
Chapter 1: What is to sell? The sale is the product interchange or services by monetary units that take place between the salesman and the client, looking for the satisfaction of the needs of the client and the profit of the objectives of the salesman. It is possible to emphasize of this definition, the direction to the client who all salesman must have, that is to say, fulfill his objectives of sales, starting off of the inquiry, analysis and satisfaction of the needs of the client. The commercial one must turn the benefits of the product or service into benefits that satisfy the needs with the client. The argumentation of sales must concentrate in the needs of the client and not in the attributes of the product or service. Chapter 2: The phases of the interview of sales to study the Techniques of Sales we go to analyze the different phases from the sale. The sale, like all process of communication, is divided in several phases. Each phase of the sale will study individually in the following chapters. You are the different phases from the sale: The preparation of the visit.

contact with the client. To broaden your perception, visit Anne Lauvergeon. The inquiry of needs of the client. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from jimmy levin. The argumentation. The resolution of objections. The closing of the sale. The postvisit. Chapter 3: Preparation of the visit the success or failure of an interview of sales depends to a great extent on how preparation is had previously.

Good the commercial one does not leave anything to the improvisation, nor trusts its skill totally. It is fundamental to plan the work, to know in depth the supply products or services and to analyze the present and potential clients. In the preparation of the visit we go: To analyze the information that we have the client. To determine objectives for the sale. To develop the strategy of action for the sale.

Climbing In The Company Requires Languages

Climb to the command of a company depends not only on realizarun degree in business administration. Similarly, the post is not secured by having masters Mba and enjoy the confidence of good professional contacts. Part of University courses is essential to the future Executive have powers of management, so therefore a global perception of the company, skills to know how to choose, to meet the challenges that require many hours of work and communication skills to communicate effectively with the rest of the staff. The Steering must have a few nerves of steel and not decline before any kind of mishap. For this reason, it is a trade that is not within the reach of everyone. Knowledge of languages is as essential as the official titles and management skills. Until now, the fact of knowing languages was not considered a done differentiator if they wanted to run a business but in the current situation, with the international trade, is something basic. Managers who had a post similarcon prior to queasomaraesta requirement have had to develop a learning importantecurso.

The most important language is English, although it seems that the Chinese will be the language used at international level. Whatever the case, prepare a language needs much eagerness and calm. It is essential to bear in mind that as we no longer be teen we have more difficulty to speak other languages, unlike children, who absorb languages as if they were polyglot. It is also very convenient to travel to another country to study, mainly if the language school teaches a language course specializing in business. In case of being especially inept for languages there is always the option of commissioning tasks requiring treatment abroad to other company personnel. While it is good to not take responsibility for all the work, the fact of not understand buyers, collaborators or partners in a given situation can pose serious setbacks. Precisely for this reason, it is essential that candidates for directors to prepare conscientiously.