
After all, what they are these beings that we know as Brazilian? He is funny as I see and I listen to propagandas enaltecendo the Brazilian as a happy and fighting being, that lives in constant war against ‘ ‘ forces estranhas’ ‘. I see favour when evidencing that still more great part of the Brazilians still beats in the chest and says if to be proud of this country. Idiotic poor persons! Talking with some foreign colleagues, a question was launched: it is truth that vocs veem Brazil as a wild place and without culture? To this question I received a sad affirmation, which is unquestionable. He is obvious that I could elencar some of the great qualities of this people. .mas I would be hypocrisy. I do not feel pride of being Brazilian and if possible I oppose to call myself thus. But why? You are not proud of our beaches, our parties, our beauties? Brazil if summarizes to this? He asks to some citizen (that if he says proud) who was Rui Barbosa or same Getlio Vargas.Pergunte to the honored citizen if some time in the life it heard to speak of the 18 of the Fort of Copacabana or exactly of Luis Carlos You give. Part Brazilian it to sing its proper national hymn.

still .ou asks what it knows on the imperial period. It is I exaggerate to demand such things (basic) of a person? Certainly the opponents, and also most ignorant, simply will accuse to me to try to denigrate the image of Brazil. Fools! At least they know that Brazil already has one of the worse images of the world-wide scene and if it was not for the good soccer (obliged Skin), at least we would be seen. But the Brazilian still believes that a revolution or a hero will go to solve all the problems of the country and will go to give a house, a new car and ‘ ‘ a thousand Reals in bar of gold, that valley more than what dinheiro’ ‘. As I can me be proud in pertencere to the one mentally ill people whom at least it remembers in which candidate voted in the last elections, but that, not obstante, it blames the government for the possible disasters that can occur, also to the tragedies of the nature or when houses, that had been constructed in forbidden place, come below with the mud. To be proud as me of one people who does not see the seriousness of the situations, that if risks only for malandragem? To be proud how me of a people who at least knows the importance of the positions politicians and thinks that the same one is something that cannot be argued? Many are proud of our democracy and our electoral system ‘ ‘ invejvel’ ‘. Tragic conception! It will be that they had not given account that in a democracy we have the freedom to vote or not? Worse that this. .e if the vote was facultative? Perhaps only one minority would go to decide for the routes of the country. But this already does not happen?

Against Even

Avtovinil – 'For' and 'Against' When someone is looking at my car pasted says – 'Do not Like it all … fly away in winter or in the sink … and in general it is not pretty and I do not like ', etc. Personally, I interpret these words as mere envy. Because in Today avtovinil as commodity group has a huge range and can meet any taste preference – if you do not like the mat, the palette of the films have several thousands of glossy colors, if you like traditional metallics, be kind – some manufacturers have even ulrametallikov palette, so there are texture, relief, mirror and not the film, in general, everyone can find something for yourself, I Not to mention that avtovinil suitable for printing, but it's quite a huge space for individual choice and expression. Now posravnivaem little avtovinil and traditional automotive paint. The base coat of paint and gland itself or plastic body parts to protect automotive paint, its thickness is on average 20 microns (on most machines), the film thickness, typically 100 microns, there are films and 200 microns or even 300, while the thin films, suitable for pasting Auto – 30 micron, so we can see that even the most subtle avtovinil superior automotive paint thickness, and hence on the protective properties. Of course, opponents may argue – there are ceramic coatings, which are difficult to scratch even a nail – do not argue, only cover the cost of such a car would be painted at least 100 thousand rubles.

VOI Is Committed

The VOI Association for organization and information systems has established competence center output management. Bonn. This has mainly used aimed, to assist suppliers and users in this sector and to promote communication among themselves. In addition to work on a stronger profiling of this market segment. As the head of the new competence center output management was Dr. Werner Broermann and elected as Deputy Uwe Seltmann and Christoph Schafer. Nearly 20 company representatives met at the meeting constituting held a few days ago. Four participants come from companies that have recently joined the VOI.

The high number of founding participants demonstrated the great interest in the topic output management, which was neglected by the VOI previously only on the edge”, so Dr. Werner Broermann. Our goal is, to position the subject in the market with a comprehensive action plan presenter and to promote dialogue between users and suppliers.” Within the session quickly became apparent that the Participants a stronger profiling of this area of IT is important. So, the term output management is understood very differently, delineated, and communicates. Terms are inconsistently used and interpreted different market requirements. This would lead so the participants due to the complexity of the subject to problems in the presentation and positioning at the party and give rise to misunderstandings in the talks with the users. Accordingly, the profile of the industry at trade fairs and other events is low, so that the party lacks the appropriate framework, to present their products and to contact the user in an appropriate manner in contact. For this reason, the output-management competence center plans steps with which this situation for users and providers can be equally improved.

For a more intense include among other things the Organization and implementation of events (workshops, exhibitions and lectures), the publishing of publications (case studies and studies), as well as measures The providers communicate with each other as well as with the users. Accompanying this, checklists, recommendations and decision support should be developed and made available for users. To take advantage of synergy effects, the competence center output management user interface issues with other working groups and competence centers (such as standards, compliance issues, post processing etc.) within the VOI will coordinate closely. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany.

Theben AG Catalogue And Price List To The Trade Fair “Light + Building”

Theben AG presents itself with new Web page, catalogue and price list to the trade fair “Light + Building” Lindau, just-in-time. According to the motto “search was yesterday today is found” the Theben AG re-launches its new website and published the current catalogue in print form at the same time. True to the maxim of Thebes infolox familiar “Print and online communications in one hand and a cast” this from the beginning on the competence and experience of infolox GmbH. With the new site much becomes easier for customers and prospective customers of Theben AG. The products a clear structure is divided into five categories: time, light, climate, systems and accessories product finder guide users with just a few clicks to the right product for the desired application in the document basket, users can drop several documents and easily with one click customers and prospective customers download the sophisticated search function presents quickly the desired search result and it is divided into meaningful facets for each product, the user receives a data sheet, which on the fly”is generated. A backlink is the user at any time directly on the product detail page in the Portal product images, drawings and wiring diagrams are not mouse click can grow only the Theben AG website is new also the complete catalogue in print form 2010/11 was completely redesigned by infolox. According to surveys and workshops with the experts of Thebes, this designed specifically according to the needs and desires of customers and partners.

For example, he tabulated shows the main features of all models of a product family at a glance. So, users quickly find the right product. Catalog and Internet are closely interrelated, even shorter and easier to make the path to the desired information to users. He enters the desired article number / product, for example, under, datasheet, manual, wiring diagram, and much more on a click provided him.