Brilliant Help

Genius determined color profiles profiles. IFRA Expo Hamburg/Penzberg IFRA Expo Hamburg/Penzberg, October 04, 2010. Any printer knows the situation: If the customer has provided PDF or image files for printing, the problems start. Common cause: the customer has included no color profile when creating print-ready data. Then, the printer don’t know pressure conditions, she achieved the results desired by the customer. The company basICColor has the solution: on the occasion of the IFRA Expo 2010 in Hamburg, the specialist for color management solutions presents the new program profiles genius. It determines the appropriate pressure profiles for PDFs and image files automatically and quickly. Before color graphics and images to a commercial printer, usually separate color values must be for the primary colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (short: CMYK).

According to the CMYK model, called the separation color separation. The colour separation is at your fingertips with popular software programs such as Adobe Photoshop”possible. Nevertheless, is also on the monitor not exactly predictable, the colors later on the printed paper really look like. This depends for example by the printer and the paper. So that the CMYK data in the color separation can be adapted to the pressure conditions, there are so-called ICC color profiles, named after the International Color Consortium (ICC). These ICC profiles can be embed although in programs such as Photoshop and select the color separation, but still many printers get the image data from their customers, without requiring such a profile was set.

The printer that takes time, and misprints causing additional costs. The solution provides the software profiles genius of basICColor: determined automatically, and fast, fit which profile best to the CMYK data of an image file. basICColor profile genius that creates a report and proposes suitable profiles to users that can be embedded on request directly to the image file. basICColor genius offers two versions of profiles that are tailored to the respective user: basICColor little Genius is the solution for users who have edited images, so for example graphic design. The software checks the CMYK image files in JPG and TIFF formats simply via drag & drop. This little”version costs 199 plus VAT of basICColor profile genius is, however, primarily intended for print service providers. This version validates both JPG and TIFF files as well print-ready PDFs. It works also as a drag-&-drop application, can be used but also via hot folders, for example, in connection with the conversion program basICColor gHOST. Genius costs basICColor profile 1,198 + VAT About basICColor GmbH the basICColor the upper Bavarian Penzberg GmbH was founded in 1989 and is one of the leading providers of ICC-based color management solutions for the digital color workflow. The range of products and services appeal to all users who must deal digital color with the topic. All basICColor products and solutions are of engineers in the fields of printing and media technology, as well as Photo engineers with many years of experience in the area of Farbmangement in Germany designed, specified and developed. The development and further development of the products is based on findings from the daily workflow needs. basICColor sets a great attention on compliance with the ISO standards and the ICC standards.

Internet Users

The portal, specialized in continuous franchises in its rise in Internet catching the attention of all those concerned by the businesses that operate under this system of marketing and the latest developments in the sector. An increase which has been accentuated by their spaces in the social networks.Since its inception in 2000, has been increasing the number of entrepreneurs users up to overcome the present 400,000 and approaching half a million monthly records. A trend that consolidated him as the leader of the market for portals specialized in franchising. This volume of users thus supports a project based on the quality of the information, participation, and innovation, which in a decade has managed to become the benchmark of information specializing in franchising online in Spain. The portal has managed to position itself at the forefront of the online information through its contents where can be found the latest news of the sector, the different business opportunities in franchise and a complete guide of the various business concepts operating under this system of business cooperation in our country. directs his information to those investors and entrepreneurs who want to start a business or those franchise stations that need to expose your business concept in this showcase. Similarly, also points to all those potential users attracted by the economic information relating to the franchise. This communication strategy is completed with your presence on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, where users can maintain close contact and dialogue the portal and participate in various promotions that are made through these social media platforms..

Interaction Advertising

Web marketing 2.0 represents a shift in the way that we go to our niche market based on constant interaction. Moreover in each campaign or promotion of the service, it is important to have with interesting content that encourages users to talk about your brand and therefore extend their promotional message virally to other potential customers. For no one is a secret that only large companies manage a quality advertising and effective because of the high investment made in traditional marketing (tv, press, etc.) On the other hand the medium and small enterprises can begin to leverage these social platforms to present their services through online a more enjoyable and economical way of advertising to your customers to obtain almost the same results of traditional marketing of a large company. Among the aspects to achieving success in web marketing 2.0: the corporate Blog through this channel, each company can talk about a specific topic related industry to a public that is in the same page and speaking the same language. I.e. If there is a company that plays in food industry probably content that present in your blog to communicate trends and new services on restaurants and meals to a community of owners of restaurants. Interaction and interest with the community keep in touch with the people who follow our brand on the internet requires a person to create, manage and energize the community regardless of the platform used, similar to the marketing direct our community deserves our attention to maintain relations.

Here guerrilla marketing goes to act an expert in techniques and tactics that will have the task of converting and retain new customers and marketing, which indirectly achieve also engage new followers of our brand on the internet. This person will only have to invest time, effort and creativity in order to draw attention through an advertising message that manages to persuade the psychology of the user Finally purchasing our services. Marketing 2.0 is geared towards industry-wide, and any entrepreneur can start to take advantage of the benefits offered by the exposure of your brand on the internet. If you want to learn more about the benefits of social media marketing call us now!

New Corporate Website

Modern, clean, clear as is the world famous brand of glue after the relaunch by the movement on the Internet. The UHU brand much more than the famous OWL of the all-purpose glue behind. Today, eagle owl offers a variety of products for a wide range of adhesive applications and target groups. Top priority at the relaunch of the website had therefore an optimized target management to the relevant areas of interest, as Hans-Jurgen Schmeitz, area Director of corporate communications / marketing services. Both teachers in the kindergarten as well as home to DIY as directly as possible to the appropriate topic area and derive the range required of them.” This problem was solved by large, target group-specific header images, already on the home page to pick each individual audience and bring in the appropriate sub areas of the site.

At the site’s redesign, high value was placed on a user friendly usage of the brand colour. The high-contrast yellow It appears far more subdued than in the past as a spot colour frames in the new layout clear and a beautifully designed screens. Content a lot has happened at the relaunch also: so, especially the consulting services of the adhesive experts have been further expanded. In addition to a completely revamped interactive glue Advisor”product videos are are also increasingly used, partially derived from the POS communication. The company’s site in English is offered in other stages. In addition, the German-language version serves as a template for the various country sites that will follow after. These are modelled in terms of content and design on the German side, but reflect country-specific features in the ranges and the communication.

This multiplication is supported by the movement. Since the new OWL site of the movement on the basis of the open source content management system Typo3 “was realized is the simple adaptation and as a result the simple maintenance of the content given by OWL. UHU network movement has maintained since 2008 after she prevailed in a pitch against several competitors. To the website of UHU: network movement for interactive brand experience agency: the Internet Agency Network movement develops interactive applications and brand experiences that inspire creative ideas, high quality design and innovative technical solutions. She could expand the brand portfolio with UHU and many cared now known as Capri Sun, Actimel, Haribo (international), Maoam, FruchtZwerge, Perwoll, white giant, tool, Kiri, Sun Rice, Gubor, brother, Femibion, Nasivin, Micky Maus magazine brands and what is what. The service portfolio of the agency include the realization of interactive brand experience worlds, corporate Web sites, online promotions, online-games, communities, E-shops, online campaigns, multimedia presentations and content management solutions. The Agency was founded in the year 2000 has today 32 permanent employees and is in NewMedia services ranking already to square 100. For the 9-year-old Bottler (Managing Director & lead design/text), Uwe Raabe (Director technology & programming) and Robert Mikuljan (head of art & design) responsible success especially Dietmar alongside company founder Alwin Roppert (owner & Managing Director).