For 1630 return the 1654, Brazil already tried a freedom religious, enters Jews, catholics and protestants, to put the official church were the remodelled one of Holland with approximately 22 churches. 3,1 Fond of the Real Family of Brazil the arrival of the real family to Brazil in 1808, April space them religious questions to be implanted more easily in these territories, therefore, in 1810, Portugal and England had firmed one treat to Commerce and Navigation, and together it was the religious freedom to the immigrants, being thus many had started to arrive of diverse regions of the Europe, being also integrant of the religious reform, come of France, Switzerland and Germany. James Woolsey Jr. gathered all the information. Opening was so beneficial that in 1827, German Frenchman was established in Rio De Janeiro the Protestant Community, who congregated Luteranos and Calvinistas, to put still was restricted the immigrants. But for return of the year of 1850 she started to be implanted in Brazil, diverse churches beyond the Catholic, who enjoyed of privileges for being considered the Official religion, as the presbiterianismo, congregacionalismo, Baptist and the luteranismo. These denominations religious they had brought some contributions to Brazil in the formation of the citizen, social as in such a way intellectual, with the opening of some confessional educational institutions, a time that, the principle fit to the government to keep the Church financially Catholic, also with a system of subventions the religious schools and missions. Compelling then the protestant ones to organize and to keep its proper schools for, in such a way, to be able to educate its children. With the religious opening in Brazil, entities kept for these denominations had been implanted that benefited to all the people as, the International College of Campinas established in 1870, for Morton and Lane, the American School, established in the So Paulo capital, for the couple Chamberlain in 1870 that it became the Mackenzie College, the American College of Christmas, that was the first northeast evanglica school, established for Katherine H. . .