Municipal Departments

Surely, our municipal and departmental, leaders walk developing magnificent projects to run them through deserved the nation’s resources and support even with the help of the European Union or other international agencies. This is very laudable and absolutely necessary. Well, in the particular case of the communication routes, are an essential part of the life of a community, indeed, is needed now much to do; but it is worth than before hold accountable to the general budget of the nation, to luck, climate and even the tight budgets of other territorial entities, we become an accompanied by a reflection self-critique very objective and sincere: it will be our regional, departmental, and local governments are effectively doing what they should do, have put the necessary effort and it has not been enough or will be rather (as I sense), so be thinking in the macro, forget what although very simple and unrepresentative in terms of earning points in the policy; It is the essence of public and social management of the responsible, sensible and selfless leader, that take common sense, logic, social and just hand you want the welfare of their constituents, setting aside their own interests?. I illustrate with a few photos taken along the path of the tourist corridor San Gil_ Charala, the apathy that is arriving in this area with the lack of maintenance of tracks that even though they are not motorways; If it has been reversed a gross sum of money in its design, opening and paving, and today are on the verge of collapse.That shame that our leaders them has forgotten that preventative maintenance is one of the best investments that human intelligence has found, to optimize few or many resources across enterprise. A well maintained gutter increases the useful life of a path. Masters mayors and Lord Governor, have in mind that water, being essential for life, is the worst enemy of terrestrial routes. You need to invest in maintenance!.