Methodology NNIS is a vantajosoreferencial with which indicating in hospital infections of outrospesquisadores used system can be comparados.17O to compute the infections is delegated the CCIH’ s, aiming at to the best applicability. We will tell to follow, the concept of the infections demaior density and that they possess criteria published for the ANVISA. Them they critriosencontram attached to this monografia.8 INFECTION RELATED To the ASSISTANCE To the SADE8.1 Infection of the SanguneA Chain infection of the sanguine chain is one of more important the related infections aosservios of health. Beyond its raised frequency emorbiletalidade, it causes difficulties how much to the exchange or maintenance of acessovascular, as much in critical patients as in those with neoplasias, in long use dedispositivos of permanncia.18Os catheters intravasculares are indispensable in the practical one of medicinamoderna, particularly in units of intensive therapy (UTIs) being, noentanto, important source of infection of the sanguineous chain. Approximately 150milhes of catheters are punched each year in the hospitals and clinics, being maisde 5 million venosos catheters centrais.19O risk of infection, related to the vascular access, are associated localizao of the access, infundida solution, experience of the professional who carries through oprocedimento, time of permanence, type and manipulation of the catheter, settling to docateter, among others, (NNISS/CDC). The settling of the catheter for the cutaneous flora is amaior cause of the infections of the sanguineous chain. The definition of two syndromes is important that present differentiated ecaractersticas disgnostic, being they: ) The primary infections of the chain sanguineous (IPCS), that they are aquelasinfeces of serious sistmicas consequences, bacteremia or sepse, without identifiable focoprimrio.