Federal University

Currently, about 5 million people they die per year, in the whole world, which had to the consumption of contaminated water and the lack of sanitation (WHO and UNICEF, 2000). Many are the diseases caused for the water use me the quality, can observe that in accordance with studies of the Coordination of After-graduation and Research in Engineering, of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, 68% of the internments in public hospitals elapse of illnesses acquired with contaminated water; the Health department spends R$250 millions/month for such atendimentos; 40 million Brazilians do not have access to the treated water and 6% of the produced sewer are treated: one of the worse pointers of Latin America. Not obstante, planning of long stated period for the sanitation sector inexists. In accordance with the World-wide Organization of Health, in Brazil, the expenses with illnesses related with contaminated water and lack of sanitary exhaustion arrive the house of the US$ 2,5 billion per year. In 1998, on illnesses to the lack of adjusted basic sanitation had killed 10,844 people (LAZZARINI, 2002). Water supply and sanitation are expensive services and of difficult implantation in Cities badly managed because the sector lacks of intensive capital. The situation is aggravated in Cities without water captation: the available hdricos resources are preponderant factors for the municipalizao. As if it can read to a large extent of the texts that deal with the urgency of the basic sanitation in Brazil (and in the world), the value expense with improvement in the sanitation arrives to be four times lesser that the value expense with the decurrent illnesses of hdrica propagation of the sanitation lack. Low the covering and the quality of the water services and sanitation in Brazil demand a decision taking politics that allows, in the first decades of century 21, a significant reversion of the currently effective situation.