Suburban Real Estate Market

Sale country house is a very risky way of disposition of an asset. The demand for suburban real estate market has fallen by fifty percent over the previous year. The influence crisis. The drop in demand in the market town houses, in turn, affected the growth of supply in this market. Today we'll talk about how to assess a country area to carry out the most advantageous deal, if necessary sales still occurred. Real estate, including suburban and remains one of the most liquid assets – even in a crisis for the country house market value are taken into account various factors – location country house – landscape characteristics – distance from major urban centers – transportation component availability, condition of roads – the availability of infrastructure – the development of time perspective okololezhaschih areas – ecology suburban area – the general state of a country house – the quality of basic structures – Specifications home – the presence of communication or the ability to connect them – the legal component country house – design rights to the object – Analysis of similar proposals in the suburban real estate market.

Rate this object can be yourself, 'by eye'. More precisely, balancing the interests of the seller and market situation, the assessment may be done only by professional valuers or commercial organizations involved in the suburban real estate. Most cottage owners who have purchased real estate in the 90s and the earlier, still not issued its ownership. This usually prevents the transaction. 37 LC RF traded can only land, the last state cadastre. To obtain permission to appeal to the territorial agency of the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency. Required Documents – Application – Payment of state fees for the implementation of cadastre – a copy of the document certifying the applicant's right to appropriate property – landmark plan – technical passport of country property – Power of Attorney – If the statement refers After the passage of the applicant's representative must obtain registration of cadastral passports. You can then execute the right deal for the purchase of a country house.

The Brazilian State

The education of the peoples of quilombos must pautar in the valuation of its customs and differences making possible the knowledge of the internal functioning, of the organization and leadership in its communities for the discovery of sustainable alternatives and its development. Being displayed, estimated of the education and science, they fulfill, therefore the cited one for Jung, (2003. P. 59), when affirming that science: ' ' It is the activity that the systematic acquisition of the knowledge considers on the biological nature, social and tecnolgica' ' That it comes to determine the condition to interdisciplinar of the study and the referring actions to the preservation of the environment. Requiring a conscientious school, that perceives and that it allows to the empoderamento of the population quilombola of its knowledge and its capacity of development with respect to the preservation of its space and customs. Perception in the school quilombola The descendants of quilombos had preserved in its seio the education and typical culture of the descendants of slaves; the exploration of the land by means of the farming, as it displays the magazine Jump for the future (2007, P. 10), ' ' Of the land and in the land if they develop vital activities, historical plantation and harvest, landmarks. They carry through the traditions in the soil of many years in luta' '.

However, one gives credit I appeal that it to the homogenization the culture and the indiscriminate consumption can threaten the preservation of the environment and essential characteristics for the affirmation of the identity and customs of quilombolas. The model of formal education adopted by Brazil left to approach aspects important of the culture of the black population, excluding them of the educational process. As it affirms Melo (2009, P. 02), ' ' The Brazilian State, historically, by means of some legal devices, produced a structure institucional that left to the edge of the formal process of escolarizao the population negra' '.

State King

The subdivises of feudal (p 111) the necessity of constant renewal of the military cash, took the vassals to give beginning to an ample process of ' ' subenfeudao' ' of its lands. The knights had started to yield part of its feudals, who also if became feudal gentlemen and assumed the responsibility to take care of of the territorial defense, forming new armies. Of form, the vassal of the king, also started to be suserano of the knights to who granted lands. This subdivision, with passing of the time, started to create difficulties in defining who was the suseranos and the vassals. According to author, in some cases, a king was vassal of another king.

He also occurred cases in a vassal more than received lands from one gentleman, becoming vassal of more than one feudal gentleman. Everything this deflagrou a division in the senhorial classroom in two segments, the high nobility, who were constituted of the princes, dukes, condes, barons, commanders of castles (casteles) and members of the high clergy. They were magnates or optimates; low the nobility formed for simple religious knights and of few ownerships, as the cnegos. The high nobility withheld the economic power and to militate the king loses the power (pag.111) Such occured transformations between sec. VIII the XI had fortified feudal gentlemen and had weakened the power of the king. The authority Dos Reis under the feudals was summarized; the collection of taxes was executed for you feudal, as well as the judicial authority; it did not arrive to exist a centered State; the king more started to be feudal Sir. From sec. X feudal had obtained, you, gradual, the hereditary succession of the feudals, that had left of being temporary concessions. Great conflicts had been generated from this in the dispute in extending its properties. The marriages were an used form to accumulate properties and to increase the power.