (demand TV) to see. Also, a DVD is produced for those interested. For the first broadcast, a politician, an entrepreneur from the region Chemnitz/Zwickau, each a representative of Chamber of Commerce and BIC, and two entrepreneurs are invited guests to talk.

Business Cards

Striking striking through a centuries-old technique. Gilt edge not only finished but is also more durable your business card! Gilt edge, where is this technique still used and what benefits have cut decorating? Beautiful, high quality, valuable, ancient and new books have not only an appealing and exclusive cover, also the cut edges of the book block are often strikingly beautiful, giving the books a very noble appearance. In further text you will learn many interesting facts about the ancient and evocative art of gold cut. If you’re already convinced, the Wolf visit the specialist factory that enhance not only Ihrere cards with gold cut and measure to the value you deserve this. In addition to all types of Farbschnitten and options optically and functionally revalue the book block is the metal cutting and in particular the gold cut the classiest way to give an extremely brilliant optical touch the book block, the pages of the book also before Pollution and protects from dust.

The gilt edge is to refine one of the oldest and most effective techniques book and paper edges and dirt to protect the paper for a long time, and durable to make. This technique of cut decoration of the book ties of at that time was used already in the 15th century and it is still at the high-quality print finishing in use. Technique of the Golden cut decorating the surfaces of the cut edges are coated with a layer of gold leaf. To the cut edges of the compressed book block be smoothed (sanded) and polished, to increase the luminosity of the book block is provided with a red edging. This red and wet paint leaves the paper fibers swell and seal block to the outside without the pages to glue the.

Has dried the red edging, the gold leaf is fixed with a special adhesive liquid consisting of diluted protein, mood and so permanently on the cut edges. After complete drying is carried out Post-processing with the smooth tooth, this is a special round tool from polished agate. This process eliminates any unevenness and cut decorating receives their typical golden glow. This technique requires much experience and the optimum success depends on not only a careful way of working, but also used gold variety, type of paper and the paper quality. Based on high-quality paper and gold variety, so beautiful and glamorous is the result. Made the gold cuts clean and elaborate hand-crafted earlier today fully automatic machines take over this work, with the gold leaf foil under the effect of heat on the cut edges of the book block is pressed. High-quality books in larger editions, such as encyclopedias, art books, reprints, religious Scriptures and HYMNALS are so refined and protected from external contamination. Very popular is the Golden cut decoration even in guestbooks, the representative purposes for Events are designed and hand are made mostly for the special occasion. Also beautiful and noble poetry albums, as well as individual diaries often have gold edges.

Internet Bookstore

Teeny-weeny, but with a huge amount of information Smartphone owners can look forward. Now your mobile phone can do even more: by means of a new app and an innovative technology, it is now possible to digitize traditional business cards within a very short time and to accept the data quickly in the mobile address book. The annoying typing by hand finally belongs to the past. This saves time and nerves not only in business, but also privately. LogiCode makes it possible. This black and white engineering marvel from the House of, the second largest online print shop of Europe is a 3 x 3 cm large 2-D matrix code, encrypted containing all deposited data of owner.

In addition to name and address, telephone, fax and mobile numbers, space for a photo or logo, as well as a short description is also enough. Nevertheless, the LogiCode is so small that it easily fits on each card. The procedure is simple and ingenious at the same time. There are only three short steps”, explains the 39 years old Michael urban, Inventor of LogiCode and founder of the successful Internet Bookstore Take your iPhone, Nokia, BlackBerry, Palm, or another phone with Android operating system, download the free app, LogiCode, and scan the code.

Finished!” Within a very short time is fully decodes the information code, the data transfer is fast and securely closed. Conclusion with the huge stacks of business cards and tiresome search for phone numbers and contact data is finally. Smartphone owners have always and everywhere in the future all necessary data of their friends and business partners, carefully sorted in their own cell phone directory. Special highlight: If someone changed the online stored data in its LogiCodes to the example because he has a new address or phone number all have scanned this code before the next Internet connection will receive an automatic update. So, the data remains up-to-date in the long term. This is just perfect and a real added value in the age of global communication. By the way: The LogiCode will be available in 14 different countries across Europe. So, then also the international contacts is always straightforward. Those who would like to have one of these incredible QR codes, can online under to create it and download and completely free of charge.