Environmental Education

Learning that the environment more simply is not seemed the nature or the natural resources. The AMBIENT EDUCATION By the way, everything makes to believe that in this region it will have one total necessity to the Sustainable Tourism, that is a model of economic development that has as objective main to assure the quality of life of the local population. In providing the satisfaction to the tourist and keeping the quality of the environment on which they depend the community in such a way as the visitor. In simplified way, we can define sustainable tourism as that one that takes care of to the desires and necessities of the economic growth, in the social fairness and the ecological balance of the tourists of the present time, without compromising the resources for the fruition of the future generations in search of a bigger contact with the nature. According to Cavalcanti, for a support in different perspectives, it affirms that. The strong support, in turn, is interested for the maintenance of the supply of the natural resources under the argument of that these resources are indispensable the continuity of the economic activity, and they supply the basic ingredient of which the added value can be created. If the supplies of the environmental resources will be emptied, the economic activity finally will decay.

(CAVALCANTI, 1999.p.197) Of this form, the Ambient Education comes acquiring new dimensions to each year, especially for the urgency of reversion of the map of ambient deterioration where if it lives, materialize practical of development supported and better quality of life for all and selecting principles of programs that guide our affinity with the natural way. In the words of loureiro it affirms that. The Ambient Education is prxis educative and social that have for purpose the construction of values, concepts, abilities and attitudes that make possible the agreement of the life reality and the discerning and responsible performance of individual and collective social actors in environment.

Universities Professors

To attract money of the companies for the university to produce research sharpened with the demands of the market.? To study more. The Brazilians dedicate five hours per day to the studies, less of the half of the time of the native of Koreas. The authors of the substance, published for the Magazine See affirm that the current educational scene in Brazil comes being pointed as one of the great problems that emperram the economic development of the country and the faculty of the institutions, is they publishes or private, they have responsibility of this process inside. The continued formation is a preponderant factor for a good performance of the professors and the pedagogical coordinator is one of them pillars for a good development of the education inside of the institutions that act, of form to minimize the effect of a lack of organization inside of the education institutions that they form these professionals for the market. The continued formation can be a way so that the education advances, since some professors need to search new knowledge to deal mainly with the new generations, with regard to technology. Libneo (2006) more makes a reflection on this subject affirming that the new professor would need at least, of a general culture extended, capable to search new knowledge, to develop abilities to know to act in the classroom, with communicative abilities, domain of the informacional language, knowing to use the medias and to articulate the lessons with the medias and multimedias. Leaving of the beginning of that the professors of the initial series are not leaving the Universities with formation adjusted for a good development of the activities, Castrogiovanni author (2000) emphasizes that the study of the space he requires a persistence on the part of the educators of the series of the first one and according to cycle, according to it, for an understanding of the space for the child, becomes necessary understanding of three stages that they need to be understood by the masters who are: lived space, perceived space and conceived space, that is the lived space is the physical space, where the child goes to perceive from the first movements developed for it, from it perceives the space without trying it biological there and later it discovers not only here, but there and there, that is and the space concebidoPara to dominate the subjects, mainly of physical geography, becomes necessary a redimensionamento of the curricular matrices of the pedagogia courses. .

Walnut Landscape

Metodolgica description the theoretical and metodolgicas references could not be other seno those given by the fenomenologia, beyond the theoretical recital searching as arcabouo analytical the boarded conceptions for the classic authors and contemporaries on the forest, we are carrying through half-structuralized interviews and comments in I lease in the area in study. In this manner, the methodology used for Blacksmith (2004) and as well as readings and comments in field, being that these if had given through data gotten from the history of life and situations lived for the inhabitants of the forest. Favoring later the elaboration and interpretations that express the relationship with the forest, having as purpose to understand the beddings theoretician-epistemolgicos where if he based the research. In Geography it is the category landscape that more is come close to this quarrel, being basic references the works of Eric Dardel (L? homme et there terre, 1952), that he presents a Geograficidade, definite one as being the relationship form that one to be has with the landscape; Buttimer (1985), focuses the affective relations and of unreliability with the places and the landscape; Walnut (2001), that it observed, from a reading of Dardel, a geograficidade relation enters the commanders of boats in the river Amazon and the landscapes for lived them; at last, Paul Claval (1999), that it looks for to demonstrate as each culture establishes singular relations with the place and the landscape and constants transformation, being beyond the economic relations. How much to the procedures and/or metodolgicas stages, we understand that it would not have alternative, ahead of the theoretical option to be followed, seno, to hear the people. In this direction, the adopted methodology emphasizes the data gotten through interviews, therefore the verbal depositions that had been valued in the work most are told through the open interviews. It has seen that these histories reflect ' ' world vivido' ' , and in them they make possible one better understanding of the relations between the man and the landscape that the fence, in this research, between the man and the Forest.