The Transports

It was under the logic of the produtivismo for commercialization of products for the metropolis that the legislation on the Brazilian settling could be carried through. it had the explicit determination to become productive lands, demanded, also, the suspension of the concession or property right. It was in game, the necessary logic for the production agro-exporter. However, it had serious difficulties so that such situation occurred due the high costs of the production. It was not enough, therefore, the real determination so that the agrarian proprietors started to produce. The production and its regulation were dependents of the external situation, financings, the prices of the transports and man power, of necessary and adjusted techniques. These factors had influenced negative to the process of magnifying of cultures, in view of the oscillation of the external market. In the process of consolidation of the production agrarian-exporter, in Brazil, the Portuguese crown, except for the determination directed toward the concession of lands, was not worried in prescribed them how much to the property or the amount that could be used by the producers, since that these, made to cultivate the properties.

This age the great fidget that persisted. On the part of the agrarian proprietors in all its levels, it was not, also in question the property of the land, in view of that the productive unit, was not the land, but the slave wants the black wants the aboriginal. To possess slaves in high amount meant greater to be able of culture of the properties. Thus, the documents that if follow, during the Brazilian colonial period, start to emphasize the increase of the production and the necessity of culture. It was in game, also the commerce of slaves and the high costs of the transports therefore constituam high costs being able, also, to make impracticable the production. From there, long which had period without regulation of the agrarian property.