Consulting Gmb

He bright Screen with the friendly smileys invites you to test those satisfied customers. And because customers continuously of service are requested at the point for their opinions, outliers can quickly detect and filter out. e-QSS touch, so Eva Neumann, can use as a central instrument for the management of quality and the continuous improvement process the user companies. The costs are very low with 120 setup fee and 30 euros of monthly rent. Refinance you can touch screen also by inserting advertising on the. A detailed explanation of e-QSS touch, see eqss_touch.html and here: info/e-QSS-touch-2.html a short image film can look at under the information is interesting for your readers? We will give you more information or send you if necessary illustrative material.

You use the post and inform your readers? Then, we appreciate a copy. The company Neumann & Neumann project- und Beratungs GmbH Neumann & Neumann project and Consulting GmbH is a family-owned company focused on calls for tenders and quality management of services based in Steingaden. Its unique feature lies in the combination of Fachknowhow around services, bidding expertise and the tool for electronic quality assurance e-QSS. The success of our customers is the combination of expertise, call professionalism and electronic quality assurance”Neumann & Neumann delivers that the client itself does not have this always. By the way: In July 2012, the Neumann & Neumann company celebrates 20th anniversary.

More about the company and its development read already the new corporate film under neumann neumann_geschichte.html know you? You see him contact Silke Anders, proxy, Neumann & Neumann project and Consulting GmbH, Krummeck road 4, 86989 Steingaden. Phone 08862-9870-0 E-Mail. Site the electronic Quality assurance e-QSS the quick information in the film: watch? v = Ay27ysmlnWM the electronic quality assurance system e-QSS consists of a tripartite software program on any mobile device, PC and server.